[Poll] What faction do you fight the most?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The Shady Engineer, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. The Shady Engineer

    So while playing planetmans yesterday defending against an almost 70% NC overpop zerg on Hossin, someone in our squad brought up an observation he'd made that we seemed to be fighting NC a lot more than VS. So after I logged out I decided to check if it was actually true. Turns out for my TR it isn't as I have slightly more VS kills but the majority of people in our squad do in fact have more NC kills, some by a pretty large margin. Largest I've seen was 2200 more NC kills than VS kills or a 62/38 split.

    So I wanted to find out what the pie chart looks like for Forumsiders. Particularly interested in those who main VS.

    For me it's:

    TR: 7,556 VS kills, 7,339 NC kills. 51/49 split.
    NC: 8,478 TR kills, 7,409 VS kills. 53/47 split.

    You can check by going to https://www.planetside2.com/players typing in your character name and then pressing on statistics.
  2. Kcalehc

    I'm NC, so I fight against the stupidity of NC the most.
    • Up x 4
  3. FieldMarshall

    I got a character on each faction. Here are my stats:

    TR character: 55% NC, 45% VS
    NC character: 51% VS, 49% TR
    VS character: 54% NC, 46% TR

    I used to main TR a few years back (nowdays i play them all equally), and didnt want to run into my TR outfit whenever i was NC/VS, so the stats are a bit weird.
  4. DarkStarII

    Here's mine.

    VS : 18,872 NC - 19,245 TR 50% NC / 50% TR
    TR : 2,638 NC - 2,923 VS 47% NC / 53% VS
    NC : 1,365 VS - 1,600 TR 46% VS / 54% TR
  5. mgrandy

    i go where my K/D dont suffer :D playing which ever team dont suck the worst at the time of playing
  6. LaughingDead

    TR. 65/35 split
  7. DivineEquinox

    Combing my Connery and Emerald NC charcters:

    TR 13987 / VS 11363 - - TR 55% / VS 45%

    Reasoning behind the fact that i fight TR a bit more often is likely due to Bio Labs. I prefer to not be a meat grinder to heavies sporting Orions, I can actually fight against TR heavies in Bio Labs.

  9. Mojo_man

    Just on my main, I fight TR 53% of the time, and VS 47% of the time, so fairly close to even.
  10. Slandebande

    TR character: 49% NC, 51% VS
    NC character: 39% VS, 61% TR
    VS character: 41% NC, 59% TR

    Although I'm unsure if this takes vehicle kills into account, which can skew the stats slightly. I do love fighting the TR (and Prowlers specifically though), which I've often stated. Prowlers are just so easy to kill :)
  11. Eternaloptimist

    I haven't got my kill stats to hand but I have two of each faction and I have found that on the EU servers:
    • my TR avatars had levelled up most quickly (indicates more fighting/XP?) .
    • my VS seem to find fewer fights and don't advance so quickly (suggests they do less figthing against other factions).

    So I'd hazard a guess that I fight against NC more than the other two factions (mostly with my TR but sometimes even when I'm playing NC ;))

    Ofc the number of fights and the number of kills doesn't necessarily tally closely (especially if, like me, you main Medic or Engie and can go through fights with big xp gain but not many kills).
  12. MrjuggRSA

    On ps4 nc is always 38%, TR at 37% and VS at 25% so I always join VS... my VS character is roughly 13 levels above my others... but no complaints, still love the game!
  13. Campagne

    59% TR/41% VS, though I don't feel that this paints an accurate picture.

    Way back when I always preferred to fight the TR over the VS (see Pre-nerf ZOE, PPA and accompanying player base) because I enjoyed the fights more. Nowadays though, it's much more equal.
  14. IceMobsterrr

    43% VS ||| 57% NC
  15. Malteser

    As NC (Schlumpfschuetze) on Cobalt: 63,2% VS, 36.8% TR
  16. ObiVanuKenobi

    Got more NC kills because of the good old days when BKNE were more active on Cobalt. It was almost like playing a zombie shooter, there were always more of them but at the same time they were so stupid.

  17. Alexkruchev

    On my TR/NC mains our primary opponents are generally whatever isn't the VS. My outfits generally despise fighting them because we hate their direct LOS AV weaponry- it makes hull down tactics near pointless. (Comet/Votrex, Lancer). No projectile drop on mobile AV is brutal hard to combat if you like playing with force multipliers. Also their harasser MBT secondaries are incredibly painful to fight for the same reasons- Aephelion and Saron both are obscenely flexible AT weapons. Magriders are also a pain because they are so incredibly good if they keep distance, moving erratically, and spamming Saron at you with a few cannon shots.

    All told, it just makes VS a pain to play against- another issue is the perception that VS weapons are longer ranged than they appear on the stats chart, because of no bullet drop (A lot of carbine fire zaps you for a few hundred damage, even if it doesn't really threaten to kill you, it makes you -feel- like you're being shot to pieces very often.) VS have an incredibly flexible arsenal, so you never feel like you have an advantage over them based on your equipment.

    As NC we prefer to fight TR because we can maintain engagement distance and gain advantage with NC accuracy/alpha damage.
    As TR, we prefer to fight NC because NC's low ROF and tough recoil mechanics mean we can close the gap, pressure, and clean them up. In both cases we enjoy it because we have faction-based advantages (generally) we can exploit tactically to gain an edge.

    If you stand off against VS, they will AV snipe your vehicles down, and pick apart your infantry with their no drop weapons- at the very least suppressing you with small wounds before rushing in to clear you out. (Lasher also is an incredibly potent suppression tool, and it's also LOS- no drop.).

    If you close in with VS, their fast reloads, moderate to high ROF, and manageable recoil mean they are quite competitive with the TR up close, and gain stand-off advantages similar to the NC over the TR. Although as TR we are much more comfortable fighting VS, we still know we have to close the gap and beat them in CQC to have any chance.

    In terms of the air game, Scythes are easy targets for AA, but in dogfights, they're superbly difficult opponents when flown by competent pilots- the VS on Emerald seem to boast the largest, or at least second largest airforce of pilots, and their PPA/plasmapods are an absolute nightmare for infantry because unlike the TR's Banshee, you don't have any RNG chance shots missing- if the pilot compensates for range and relative motion, they will hit 100% of their shots. They also don't have to calculate in any drop, like both the Airhammer and Banshee do, at distances, have to do.

    In summary, the VS isn't overpowered on paper, but their practical on the ground capabilities are typically without counterpart in the TR/NC arsenals, and this gives them a tactical edge in engagements that cannot be countered. Furthermore, the VS are flexible enough in faction equipment that they can compete or out perform both other factions at any range, ensuring they always have a "Way to win" when populations are comparable.
    We prefer not to fight them because it is only ever a matter of when, not if, the VS decide to use their factions' advantages to win a given fight. The only time we willingly engage the VS is when we have at least a moderate population advantage.
  18. Beerbeerbeer

    While playing VS, I tend to fight the NC and dislike fighting the TR
    While playing NC, I tend to fight the TR and dislike fighting the VS
    While playing TR, I tend to fight the NC and dislike fighting the VS

    I guess if playing any faction other than VS I try to avoid fighting the VS, unless it's daytime. Can't stand fighting VS at night and I avoid them at all costs when it gets dark. Can't even see the noobs in their standard camo.

    Edit: actually I'm probably not the only one and this is possibly one of the reasons the NC gets double teamed so much now that I think about it because no one likes fighting the VS.

    While playing VS, I use this aversion to my advantage and will try and back hack the TR as they tend to ignore us even if it means cutting them off completely.
  19. Towie

    TR character: 56% NC 44% VS
    NC character: 54% TR 46% VS
    VS character: 51% TR 49% NC

    I suspect the VS population shortage is skewing the results (especially if you always go for the alerts).
  20. Ximaster

    I usually hate more the TR faction: russians and weird people inside.