[BUG] Locked Purchased Structures?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BengalTiger, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. BengalTiger


    Anyone else have locked structures they purchased for DB cash earlier, such as vehicle ramps, lumifiber walls etc, without a refund?

    If so - how to fix and re-unlock them?
  2. allattar

    I do too. Ive tried contacting DB support for help. They just told me that the refund wasnt for cert purchased deployables. However I swear I bought them with station cash, because I bought the damn bundle.

    They just fobbed me off twice with the same statement. No refund, no defense deployables. Thanks guys for helping. not.

    Basically were screwed, were not getting a refund or the deployables back.
  3. Marv

    You can do a rough check if you log into your account on the PlanetSide 2 website. Select "Account Management" from the drop down list next to your username (top right), then select "Account History". You can view transactions up to the last 2 years. Unfortunately it only lists things as "In-Game Items", but if you bought them as a bundle it should stand out. They also usually send an email to the address you have tied to your account as a receipt as well. Maybe this will be some evidence you can use to help get this resolved, or at least verify if you used DBC or certs for the purchase.
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