[Suggestion] Remove friendly mine and C4 damage from vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OgreMarkX, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. OgreMarkX

    Faction switching to TK friendly vehicles (usually deployed sundies) is very common.

    Remove land mine and C4 damage to friendly vehicles if possible.

    Let's face it--we've all seen the routine hackers not get banned (there is a guy on Connery who for weeks teleport bugged for knife kills, he's happily still playing).

    So let's not expect any punishment to players who TK vehicles--it's hard to police. So remove their method.
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  2. Korban

    Then what about a scenario when a faction switcher deliberately pulls a sundy out from a base and starts to ram every tank/vehicle off a cliff with intent?
  3. OgreMarkX

    My guess is that happens a lot less...and is a LOT more obvious.

    My suggestion is to solve the vast majority of bad behavior.

    To lessen such behavior we could also remove all liberal arts degrees from public universities...

    <waits for....THE TRIGGERING>
  4. LaughingDead

    I agree, it's asshatish, but what if I go on a faction I hate and park a sundi in the middle of nowhere and deploy it from a far off fight to pull troops away on purpose?
  5. The Rogue Wolf

    So you like the idea of an unremovable deployed Sunderer put right in front of a vehicle pad?
  6. OgreMarkX

    Well rogue, I am speaking about the most common ways used by faction switchers who TK sundies. So...scenarios where this is most a problem is a base attack. A defender switches to the attacking faction and TK's the parked sundies.

    Your scenario is hardly common or a real problem. There are plenty of ways to remove that sundy you describe.
  7. AlexR

    No! I love sitting in my stalker on enemy base with their "safety mines" around and wait for the tank so i can just blow it up with a pistol.
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  8. DeadlyOmen

    No. The last thing we need is this game to go snowflake more than it already has.
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  9. OgreMarkX

    Good points AlexR and DeadlyOmen.
  10. Demigan

    C4 and mines will deal no damage against friendly players unless an enemy sets them off or an enemy is damaged when it goes off. This allows for screwups but prevents easy-peasy TK's.
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  11. kr47er

    and what you'll do if I deploy a sundy in front of a vehicle pad, you smart ***?
  12. JP_Russell

    Another big problem with this is that you could put C4 on friendly vehicles, have them bullrush enemy vehicles, then set the C4 off to blow up the enemy without dealing any damage to your teammate(s). That'd be pretty BS.
  13. Newlife1025

    well, i like the idea, but the whole friendly fire part was what drew me to planetside... it made it more realistic