Add Blast Wave and Mushroom Cloud To Hive-Destruction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JORMUNGANDR, Nov 23, 2016.


    Daybreak, please add a concussive wave blast ring and small mushroom cloud when hives explode. That would be a spectacular addition to your current special effect for hive-destruction.

    Players would post it on YouTube; these posts would get millions of hits. You would get more new players to Planetside2.

    It would be fun.
    • Up x 1
  2. Eternaloptimist

    And zombies.............zombies seem to be very popular right now.
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  3. TrolKabu

    Don't we have tons of zombies in game already ? They just need a better skin.
  4. Pikachu

    It would probably be of such low quality that we're better of without it. PS2 fire and explosions are lagging 10 years behind.

    Smoke, wind and flying debris are already in game, and look great. Hive-explosions with a concussive blast wave and mushroom cloud are well within the scope of the Daybreak artists.