ARX C4 Unlock?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bomber314, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. Bomber314

    So, i took a look at C4 and the explosive directives, since you only need 5 out of the 6, one of which you HAVE to pay for C4, you can get ARX C4 without paying the 700 for regular C4
    my question is, since it is an unlock, once unlocked, i should get it on ALL classes that can use C4, right?
  2. Moridin6

  3. Bomber314

  4. breeje

    N o, you have to unlock it for every class separately if unlocked with certs
    Don't know exactly what happens if you buy it whit cash
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  5. Moridin6

    to be clear , when you unlock auraxium c4 any class that has c4 gets it tmbk
  6. Bomber314

    ARK C4 is the araxium of C4, you unlock it.
  7. Bomber314

    so what happens if i don't have anyone with C4 and i unlock ARX C4
  8. Savadrin

    Considering you need about 1200 kills with C4 to unlock ARX, I'm not sure how you'd do that.
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  9. Bomber314

    nothing says i need 1200 kills with C4? you need 5 out of 6 directives, one of which is the C4
    if i need to get you a picture i will
  10. Moridin6

    c4, tank mines, vehicle explosions, prox mines, group kills, and... whats the sixth? i did those 5
  11. DarkStarII

    Frag grenades.
  12. Savadrin

    If you get ARX C4 without using it, I call shenanigans.
  13. Bomber314

    well i don't want to waste 100 hours of my life trying to test that, do i get ARK on all classes once unlocked?
  14. IroncladBomber

    Yes, you get it on all classes. Even ones that you didn't buy normal C4 on.