Looks like hackers found a way to hack Battle eye.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeathbyGotcha, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. DeathbyGotcha

    Come to Connery for 1 day make an account and play there for one day you are not on this server you don't see it every single day.
  2. Alkasirn

    Yep, this is what I've seen in every game that's introduced an anticheat system in a live game. Nobody knows when the first ban wave will hit, and in some cases (like with Fairfight which doesn't exist on the client) nobody knows when cheats start to be detected, either. Cheaters may start scared to cheat at all, but they gradually start seeing what "they can get away with" - little do they know they were probably detected days ago and the cheating they're doing just feeds data into the fancier anti-cheat programs.

    Or maybe not :) But it's a risk most players don't need to worry about.

    Funny you'd say that. Despite my routing being slightly closer to Emerald, I mostly play on Connery now because I can only get on after Emerald's prime time, aka when even 6v6 fights are rare. The worst I've seen on Connery since the BE patch was some Japanese VS dude melting through a ceiling and hitting me with a rocket. The only time since the patch where I landed so many shots it seemed like I should have killed someone but didn't was on Emerald - and the math says it's possible I just brought 2 players down to red and my 3 teammates that were also shooting couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

    And this is coming from the guy who's just been constantly getting one-shot by the Lasher since the first server merge.
  3. DeathbyGotcha

    We can't say that to all these "pro's" that pad their stats or hack you know the guys who never join teams never leave a sniper spot never help with team fights and consider what they do a benefit because they do nothing but jerk off in a corner killing lvl 10's. Then they have the nerve to post in these forums and brag about those pathetic stats.
  4. Xuare

    The in game stats make it easy to see where that's applicable. If the vase majority of their kills are with a Lib gun or are head shots with sniper rifles, that info is available and can lead to someone with a legitimate k:d ration of over 7. If it's a medic however...

    I would also like to chime in that I was killed by someone shooting while facing a completely different direction. They started firing after the used a jump pad and i was behind cover. The 3rd shot with the NS-44 hit my head once I stood up, while cloaked. I was going to attack because I though he was shooting at something else based on the characters body position. This was on Emerald (Esamir)
  5. GuhMaster2512

    At least on emerald, these pro players tend to squad up together. The reason that they don't "help the team" is because they usually get pop dumped on them in the last minute of the base cap and then gave up on that part of the game because it really frustrating. Now they farm players because they are burnt out of the "point hold meta." Almost 0% of the pro players you are talking about post stuff here instead of Reddit.

    You also mention that you play on Connery. I believe that the addition of BE increased server lag which doesn't help in terms of client side hit detection. Connery also has quite a few players from Asia with very high ping escalated by the server lag.