[Suggestion] Hear me out, buff max punch to 1 shot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LaughingDead, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. LaughingDead

    Since all maxes do not have charge anymore, losing a major part of mobility and the directive tree is STILL FORCING YOU TO AURAX IT, why not let max punch 1 shot?

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  2. RykerStruvian

    I support punchie maxxies
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  3. Mojo_man

    Only if we can put extendable boxing gloved arms on them so we can have Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots fights.
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  4. FieldMarshall

    They could at least lower the requirement.
    Balancing all auraxiums around 1160 kills is ridiculous when some weapons are x10 harder to get kills with.
    They should rebalance all the kills required and lower it for things like MAX punch.
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  5. Demigan

    Maybe keep it a two-hit but concussion your target. At such range you shouldnt have too much trouble doing a second hit. Ofcourse you still have to get there first.
  6. Pikachu

    1 hit kill for NC MAX with falcon because falcon punch.
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  7. Liewec123

    totally agree, anyone that allows a max to slowly wander up to the deserves a oneshot,
    now that charge is removed no competent player should ever get punched by a max.
  8. Scr1nRusher

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  9. CapEnTrade

  10. CapEnTrade

    the rise of melee maxes. too bad charge is gone.
  11. LaughingDead

    I do that all the bloody time.
  12. Newlife1025

    That would be great. not benificial for nc because shotguns, but great idea
  13. Ziggurat8

    MAX punt. You have mechanized hydraulic legs. Why would you punch something with those puny little arms. You should kick them and send them flying. 5-10m. Obviously you would want to sit near jump pads on biolabs so you could send people flying off the air pads. Oh the hilarity!
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  14. LaughingDead

    Maybe a sword for all maxes
    with maybe a 5-6 M reach?
  15. CaptCran

    yeah...... and after all the hard work getting mine done you want it spoon fed to you.......... snowflake generation.......
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  16. LaughingDead

    Wow, punching a clueless infil. Must've been so hard.
  17. CaptCran

    99% of the punch kills were clueless. The whole directive of MAX punch was super easy if you just think outside of the box.
  18. Newlife1025

    heres my two cents on it. why should a mechanized suit do as much damage as a knife? and especially adding that you're slower than infantry making it harder to even catch up to them. i can run circles around maxes, and twice, ive killed them with only my shotgun... FROM FULL HEALTH. its an outdated idea that needs to be changed, thats all.
  19. CrimsonEclipse5

    I approve this message. MAXes need some love, and this is a good QOL improvement that will affect the NC almost not at all. **** the NC. Yay for MAX buffs.
  20. Gundem

    MAX punch actually deals 750 damage, and is not effected by Nanoweave since it's technically an HMG like the Basilisk(and can actually damage vehicles)