Vet Wolfpack player from first Planetside

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by gnoctis, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. gnoctis

    I was just wondering if anyone from my days in the original Planetside are still active. It's been a dogs age since I've played and I'm relearning....everything. I used to play with Wolfpak99, Syco211, Foxfire and many others whose names are eluding me at the moment. If anyone knows what I'm talking about holler back!
  2. Pallor In Ligno

    Hello! This section is dedicated to outfit recruiting for the Emerald server. Please use a different section to discuss your topic. I would recommend using Planetside 2 Gameplay Discussion, because only people looking for an outfit or recruiting for an outfit are going to this section.

    Good luck finding your friends!


    Pallor In Ligno [TR] Outfit
  3. Thurwell

    Memories are vague, I think I was in the outfit Foxfire and her husband started (was that Syco?). I ran with some people in wolfpak but never joined. Meatball's in GOTR on emerald but he doesn't much play any more. Anyway, there's PS1 people still playing.
  4. xDisOrders

    Hey, I am a old school player looking for other old people to play with on VS, are there any left to play with? Thanks!
  5. cobaltlightning

    And chances are those players are in an outfit already, or perhaps spread across multiple outfits, so OP is looking to join their outfits to play with those players some more.
  6. gnoctis

    Absolutely. Or any other outfit with some oldschoolers from days gone by or like minded nostalgic individuals that wouldn't mind giving a mediocre to awful player a home haha!
  7. cobaltlightning

    Well, assuming you still got some common FPS skills from other games of recent (TF2, Battlefield, Battlefront, CoD) Then chances are you'll still be pretty good in Planetside 2.

    It is indeed a far cry from the original, but I do believe the more mainstreamed approach has ushered in some players that wouldn't have checked it out otherwise.
  8. Scienta

    Sadly we are a dying breed friend. Azure Twilight had a run at the game, but the lead has changed hands so many times, and there are only like 3 of us left that are PS1 vets. GOTR, well, they are so ******* big and all over the place that I bet its the same way over there.

    I would love to have some PS1 vets to play with, so that we can rag on the game together, and remember the better days. Its a sad thing, the status of PS2 killed the spirit of a lot of the vets coming in from 1, it just didn't meet expectation.
  9. robo

    GOTR's still got a great collection of PS1 veterans and we're still quite active in PS2. You're more than welcome to play with us, our web site is and you can join our Teamspeak server at address:, pw: sovereignty555
  10. Armcross

    Makarov Ribbon awarded here.