Valkryie gameplay Valkyrie op?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TOXIC_MACHAMP, Nov 17, 2016.


    I posted this vid a while ago on Reddit for ps4 but here you go pc noobs have some entertainment. Right after I ruin the lib 1v1 between chest breach and overtaken is when Valkyrie awesomeness starts :D also if you just want to watch a little one intresting part is at 6:05 because we basically just talk a sky guard to the face :p lol I bet that skyguard thought we were hacking hehe

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    Also this was before the valk 360 turret and squad logistics buff :p
  3. Ziggurat8

    Interesting video. Definitely a unique way to play and it shows just how hard a Valk can be to kill and how annoying it is to enemy air.

    But lets put it into perspective.
    ~15 minutes of play and a 4 man dedicated crew you killed 3 (maybe 4 it was hard to tell exactly) scythes and got 3 scythe assists,1 magrider, 2 infantry and 1 skyguard.

    That would be a good 15 minutes for a solo ESF. Decent for 2 ESF or a lib+ gunner. When you start factoring that there were 4 of you in the Valk it doesn't look so hot. 2libs +2 gunners or 4 ESF over 15 minutes I would expect a much higher kill score. When it comes right down to it the valk just doesn't have the fire power to justify that much manpower.

    Kudos for making it work though. Wouldn't mind seeing some more.
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    Yes I'm currently getting people for striker valks 2 engis 2 strikers it's the best, if you put it into more perspective a good 7 mins of that was running from the best lib pilot and the best scythe pilot on ps4 XD God dang hornets