List of active Good/Excellent Emerald/Connery Pilots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNEAKYSNIPES1, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. Jawarisin

    well, score = certs. But people usually look at awesomess, so yeah, it translates into twitch subs fairly well :D.

    Mind you it's 50k no boost. If you're fully boosted with membership, you can expect 125k average score per hour (I've never been that boosted, but 500 certs an hour... I can only imagine.)
  2. DeathSeeker

    *ScourgeofDeath- he runs with FlamingPheonix, KODking12 and a few others
    In NC i often see Decimax running havoc- and no mention of TribalTattoo or Sockagawea on emerald TR?
    And one day i'll get Nowasis to the point of day i dream.
    I fly- but i'm not sure where i'll be on list of regular pilots...
  3. Savadrin

    I spent some time flying last night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Unfortunately I certed out racer first, I knew I should have gone for precision based on my play style. I had a much better run against other libs (and ground hugging ability) when a friend pulled me his lib with precision.

    That said the gunners racked up some pretty good streaks, and the only thing stopping us later (low pop woes, I know) was the better libs and the mountains.

    I think I even managed a couple TB kills, and started getting a feel for switching to Dalton.

    Now I get why you said you have to fly it first, I didn't realize how severe the angle difference is between the belly and the nose gun.
  4. Jawarisin

    You should actually be using hover on a liberator. Precision... you could switch to that one day, but it's for a specific reason, and you absolutely need hover to solo anyways; so it's better to start with that frame (personally, I wouldn't use anything else anyways). As far as ground hugging, hover is best no contest.

    Getting your first kills is awesome! Keep at it!

    And yeah, that's one of the reasons you need to fly first; so you know that. It's also important to know how the lib moves. It's also one of the required skills to solo lib.
  5. Savadrin

    Lol right after I posted that I bounced into VR to test out high g or hover, and yeah, I was sold from the first 5 seconds. Feels stupidly agile, like my skywhale with hover. I've hated racer on every vehicle I've used it on, not sure why I thought it'd be better for a Lib :D
  6. dopy7dvs

    Isn't that something? Give poster a name of pilots on Emerald. Here I am thinking he's gonna fight em. No, instead he JOINS them and proceeds to form a "gank" squad right outside NC warpgate tonight. Wow dude, ur a fvking punk.

    You have serious attitude. I spend like 90% of my time flying solo and looking for fights where I was out numbered.

    Let me know if you want to check your attitude. We can do 1v1s if you have too much testosterone from gaming all day. You're literally ******** at a guy with a bunch of BR 1 characters at the start of the day. Had one nice guy pull for me, and a lot of nice people in general. Only stayed with one guy because we were fighting Reavers over popped (yes in their warpgate), and another guy because I relied on him for ESF pulls as mine was BR1. There was only 1 person I actively seemed out to befriend, and that was a scythe pilot.

    At one point my new mosquito friend was dueling a reaver, I just watched, two Reavers came in, I cleaned them up to preserve the duel. So if I know two people are dueling (consenusually) i don't intervene. Other than that tough luck. Your warp gate is as good as any to pick a fight. And actually you have a huge advantage fighting from there so I think you need to toughen up.

    I get the names of pilots so I know who to fear, who to train with, and how I'm progressing. Simple as that. I ignore all outfit invites and I don't roll with gank squads.

    Once I get enough certs you'll see me faction hopping like crazy for under popped air factions. But I mean christ some of my planes don't even have hovor 3 lol.
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  8. Savadrin


    Betty: Bob, what is all this?

    Bob: This is salt, Betty, and a whole lot of it.
    • Up x 2
  9. adamts01

    Haha! Great! People need to chill out. I got my *** kicked in 1v1s by a Scythe a couple days ago for a good half hour straight. He was much better than me and was camping just outside my warpgate. After the first dual he'd fire some warning shots, we'd square up, and I'd die. I didn't stand a chance. Instead of getting pissy, we chatted back and forth. I did kill him once, stabbed him in the back as he was chasing down a fellow Mosquito, he got me back promptly. In the end, I hope I got a little bit better. Fast forward 2 days, we had a pretty epic couple hours as I Dalton gunned for him. Everyone should try to be cool with each other, it's a small community, stop making it smaller.
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  10. Savadrin

    I typically end up chatting with the guys who just murder me repeatedly. Their winning shows me I have something to learn from them.
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  11. Sil4ntChaozz

    That works surprisingly well. Just wish chat was easier on console so it could be done more often.
  12. LaughingDead

    I can't stand asshats that camp out of the warpgate, that should be sacred airspace to let new players learn how to fly.

    Beyond that I can only think of a few good pilots, the most memorable one however was ESFsSuck, just because of the name.
  13. adamts01

    That was the only place he could get a fight without his buddies gang banging the opponent 8v1 with Coyotes. I didn't mind so much, I was getting wrecked but it was at least 1v1, and he'd always give me warning shots. It's the Koreans that get a hard on for setting up a whole platoon outside warpgate. I have no idea why they get such a kick out of it. I just lol-podded down a whole Valk full of them with lock on launchers camping my warpgate about an hour ago, good times. A few of them are good pilots too. I just don't get it, same crap Sneaky was complaining about. Whatever.
  14. Savadrin

    Warp gate denial is a lot of fun if you're doing it in some way that doesn't make Wisconsin jelly of your cheese.
  15. adamts01

    Meh. I relate it to terminal camping with a Stalker. It's a valid tactic that gets kills, but it's pretty lame, and I won't take part in it. Same as the guys that wait around enemy landing pads and look for targets that are repairing or out of ammo. That's the kind of stuff you do on your laptop while you're waiting for your gynecologist.
  16. Savadrin

    Terminal camping is major cheese, but it's also vehicle denial and can literally cripple an armor push if executed well. There's few other places where a single person can make a difference in the flow of battle ;)