So what is this new software I had to authorize on my computer called BattleEye?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alizona, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. adamts01

    Haha. I'm stoked about this. It's about damn time. Connery needed to be cleaned up.
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  2. Savadrin

    I'd just like to see actual evidence of false positives. Not all the scrubs who get caught and go on smear campaigns because they can't take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Dirge Rider

    See, that's the cruxz of the problem with systems that aren't transparent enough to show us they actually have review systems in place that are logical and make sense. Like that guy that banned from steam (yeah i know, steam, not BE, but still), I still don't think they told anyone how he got flaged or reported or what security he tripped up or anything, people just assume it was kind of like he got 'swatted' , someone he beat in Pvp got mad and reported him. So who knows.

    Plus, it's not all just bans. There are a lot of posts where people are saying they get kicked for reasons they dont understand or dont make sense to them. Basically, more techinical problems for some to have to deal with.I read a post from a guy that could play H1Z1 fine but his other game, he got booted for too high a ping every time. Now if it was just a couple of distant servers doign that, sure, it make sense. but this guy couldnt play the game at all. At the end of the day I doubt most people will have these problems, but I simply feel if DB had gone with an inhouse solution or just someone else not as questionable(maybe punkbuster?) it would have been a better choice.
  4. Sulsa

    Sorry but a company that seems to be as strapped for cash as DBG is, would not choose a system that throws out false positives and/or generally makes life miserable for the players in the way that many of you are discussing. I would assume that this wasn't some "Friday at 4:45pm" decision.
    DBG needs to keep as many people playing the game as they can so making the game better for the honest players is worth some technical hiccups for sure.
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  5. Drag0

    And here it starts LOL **** no one is going to hack your ******* computer with Battle Eye.
  6. Drag0

    This isn't a USA court of law - they don't need to provide you or anyone with any proof of their cheating. And they shouldn't tell players - the last thing we need is for hackers to understand more on how BE works.

    Its pretty simple, if you are against an anti cheat prog, you either got some messed up **** on your PC or you are hacking. If you are so concerned about your privacy of your financial information don't ever online shop or hand your card to a worker.

    Get used to sucking again, because I've only gotten better playing versus all you hackers. I had a blast last night ;)
  7. Garmus

    Wow, I didn't saw such a high arrogancy for a long time...

    Literally, with this post, you are offending all honest players which just by a principle of common sense value their personal privacy.
    For example me - I'm there in Planetside 2 right from betatest, I even somewhat "buyed" this game by buying Alpha Squad Package (eeeh, price was something about 40$ , don't remember exactly) when this game was still not even launched live, just for showing my appreciation for game developers hard work on this awesome game. Btw that Alpha resource boost implant is still in my inventory after 4 years, because I didn't buyed it for advantage above others, i did it for supporting game devs - any DBG staff member can still see it in my account inventory. Basically I am the exact opposite of what you are accusing me (and all other privacy-value ppl) - never used any hacks *), actually I was continuously reporting hackers/exploiters which i saw ingame, hell, you can even see it yourself from my post history on this forum that I am strongly against cheating in multiplayer games.

    And still, even against all these facts, you are still accusing me (and many other ppl) of cheating just because I only value my personal privacy, and don't want a 3rd party spyware to collect info throughout my PC and sending it to god knows where. Well, this is public place and you have your right to voice your opinion, I can live fine with your untrue accusation, but I just feel the need to react to this post, to defending internet privacy and because I do not want this privacy to be just thrown out of the window, that's all.

    *) Well, there was one moment when i intentionally used an exploit once in my entire PS2 gaming history - I used a spawnroom shield explosion exploit to kill one player for testing if this bug again exists in the game after a bugfix and then some game updates, because we had a long discussion in the /yell chat with many ppl from all 3 factions in a long and intense (and super enjoyable :) ) Biolab fight - it was possible to fire UBGL (and other explosives too) right infront the spawnroom shield, but the damage continued through the shield, throwing grenades through the shield right into the spawnroom was possible too - this bug was reported literally hundreds times on forum, was fixed after some months, then it was again in game after some game upgrade patch, until it was finally fixed hopefully forever, it was insanely abused every day by dozens of players in every biolab fight (and caused many ppl to leave the game forever)
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  8. Savadrin

    You ought to re-read my post and understand which side I'm on.
  9. Calisai

    Every piece of software you install on your computer has the ability to read and communicate back to their servers. Those auto-update routines that keep software all nice at up-to-date... yup, same functionality. In the end, you need to trust the providers of that software with access to your machine. You implicitly do that when you install software on your computer.

    So, BattleEye, which is a company who makes money off stopping cheating in games, is the entity you need to consider when installing it. A company who's reputation would be not only tarnished, but would probably outright be destroyed if they used the information they gathered improperly. Does that mean there is no risk... no. There isn't any more risk than allowing PS2 to be install on your computer and have DBG have access to your machine. It's just a different company.

    I have technical worries that something they'll do will F#$% things up and won't let me be able to play PS2. However, worrying about my personal data because of their software? Naw, there are plenty of other things to worry about.... like reading email or visiting random websites (much more likely to be risky)
  10. DeathbyGotcha

    All I see are hackers freaking out over a program to stop them it reminds me of this video .
  11. Dirge Rider

    I think he's gone a bit foamy at the mouth, snap at anyone.
  12. Dirge Rider

    That's because you're one of those people who assumes any concern about privacy, social standards, or internet safety vs you playing a video game can just be translated by your simple mind as someone who is a hacker and is complaining because they can't hack. Meaning your terribly scarred about losing in a video game, more likely than not, whether it was due to some, not hacker, but script kiddy, or even just terrible lag effect (created by a player or not). Is it any wonder some people treat you with vehemance or disdain considering your attitude? Most of you trolls, yes trolls, posting like you on here have been foaming at the mouth and name calling from the get go, yet you cry when it's thrown back in your face by someone standing up to you. Please. In the larger scope of things, this game means very little. If you cannot recognize that, it's pretty sad.
  13. Pelojian

    battleye only scans program memory when it's running, if you got sensitive programs running shut them down before starting PS2 if you got sensitive files then encrypt them or store them on a removable drive.

    if you won't do ether of these things and value your privacy, don't play games battleye monitors it's that simple.

    anti-cheat systems live or die on their reputation, if an anti-cheat was found to be spying on user's private information every company that uses that anti-cheat would drop it like a hot potato.

    all i see is people whining they can't use cheat programs or scripts of any kind anymore and trying to wrap it up as a privacy issue.
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  14. Dirge Rider

    Actually, are you through whining? Seriously, this game has little importance vs simply making sure companys are held accountable and people think about what not only themselves but others face in regards to these issues. True enough not running things will keep them out of RAM scanning but this does nothing to protect your gaming directory contents nor does it even address them PERMANENTLY storing your IP, account info and hardware seriel numbers.

    All I see are people who don't either have enough sense to care and seem to think this debate will keep them from getting their way somehow. Childish people who just want to play a video game without care or thought, or are convinced they've been wronged by 'hackers', everything else be hanged while they troll and cry about people trying to intelligently discus things. And I'll note, as I have stated previously, if Db would have gotten an in house solution or used another security option, you wouldnt be talking about this to me, as long as they were on the up and up. But someones at DB decided to pull in the white elephant, so you can't blame the people speaking up on the matter the way you are. Sure some might be cheaters, but not everyone. The matter just isnt as simple as you want it to be.
  15. Pelojian

    it is very simple you ether trust battleye or you don't. it doesn't matter where the anti-cheat comes from people will still complain and try to make it seem like a privacy issue. even if DBG made their own anti-cheat there would be complaints supposedly about privacy (let's face it given their position do you think they would piss away money making their own anti-cheat? the yare trying to get the most profit to justify the continued existence of ps2)

    if you don't trust battleye then don't play planetside 2, all this complaining won't convince them to stop using it, it will only encourage them to keep using it because the fact that people don't like a program that can look on their machine for hack and script programs.

    if you want player retention you need a good anti-cheat for every person that quits over the anti-cheat i'm sure are plenty more coming back to the game now that cheaters who were telling everyone else to 'get gud' are getting booted from the game like the low skill losers they are.
  16. Dirge Rider

    On the contrary, if they notice a considerable drop of population, period for whatever reason that hurts their purse, that's a bad thing. It is pretty much unavoidable if they want to clean things up, but it is still a fact. Now I don't expect this to happen, but simply think. If there was a huge problem along the tehnical lines, they would have to change anticheats. Now, surely they took that into consideration and ran some tests, but you simply cant help all the software an hardware combinations that are out there. If there was a meltdown, or even just a sufficient problem, they would drop BE in a heartbeat. Some people are talking about BE like it's GOD. Any other solution that gives results would suffice. Period. So in the end it is and isnt about DB, because people want an anti cheat, it's just some want a more reasonable anticheat they dont have to worry about like people do with BE. To be concerned should be acceptable, but people are being met with this bullyish, child like "Shut up I want my way I dont care about anything else I just want my way!" attitude. Frankly, us talking about this isnt threattening your game in the slightest. Your just attacking people that are speaking their mind, and possibly helping a few with similiar concenrs to think and say "Yeah, this is just a game. I care about my safety and the morals behind the choices more than some pew pew time spent on a game full of tkers and kids having sex in voice chat and crashing gals into their own warpgate during alerts." If a few people tell their freidns "hey, come back and play, no hackers!' its a bit silly as BE will reduce script kiddies but wont cut out all cheating. Some will return, but remeber, many have left due to toxic player base like you guys, and drastic game changes they didnt like, or just countless glitches and bugs. Or just a combination of all the above. you can expect a noticeable player debasement from the loss of script kiddies and a few returns. Thats not going to kill your game, nor will will us leaving hurt it either. Your simply barking at shadows, and its pretty ugly to witness.
  17. Dirge Rider

    And yeah, I do expect there to be a good pop drop. For a while I was seeing sooo many MID LEVEL VS players, not BR 120's or guys from big outfits, but mid level VS hvy inf with their shiney directive goose blowing people away with chain headshots one after the other. It looked like they were breaking considerable statical results you'd expect to see. Sure, it's remotely possible some old experienced player just switched sides/servers, but the whole "Hi I'm BR 40 or 60 and I just cleared a base of 12 people solo with my shiney directive gun" happenning over...and a game known to be overflowing with script kiddies just isnt too likely.
  18. Pelojian

    all computers and software are affected by differences in hardware and software when stuff like that happens and there is a major issue they don't throw in the towel and dump something they look for and fix the issue, the fact that battleye is not owned by DBG doesn't change anything in that regard.

    any anti-cheat that is effective will do the exact same thing as battleye. the only differece is battleye is upfront in their TOS.

    people will leave PS2 because they can't cheat anymore and pretend they are good players when they are low-skill scrubs using cheats as a crutch while they tell honest players to 'git gud'.

    if you value your privacy then just quit and not use battleye. they aren't going to stop using it because cheaters and people oversensitive about their privacy complain about it.

    ether you want your total privacy and no effective anti cheat or you want effective anti-cheat with a program that is only concerned about data that is used to cheat.

    any halfway decent anti-virus program will protect you from malicious code anyway, and let you control what exactly each program is allowed to do.
  19. Savadrin

    You're a terrible troll. 1/10
  20. AgentWilson

    I see a lot of people here are stating privacy as a reason to worry about Battle Eye , but the internet is not private. From your phone to your computer, to your tablet. Some app programs or server is tracking you and recording you. Hell your phone give up so much information it actually gives away your location (google maps). Your service provider tracks you and your search engine saves your latest searches.

    What is so different about Battle Eye? I don't understand.