[Suggestion] Darklight Flashlight Buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AllRoundGoodGuy, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. AllRoundGoodGuy

    What happens when you shine a flashlight into someones face? Your vision is reduced. I'm thinking that if you are looking straight at a primary weapon that is using the flashlight, your CoF should be increased by 5%, and your vision reduced similar to the flash grenade's effect, but at a much smaller scale (10%).

    Nothing major, but might add some use for people to equip the flashlight on their primary weapons. Not totally sure yet of whether secondaries should get the buff as well, due to possible infiltrator shenanigans.
  2. Demigan

    That might not be as fun or noticeable. Having your COF randomly increase from a weapon you might not even see or notice isn't a terribly good thing. It's either so unnoticeable that it doesn't make a difference or it is too noticeable and makes people feel randomly punished.

    Perhaps you could do it like some other games do: A flashlight pointed at you will generate a much larger flare (just a larger white spot at the center of the flashlight), partially obscuring the user and making aiming at it harder as it's tougher to determine where the edges are and what distance the target is at.
  3. LaughingDead

    Even then that just seems like a noob deterant. Pros would have no problem locating your head just from the dorito over it, a light would simply lessen their aim slightly.

    I think the only buff it could use is make infils slightly more visible when in range.
  4. The Rogue Wolf

    Nah, I think the flashlight is fine how it is. The only problem I see with it (as someone who's been on both sides of the equation) is that the first-person and third-person animations for many weapons don't match up at all, making it very difficult to tell where the beam is actually being pointed.
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  5. o0CYV3R0o


    You're not joking?

    Seriously darklights are already ruining the game for Infiltrators i've more or less given up playing crossbow stalker! Every time i try to help my team by Infiltrating enemy bases the second we do anything we die a death of a thousand darklights!!! -_-

    Darklights is the only infinite use class counter in the game that requires zero resources to use and only costs 100 certs and nearly everybody has on their secondary!

    Added to the fact darklights reveal Infiltrators through all surfaces and are set as on as default so Infiltrators often get revealed by friendly players who either can't or won't turn off their darklights resulting in friendly Infiltrators getting killed.

    Infiltrators are the most handicapped class in the game!

    I'll add this nothing to do with player skill and everything to do a extremely broken and handicapped class being made almost pointless to use!

    But sure lets buff darklights! smh
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  6. Ziggurat8

    Darklight is for hunting infiltrators.

    The end.

    It really doesn't need to do anything else, except give away your position, I love seeing that light bobbing back and forth right before you round the corner and catch my bullets with your face.
  7. Demigan

    The IFF tags are the same size regardless of distance. Having the flashlight obscure most of your body is a perfect way to completely mess with someone's aim regardless of noob or pro. Especially since it also obscures if someone is ADAD'ing. Also when distance isn't visible it makes shooting perfectly for the head kinda tough because on equal ground the head of your enemy is at different heights depending on the distance between you. Add elevation differences and bodyshots will be the way to go.
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  8. Demigan

    "Darklights are ruining the game for infiltrators".

    You must be a bad infiltrator then. Seriously a Darklight is only pulled out after you make yourself known. Even then a Darklight is limited in range as well as cone of vision. Imagine having to look for an enemy but with only 1/3rd of the center of your screen. Yeah it's like that but worse.
    Also the "sit still when someone is about to discover you" technique is fornicating dumb. It's screaming to be killed off. The only real tactic when someone enters the room and is looking for you? Take one second to prepare yourself and attack. This gives you the best chance to fight your enemy and murder them before they murder you. Also no class should be expecting to murder entire squads worth of people, the infiltrator isn't any different. And look! You got an entire attachment dedicated to you! While the infiltrators scream "But that's unfair!" you have to see the flip side: Laser sights and foregrips are dedicated to any class... except for the infiltrator. Having to equip an attachment for a single class just to be able to engage them properly is ludicrous

    But hey, here's an idea, how about we add an attachment against the Heavy. Only when you equip this attachment can you deal damage to them when they engage their shield, otherwise you have to wait out the Heavy shield. Oh but ofcourse it only works when you are in CQC with them. It's not completely the same, but it comes close!

    I'm sick and tired of fornicating bad infiltrators who complain about the Darklight. The Darklight is a fornicating bad attachment. You only want to use it after you've discovered an infiltrator is near since otherwise all it does is attract enemy fire and alert enemies of your presence. You also want to have alternate attachments equipped because they are blatantly better in each and every way. So the only practical way to bring a Darklight with you is on your side-arm. Yes, people deliberately nerf their DPS by switching to their side-arm so they can use a Darklight. This is another advantage for infiltrators, since anyone looking for an infiltrator will automatically nerf themselves!
    But for these poor sods who think they should be 100% completely invisible the Darklight is a nightmare. Oh dear god after they've nerfed themselves twice (once by equipping the Darklight instead of something else the second time by switching to a side-arm) you are at such a disadvantage /sarcasm. Suck it up, git gud you stupid fornicators!
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  9. AllRoundGoodGuy

    The main idea behind this thread is to make the flashlight more viable on primary weapons. How many people have you seen walking around with a flashlight on their gauss saw?
  10. Ziggurat8

    It doesn't need to be buffed to make it more viable when you're not fighting infiltrators. That's all there is to it. It's a niche attachment that serves 1 function. Make hidden infiltrators not hidden anymore. If you want to change that to make it better for that purpose I can get on board. It needs a longer range, say 5-10m longer and a better spread. Sure I could then say giving up a general purpose attachment like forward grip or laser makes a bit more sense.

    As for guys running around with flashlights on their main weapon? I have a shotgun and an SMG specifically for when the enemy seems to want to play infiltrator more than anything else. They both tear infiltrators a new one with very little effort and are multi class functional. Again is a reactionary weapon. Darklight on your main weapon gives you such an advantage over infiltrators buffing it for general purpose use would mean there would be little reason to use the other attachments.

    One final thing. With the advent of HUD technology adaptive lighting filters would only make sense. Shining a flashlight through a full face plate helmets optics doesn't have the same effect as shining a light into a persons eyes and depending on the software/setting could do nothing at all if filtered out. Personally I think NV and thermal should be a HUD toggle instead of a weapon attachment but that is for another post.
  11. AllRoundGoodGuy

    I guess all the fancy helmets they wear could block out the light.

    *ahem*5k cert for no helmet*cough cough*
  12. Cirena

    It really doesn't need to do more than, say, negate a class feature.
  13. doomedking517

    "Seriously a Darklight is only pulled out after you make yourself known." yes but every action an infiltrator can perform besides sniping will reveal our presence in a location (and a sniping only allows us to hide our presence for a limited time because its harder to pinpoint our location) the only way to combat that is to be constantly on the move... you know moving severely limits the effectiveness of cloaking right? and before you scream "you must be bad then" no i fully understand the cloak is a tool for camouflage and use it as such, but even with camo if you are made to move you will be considerably more likely to stick out, persistent movement and hiding don't mix. if we were given roles that didn't blatantly give our existence away this particular part of your argument would make sense, but it doesn't.

    "Even then a Darklight is limited in range as well as cone of vision. Imagine having to look for an enemy but with only 1/3rd of the center of your screen. Yeah it's like that but worse." no issue here besides you dont address the fact they go through walls, something i do think is kinda stupid, outside of that i have no issue with the performance of the darklight.

    "Laser sights and foregrips are dedicated to any class... except for the infiltrator. Having to equip an attachment for a single class just to be able to engage them properly is ludicrous" Not so, when dealing with heavies as a infil, i prepare and attack appropriately (i dont attack a heavy and a light assualt the same way... thats stupid), im far more likely to use a emp nade then go for a headshot on a heavy as i can get my sights up before the nade goes of, therefore cutting the heavies chance to pull shield down considerably, whilst i would go for a headshot bodyshot with a light, because lights cant use shields and are more likely to go for cover... i use certain weapons if im expecting certain opponents... you make the argument that lasersights and foregrips dont benefit in a fight against an infiltrator... thats true IF we get the jump on you and you dont get chance to recover... but if you spot us, and shoot us, they have JUST as much benefit... therefore your argument holds true only when you have less or equal skill to your opponent (in hide and seek) because if you were better findind us wouldnt require a darklight and the other attachments would work, or when we are playing perfectly, in which case we should require a a bloody sacrifice to find us...

    also its true we have a class specific counter, but to that extent, its probably because the game had no other existing mechanic to deal with it. light assaults are flying "grab a fast firing weapon", heavy pops shield "grab any gun that has a small TTK", shield bubble or healing aura... just carry on shooting... cloak "where the hell did they go..." and its also worth noting we are also the most heavily hindered class when using our ability besides maybe light assualt... we lose 100 hp (unless we use nano armour cloaking), entering and exiting cloak makes a seriously loud noise, we have no function whilst cloaked, and cannot defend ourselves... and we still have a class specific counter... for an ability that makes us less visible... not invisible simply less visible... to put it simply its not to "engage them properly" because to put it simply there ARE many ways we can be found with or without the cloak, everything we do gives some form of notification we are near by, we are simply harder to track... its an ease of use for the lower tiered players...

    "But hey, here's an idea, how about we add an attachment against the Heavy. Only when you equip this attachment can you deal damage to them when they engage their shield, otherwise you have to wait out the Heavy shield. Oh but ofcourse it only works when you are in CQC with them. It's not completely the same, but it comes close!" lol no, becase we can be shot whilst invisible, and we can be found while invisible, a more appropriate argument would be a "cube shield that deflects rounds unless they hit one face dead on" with varying amounts of deflection based on the angle at which you hit the face... because if you use skill and tactics, the heavy would pose "more difficulty" but not impunity, then granting an ammo attachment that aimed at "phasing" through the shield at the expence of soft points would be a fair comparison. the cloaking doesnt as many people like to point out, make us invisible and it doesnt make us immune to being killed. if that were the case, i would argue that the attachment was fair (i have no issue with the dark light either) because no other mechanic in the game addresses bullet deflection.

    "The Darklight is a fornicating bad attachment. You only want to use it after you've discovered an infiltrator is near since otherwise all it does is attract enemy fire and alert enemies of your presence." No its not a bad attachment for what its aim is. the darklight wasn't ever intended to make people better against heavies, lights etc. it was to allow people who need to fight infiltrators to do so with more ease... skilled players dont need it (though may keep it to make life easier or less tedious), newer or less skilled players like the aide, to that extent it performs its role well. the mere fact that you have to trade that off for effectiveness elsewhere is the trade off you have to pay for a good counter to the infils who are already hindered in effectiveness due to cloaking sounds and the fact we reveal our position for pretty much any activity we perform... everything has a price and a cost, here i think its a good price for when its needed... its situational, ultimately keeping it on your sidearm if thats what you choose is a perfectly valid approach as demonstrated by the vast amount of people doing so. you mention "nerfing themselves" well okay, maybe you do, but to that extent we are also on a backfoot if you spot us cause of the time it takes to decloak... and to prevent that we have to decloak before you realise we are there... thus negating the cloak in the first place... but you happily omit that part of the equation dont you? you are only on the back foot against players who arent us... in which case you were foolish for switching to a secondary whilst there were other players around capable of killing you who arent cloaked (and therefore CANT shoot).

    "you are at such a disadvantage /sarcasm. Suck it up, git gud you stupid fornicators!" sure, we are at a disadvantage, if we get spotted with a darklight, we have to be CLOAKED, the moment we are spotted we get shot at, assuming we decloak immediately, chances are we take atleast 1 bullet, coupled with the fact that we already have lower health and we are incredibly unlikely to survive. your disadvantage assumes we get the drop or equal footing with you, and even then we are generally on equal or only slightly higher footing, assuming we are stalkers, then we only have a side arm as well which makes us equal or slightly higher (due to a laser sight), if you are against someone with a primary... it will be more difficult but TTK arent so large as to make it impossible to kill a guy with a primary with a secondary (especially them lovely guns designed to kill infiltrators in one headshot whilst everyone else takes 2 - before you bring up bolt actions they kill all the same)... hell stalkers make a living out of killing guys with primaries with secondaries.

    but hey what do i know, im one of them "noobs" that needs to git gud...
  14. Scatterblak

    I kill more teammates for this.....
  15. o0CYV3R0o

    Yet another person who can't read and come on the forum throwing personal insults because he has a different opinion/ doesn't agree!

    I guess you just skipped the bit where i said it has nothing to do with skill!

    As a player who has played near 1000 hours as stalker and doesn't use easy mode pistols and actually did selfless stuff behind enemy lines to help the team progress and push forward i clearly have no idea what im doing!

    Try coming on Ceres as a crossbow stalker and Infiltrate any base with more than 12 people defending it most don't even bother looking for you they just pull out darklights and no i don't just sit in the cap or make it obvious I was even there!

    In fact more times or not darklights are pulled after another infiltrator gives himself away or a friendly shines his darklight on us revealing us to the enemy.

    But as i said but you clearly ignored this with your insulting reply! its got nothing to do with skill!

    Do you even play Stalker?

    Darklights are the only infinite use counter in the game!

    Requires zero resources to use!

    Only costs 100 certs and everyone has on ps4!

    Darklights reveal infiltrators through any surface (bug un game since day one!)

    Darklights are set as in as default resulting in friendlys revealing us and often comprising our position and sometimes getting us killed.

    All this against the most broken handicapped unbalanced class in the game.

    This has nothing to do with skill but plenty to do with a very unbalanced and broken mechanisms!

    But yeah you continue your childish and arrogant and uninformed replys.
  16. Demigan

    Yeah! Because constantly being on the move invalidates the entire cloak!
    Oh no it doesn't. In fact, only the Stalker can really use deep cloak effectively at shorter ranges as any other cloak doesn't really last long enough to cloak someone silently, have an enemy pass you by and then decloak without attracting attention.
    Besides that you can be stealthy with any class, and persistent movement is the key to hiding the other classes. The Infiltrator just as it the easiest because of his cloak, and persistent movement helps the Infiltrator avoid Darklights even better. So you are more visible while running with cloak? Big deal, that's just par of the course and balances the ability.

    So the entire reason why Darklights limited range and cone of vision is OK is because it can go through walls, which the user has no use for since he can't see through walls and the Infiltrator will only be seen if someone else accidentally looks in his direction at that point?
    What kind of crap reasoning is that?

    Laser sights and foregrips do help in a fight against an Infiltrator, which makes a Darklight even worse. Besides that, preparing an attack appropriately while in the spawnroom only works in teeny tiny fights where the enemy uses the same class over and over again, the Infiltrator in this case. In any other case there's rarely any alternate attachment, grenade or ability that you need to pick just to be able to engage your opponent.
    And really, how is having to use an EMP on a Heavy even close to being forced to have a larger minimum COF just because you equipped something against a single class rather than an omni-purpose attachment?

    And the Infiltrator is arguably the strongest class in the game despite all of that. Besides, imagine if you did have 100 hp and the ability to fire while cloaked.
    You know, the LA also can't really use his abilities while in the air. In fact, flying makes you an easier target (no strafe and better to see) and makes it virtually impossible to retaliate to anyone unless you land on top of them, even then your opponent has the advantage due to a smaller COF and probably first strike. Does that mean the LA is invalidated or instantly weak? No ofcourse not! And neither is the Infiltrator weak because his ability has appropriate balancing. And the class specific counter of the Darklight is a massive nerf to the class that wields it against just about everything. Especially since it's better to use it on your side-arm rather than your primary, making any class that uses it to find a cloaker willingly nerf himself just to find and kill one.
    Also, "the infiltrator has no function while cloaked". Ever heard of "positioning"? It's sort of the most powerful tool in the game, and the Infiltrator is one of the best users of it due to his cloak.

    What part of "it's not completely the same, but comes close" didn't you get? It's just an example to show how ridiculous the requirement of the Darklight even is. You can't really shoot something if you can't see it, and even though there is a chance to spot and kill an Infiltrator while he's cloaked, it's not likely if the Infil knows what he's doing.

    Experienced players do need it. They might not need it as much, but it's not as if a good infil can become nigh impossible to find.
    And even though it performs it's role, it's a handicap that you willingly apply to yourself just to counter a single class. Other attachments are far more useful in almost every situation, so equipping a Darklight, besides that it makes you an easier target for enemies and thus is actually debilitating, is simply a nerf to your own capabilities.

    Yes, you are bad.
    Ok so someone comes in with a Darklight, that thing that has a limited range and cone of view. You can see your opponent just fine, no problem. Now that player starts looking for you, even if that player almost tripped over you, you've had time to assess the situation. If you didn't attack before that Darklight hit you, it's your own fault.
    I've always said it and I'll say it again: If you wait to be discovered before you attack, you are stupid stupid stupid and deserve to die a million times over. As you so gladly point out, you do have lower health. You also have a short decloak time before you can start firing. You are also sitting still hoping not to be discovered, meaning that by the time the first hitmarker arrives your enemy has pumped 3 more into you with ease. Sitting still is the worst thing you can do when you are about to be discovered. Therefore: Take a tiny moment to prepare and attack. That way you have latency on your side, that way you have the first strike, that way you have a chance of winning.

    Yes you are a noob. Also you've writting it 100% completely from a Stalker point of view. What about the other cloaks eh? Ever use them?
  17. Demigan

    What do I not "read" then?

    Yes, because you deliberately nerf yourself by not using easy-mode pistols and stalker?
    Also, does it make my comments on how Darklight is actually nerfing the player that uses it any less valid? Or the fact that Darklights shouldn't even matter to a Stalker Infil?
    It's like you are one of those tankers. It doesn't matter how many hours you've put into it, you still don't try and watch yourself for C4 fairies after dozens of deaths to them, you don't learn, you don't adapt.

    "They don't bother looking for you they just pull out Darklights".
    Aren't they looking for you with Darklights?
    Or are you actually saying these players willingly run around with a Darklight all the time, making themselves easier to see and attack?
    If it only happens in small fights when the map shows they have more players I've got to ask, what the hell did you expect? You are outnumbered, you know they are pulling Darklights, you should be abusing that fact and hose them down with laser-sight/foregrip weapons. But ofcourse you are still outnumbered so there's no reason why you shouldn't lose. If you aren't outnumbered, why aren't you adapting to the fight? If they willingly pull Darklights they make themselves willingly weaker, abuse that and kill them with superior COF. Alternatively you start sniping. A good sniper constantly relocates, and a good sniper has no trouble staying outside of the extremely limited range and cone of view of a Darklight. At worst you'll just spread them all over the base looking for you, at best you'll be picking them off while their Darklights scream "shoot me shoot me!"

    It's like saying "these guys are constantly looking up, now I can't use my LA anymore!" Well big deal! If you can't use your LA anymore because they are prepared for it, you adapt. You switch tactics. You don't beat your head against the wall a million times more even though you know that your Stalker is 100% crap in that situation.

    Well that sucks, now git gud! Adapt! Don't think you are invisible or immune gods, especially not when some other player just got everyone on alert. Darklight users are focused no the narrow beam with limited range when they look for Infiltrators, so engage them with longer range weapons such as long-range Carbines, LMG's, Scout Rifles, Sniper rifles, AR's, Battlerifles etc. You have the options, why not use them?

    What are you smoking? The Darklight is a clear nerf to the player who uses it, and if you keep bashing your head against the wall using the same tactic even though you know they are ready for it and you are still surprised it doesn't work, you truly are stupid.

    Nope, completely superfluous ability. Standard cloak lasts more than long enough, it also encourages you to play smart instead of thinking you can cross any open area or stay invisible. Standard cloak is also useful for keeping you on the move and stealthy. You don't need to sit still with cloak on to be stealthy, you want to sit still somewhere where you can't be seen. I have used it a few times, but seriously it's not useful enough compared to an SMG/Scout Rifle/sniper rifle Infil.

    Here's what you should do: Use an LA and try to infiltrate with that. LA's teach you more about stealth than an Infiltrator because you actually have to apply it so you aren't seen. Then take what you learn and use it when you are an Infiltrator.

    You might as well say that a Foregrip or Laser Sight is an infinite counter as well then. A counter to enemies who don't equip them allowing you to kill them faster.

    This is just reaching. 100 certs, no resources required, reveals through walls vs reveals the user to enemies more easily, takes up a valuable slot that's useful against all classes, has a tiny range and cone of view and costs 100 certs just to acquire it! But you have to pay 100 certs for every weapon you want it on. I mean come on! That's just sad!

    So... Because your teammates are bad (and you are an Infiltrator who's running along with teammates???) you are revealed?
    My god I wish I was there. Thousands of players who are much easier prey because they automatically use Darklights rather than good attachments... Like a Monkey in the bananafactory!

    The LA? With the least abilities and is instantly nerfed to a weaker Engineer the moment it enters a building?
    Infiltrator is arguably the best and strongest class in the game, unless you think the Stalker Infil is a completely separate class altogether.

    Yes! Finally something we can agree on. The Darklight is incredibly broken, with it's short range, minimal cone of view and lack of versatility against other classes than the Infiltrator the Darklight is a terrible attachment, but a necessary evil to sometimes have with you against the occasional Infiltrator.

    And just for the record: The fact that you are trying to pass off the Infiltrator as unbalanced and broken in favor of other classes is absolutely stupid. The Infiltrator is easily one of the best classes in the game, if not the best. The Heavy might be good for ease-of-use, but a good Infiltrator can wipe the floor with a good Heavy any day.

    What do you mean, uninformed? Just because you don't have the mental capacity to understand or adapt despite knowing the situation doesn't mean I'm uninformed when I point it out to you.
  18. doomedking517

    "Yeah! Because constantly being on the move invalidates the entire cloak!
    Oh no it doesn't. In fact, only the Stalker can really use deep cloak effectively at shorter ranges as any other cloak doesn't really last long enough to cloak someone silently, have an enemy pass you by and then decloak without attracting attention.
    Besides that you can be stealthy with any class, and persistent movement is the key to hiding the other classes. The Infiltrator just as it the easiest because of his cloak, and persistent movement helps the Infiltrator avoid Darklights even better. So you are more visible while running with cloak? Big deal, that's just par of the course and balances the ability."

    I never said it invalidates the cloak I simply said that the darklight is good as it is even if its only needed if you know an infiltrator is in the general vicinity, because well every action we do has some form of tell tale sign and lets you know we are in the general vicinity… infact I think that’s how it SHOULD be. You are right persistent movement is necersary for your location not to be known if you are actively doing actions that reveal your location (that’s logical), I never said it wasn’t, my argument was that its illogical to say "players NEED the darklight" whilst at the same time maintaining "if you want to stay hidden you have to keep moving" which actually means players dont need the darklight as our cloak becomes pretty damn obvious while we move...

    "So the entire reason why Darklights limited range and cone of vision is OK is because it can go through walls, which the user has no use for since he can't see through walls and the Infiltrator will only be seen if someone else accidentally looks in his direction at that point?
    What kind of crap reasoning is that?"

    I think you misunderstand my point... i dont think the darklights okay because of its ability to go through walls... in fact i assert that "im saying I have absolutely no problem with the state of an attachment that is designed to remove the ability of one class and only one class, besides the fact it seems to work through walls" which means im saying everything else about the ability is fine, BESIDES it going through walls. my reasoning for this is that its designed to counter a single classes ability and is focused solely on us (even if its only due to the fact that the game has no other existing mechanics to address our ability) and therefore needs down sides to accommodate. the fact it goes through walls makes no sense whatsoever though its probably a flaw with the games engine preventing its change (i read something like that somewhere...) to put it simply the dark light is hard to change because atm they seem to have struck a good balance between the need for a counter against something that nothing else covers and the need to not make the cloak absolutely useless..

    "Laser sights and foregrips do help in a fight against an Infiltrator, which makes a Darklight even worse. Besides that, preparing an attack appropriately while in the spawnroom only works in teeny tiny fights where the enemy uses the same class over and over again, the Infiltrator in this case. In any other case there's rarely any alternate attachment, grenade or ability that you need to pick just to be able to engage your opponent.
    And really, how is having to use an EMP on a Heavy even close to being forced to have a larger minimum COF just because you equipped something against a single class rather than an omni-purpose attachment?"

    I was making the point that being forced into any single approach can then be considered ludicrous. My point that the darklight being not needed was to dismantle this idea that you NEED it or we are somehow unfindable… more difficult yeah, but its do able… especially for any cloak besides stalker.
    my comparison (I don’t think they are the same, they are only similar in some respects), was to highlight how adapting to certain foes, and using certain gear is simply part of the game… you say the attachment is a down grade, I say it performs it role (which is to make hunting infils easier) very well. The trade of for making hunting us (who specialise in hiding) easier is to have less effectiveness elsewhere and its not even a must! As we are quite easily spotted if we are moving. which as you like to point out we must do or we will be found...

    "And the Infiltrator is arguably the strongest class in the game despite all of that. Besides, imagine if you did have 100 hp and the ability to fire while cloaked.
    You know, the LA also can't really use his abilities while in the air. In fact, flying makes you an easier target (no strafe and better to see) and makes it virtually impossible to retaliate to anyone unless you land on top of them, even then your opponent has the advantage due to a smaller COF and probably first strike. Does that mean the LA is invalidated or instantly weak? No ofcourse not! And neither is the Infiltrator weak because his ability has appropriate balancing. And the class specific counter of the Darklight is a massive nerf to the class that wields it against just about everything. Especially since it's better to use it on your side-arm rather than your primary, making any class that uses it to find a cloaker willingly nerf himself just to find and kill one.
    Also, "the infiltrator has no function while cloaked". Ever heard of "positioning"? It's sort of the most powerful tool in the game, and the Infiltrator is one of the best users of it due to his cloak."

    I think you missed the entire point of that paragraph, it was to highlight why we have a class specific counter… which is because the game contains NO other mechanic to address it. My note about hindrances whilst using cloaked was only to demonstrate that the game has several balancing factors in place regardless of the darklight. it wasn’t a comment about its overall performance, I was commenting on the purpose of the darklight which isn’t to “make it possible” as it were, as we can already be found, its to make it easier... also "have i heard of positioning" well if i take different approaches to different enemies then chances are i use positioning... i mean they might not be the same thing but they definitely complement one another... also LA can use some of his abilities in the air, such as C4 and i believe (though dont take my word for it) but wasnt there changes to some of the light assaults weapons that allowed them to fight better in the air recently?

    "What part of "it's not completely the same, but comes close" didn't you get? It's just an example to show how ridiculous the requirement of the Darklight even is. You can't really shoot something if you can't see it, and even though there is a chance to spot and kill an Infiltrator while he's cloaked, it's not likely if the Infil knows what he's doing."

    It doesn’t come anywhere near close, I was offering up a more appropriate example, and then saying I agreed with the need for an attachment that would make it easier to engage. You see yours offered impunity, something that our ability doesn’t give, as I previously noted there are tons of downsides to running a cloak, yours simply offered tons of power and no downside or flaw. The two aren’t comparable because their purposes were never the same and so they aren’t in the same league, its like comparing onepunch man to Naruto because they are both “heros” even though onepunch man was designed to never lose and Naruto was designed to get stronger over time and after losses, and just the same, your example was designed to highlight a problem the cloak doesn’t have, that it makes us unfindable without a dark light through the example of a “shield that makes them immune to damage whilst its on”, whereas my example was designed to demonstrate an equivalent issue, which is you are forced into taking combat with them in certain ways, or to use an attachment that invalidates that particular advantage.… my one is far more appropriate. not to mention you bring up "you cant kill what you cant see" yet the cloak as you love to point out doesnt stop us being seen, it makes it HARDER. "if they know what they are doing" yes, okay a skilled infiltrator will be hard to find, but to that extent the darklight should come at a cost, because its designed to make someone who is doing their job well (and therefore deserve to die infrequently) you might consider that cost disproportionate, i dont. especially when many guns are designed to kill in one hit, and youll bring up "other people" i will say, if you get your side arm out while youre capable of being shot by someone else then chances are you deserved to die.
    "Experienced players do need it. They might not need it as much, but it's not as if a good infil can become nigh impossible to find.
    And even though it performs it's role, it's a handicap that you willingly apply to yourself just to counter a single class. Other attachments are far more useful in almost every situation, so equipping a Darklight, besides that it makes you an easier target for enemies and thus is actually debilitating, is simply a nerf to your own capabilities."

    Experienced players like it, they don’t need it, after a while spotting infils unless they are deep cloaked isn’t particularly hard and even then its not impossible. Im not disagreeing that it’s a handicap, im saying that you cant have everything in every situation when what you want is going to counter a class ability that is already severely hindered. As I said above, everything has a price and a benefit, cloaks have many downsides but an incredibly strong benefit and so does the darklight (its incredibly strong benefit is the advantage of finding infiltrators who are playing well and therefore don’t deserve to be found) therefore its cost has to be equally high.

    Yes, you are bad.
    Ok so someone comes in with a Darklight, that thing that has a limited range and cone of view. You can see your opponent just fine, no problem. Now that player starts looking for you, even if that player almost tripped over you, you've had time to assess the situation. If you didn't attack before that Darklight hit you, it's your own fault.
    I've always said it and I'll say it again: If you wait to be discovered before you attack, you are stupid stupid stupid and deserve to die a million times over. As you so gladly point out, you do have lower health. You also have a short decloak time before you can start firing. You are also sitting still hoping not to be discovered, meaning that by the time the first hitmarker arrives your enemy has pumped 3 more into you with ease. Sitting still is the worst thing you can do when you are about to be discovered. Therefore: Take a tiny moment to prepare and attack. That way you have latency on your side, that way you have the first strike, that way you have a chance of winning.

    I can’t disagree with this… but it never addressed my point either… which was “if we are found with a darklight then we have disadvantages at that point”, I never provided any scenario… I could be moving from room to room and they know my general where abouts and get behind me, or any number of other things that would prevent me seeing them before they reveal my location… or I could be sat still in a small out of the way room waiting for my stalker cloak to regen so I can carry on my merry way. to put it simply if i see someone with a darklight i get out of their way, but that doesnt always work or you dont always know they are coming, its not like they have some sort of noise on them to notify you of their general location now is it? to put it simply its far easier to be hit by a darklight unawares than you are letting on...

    "Yes you are a noob. Also you've writting it 100% completely from a Stalker point of view. What about the other cloaks eh? Ever use them?"

    I actually rarely play stalker…. I was writing it from the stand point that the darklight was in range. if you engage someone outside of a range that your equipment is effective at, then the fault is on you... if its an smg/autoscout infiltrator then account for that, and wait for their cloak to run out then engage as opposed to switching to a side arm, have a friendly infil place darts to locate them, theres many other ways to find us...
  19. Kcalehc

    Mild problem with the original suggestion. Much of the time, where you see your flash lights light beam, is not where other players see it.

    When standing still you see it going out to the front (on a primary) others see it pointing down and to your left. And when sprinting or with pistols, the thing can be all over the place. So having it affect an enemy, who may or may not see it in the same place you do, is going to be tricky to make work.
  20. o0CYV3R0o

    Honestly you have a serious case of tunnel vision!

    I'm not going to continue this with you as its clear you have a massive one sided view on everything namely your point of view.

    Btw i'm a auraxium light assault its also my most played class along with engineer as i also enjoy driving my auraxium harasser.

    I must say though you really have no idea about the subjects you speak of.

    I wont be wasting anymore time with you as its clearly pointless but you do continue to spout endless paragraphs of one sided nonsense.