[Suggestion] Make a russian server or...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Okjoek, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Okjoek

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  2. Savadrin

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  3. Wielkizlyryb

    I remember all these guides with weapons stats, x weapon requires y shots to kill z weapon requires v etc... They should somehow include Russian factor.
    Wonder how many will miss them...
  4. DooDooBreff

    why dont you petition for a cuban server? Can you feed cuban hamsters cigars?
  5. DooDooBreff

    this is so old, but never lets me down
  6. Exitus Acta Probat

    I want a New Hampshire server.

    Make it happen!
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  7. ColonelChingles

    Kinda funny because Iridar, our resident Russian, has made up more than a handful of those guides. :p
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  8. askull

    You're just afraid of us!
  9. Riksos

    What's wrong with Russians?
  10. Neo3602

    something something lag, something something hackers.
  11. Riksos

    A chinese guy just kicked one of our signs out in front of the store I'm working at right now.

    One might suspect racism if in response to this I went outside and said "WE NEED A PLACE WITHOUT ANY ******* CHINESE BECAUSE THEY KICK MY SIGN GOD DAMNIT".

    Like...Super-duper racist.

    Maybe direct your anger (not you Neo, the OP) at the "hackers and lag" as opposed to generic Russians.

    I don't think Putin is responsible for someone using an aimbot in a video game.
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  12. BurntMyWater

    I just had an image of Putin wearing a headset and playing PS2 with his glorious Russki aimbot.

    "Me? Missing my shots?"
    <activates aimbot>
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  13. user101

    Put the server in Mongolia that will take care of Russia and China... they can learn to fight each other that way.
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  14. Hysterianus

    ***** please.. who do you think gave the order for the latest cyber attack against the us ?
  15. askull

    lol. Your gayropean propaganda is wrong. First - 3rd world is Ukrain, Second - open google and search information about russian network, third - Russia is very Big. Go on consoles - no cheaters, same graphics!
    Just you are crying baby.
  16. Ximaster

    Guys...i mean...russians. Dont be jerks,this isnt a good comparison but u know Aion EU???? They include Spanish,Italian and Turquish as oficial servers for his game caused population of that. Planetside 2 can do the same...and all will be happy. I dont have problem with russians or chinesse,the problem is when they start to be jerks causing problems to society or,in this case,a videogame.
  17. Ximaster

    Primero - Tu subnormalidad no tiene limites colega,mejor vete al medico aver si te ingresan por una buena temporada,pareces retrasado o algo. Segundo - Dices gayropean cuando estas en un servidor EU,entonces tu también eres gay???? Que gilipollas eres. Tercero - Que en consolas no hay rusos cheaters???? Mejor cuando acabes del doctor,vuelve otra vez porque tu cerebro no da para mas. Cuarto - No tengo problemas con los rusos,pero con gente como tu me dan ganas de vomitar...en su cara y luego cagarme en ella,aunque seria demasiado honor para ti. Quinto - En el punto cuatro tendría que incluir a todo el foro,porque hay demasiada subnormalidad en internet. Ojala el Tio de la Vara existiera de verdad. Sexto - Ahora si me quieres hablar en ruso,haz lo que quieras,no pienso leerlo ni traducirlo,tu mierda lenguaje sacado de un niño agilipollado no merece tal honor. Septimo - A mamarla.

    P D: Mi firma dice que no tengo que contestar a los Terrans,pero a este niñato de mierda deberían darle un par de ostias o algo,lastima que en internet no se puede hacer eso,y por eso se dice lo que la gente le sale de los cojones. Y los moderadores no hacen nada...
  18. adamts01

    Like the US isn't constantly hacking Russia as well.... And Germany, and Italy, and the UK..... Or do you only get your info from FOX?
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  19. Ximaster

    If u dont want to see me on the game,i want the same,so please,G T F O of here...facking German...
  20. askull

    Your PC problems... I play on PS4. ;)