[Suggestion] Samurai sword

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReptilePete, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. ReptilePete

    I want a samaurai sword that can decapitate and I think it would be really cool if when the players head gets chopped off, they can still see through the eyes for s few seconds before they get the death screen.
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  2. Newlife1025

    This isint overwatch... this topic has come up time and time again... you already have a knife, use it
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  3. Diggsano

    There is a Katana like Knife in PS2 already...
  4. Anteep

    Don't ****post, he asked for a samurai sword not a knife.
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  5. FateJH

    Also, your eye position is actually just below your player model's collar, not in its head.
  6. ReptilePete

    That cant be! how is it that I can turn my head and look around?. If my vision was located in my torso, I would have to turn my whole body to see around.
  7. FateJH

    You do. The way your primitive first-person model and another player's full-body model operate are different. Another player might not perceive the subtle degrees of turning you might perform on their screen, at least not with the same level or accuracy as you do on your screen. They might also see it as turning around in full measure. As far as you are concerned, however, you are always completely pivoting your "body." Everything else is just animated gesturing for the sake of realism.

    Some games do separate "head from body" tracking like the Arma's. PlanetSide doesn't.
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  8. Pikachu

    Why are torso visions
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  9. Ximinett

    Ok,samurai sword...for what faction????

    I mean,samurais are asians,and we all know that asians are the Vanu...so...

    Maybe an axe for TR and a blunt for NC...
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  10. Pikachu

    We blue ones get mattocks.
  11. Corezer

    There's this game coming called "For Honor" that I think u might like...
  12. adamts01

    Hahaha, NC get's screwed again!!! LOL
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  13. Newlife1025

    I dont see much value n that... maby for longer reaches, but thats all i can see it for. Imo, its just a longer knife, and if he was looking for killing potential, a power knife could do that job. Any way, that wouldn't seem to fit a space age shooter. Many of these threads come from overwatch players, since ive seen them mention it in the past.
  14. Newlife1025

    Actually, after some thought, that doesn't seem like such a bad idea. But it would of course need certain draw backs so that one infiltrator can't one shot everyone in a base by wildly swinging... that and i think it would make more salty vets
  15. BarkaThaGreat

    Man, that's played out. I want a Tomahawk with the option to throw it!
  16. Nintyuk

  17. stalkish

    Obligatory Indiana Jones vid:

    You can keep your sword. :D
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  18. ReptilePete

    yeah but that wont happen to me because I will be invisible
  19. EvilWarLord

    You mean a "Katana" is what your looking for, If i recall those were in PS1.
  20. Metalsheep

    Yes they were in PS1 and they were called Fusion Blades.


    They were pretty rare, you had to be granted one by a GM or go to fanfaire, and were the same strength as regular knives. Their powered secondary mode made the blade glow a faction color and increases the speed of the swings rather than damage.

    Id love to see them return.
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