A Stellar Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Apsyc, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. Apsyc

    I've been thinking "you know what would be great?" Well, do ya? Probably not, because it's a pretty revolutionary thought. What if, and bear with me now, instead of introducing new broken stuff into the game, the development team started fixing old broken stuff. Crazy, right? I mean, who would ever thing that it's a good idea to finish one job before starting the next?

    Okay, time to be serious. Before I begin, I A) realize that the developers probably won't see this, B) know that it's not up to the engineers, but rather the producers or leads, C) know this forum is more of a pit of despair than an actual place to be heard (I really just didn't want to bring this cancer to Reddit, and decided it would be better off metastasizing on this already-developed tumor).

    Now, I just can't wrap my head around the logic behind the lack of focus on fixes. Teams small? Okay, unless they have no engineers at all, they have people to do some QA corrections. "But then no one is making new content!" So be it. I don't know about you guys, but a lot of the new content is mediocre at best anyway. Especially since all of it is only 50-80% functional. "But they player falloff is high! We need new content to keep the game from bleeding dry!" Would you start adding more water to your pool before patching the leaks? That's just silly. At least do a modest amount of fixing. No one expects perfection. "Meh, there aren't that many bugs." Do you not play other games? Do you only play games that are in pre-release phases? Full-release games are not supposed to be like this. Need some empirical evidence that there's a problem?
    Granted, this is bugs reported. But there isn't an unreasonable amount of duplicates. Hell, this game has bugs that have been here since beta. Friggin' beta! For Christ's sake, DBG, let the engineers fix some of this crap! Because the current trickle of fixes is not getting us anywhere. It's seriously one step forward, two steps back, every patch.

    Okay, I'm done, rant over. I'm cool now.

    P.S. Please, for the love of god, do something about Sky8 and all of the lag. My damage input is chunkier than my fat *** :|
    • Up x 3
  2. SlugSniper

    I do want fixes, but I still want new crap. MOAR.
    • Up x 1
  3. Klabauter8

    There will always be bugs in games like this. No matter how much you polish. But most of the bugs are pretty redundant anyway. It#s mostly just small stuff which hardly anyone notices.
  4. Sovereign533

    The problem is that new content keeps players returning. And the old bugs keeps them away.
    In an ideal world, you need both. You need both a lot of new content and fix the old annoyances. Then you can get and keep a solid playerbase.

    And that's where the tricky part begins. If you barely have enough income to keep the servers running, how can you keep a large dev team working on it that is both improving the game and adding new stuff.
    It's a sad sad truth :(
  5. Eternaloptimist

    But, but..........they're fixing bugs and fine tuning things every update aren't they? Even the PPA and it's little sister got some improvement recently (or so I hear). Depends on what you define as broken and why.

    No complaints from this EU server infantryboi (wish I knew why lag hitching has finally become a thing for me after more than two years though).
  6. SarahM

    Heisenbugs.... heisenbugs everywhere.