Actual population of Planetside 2 on Ps4...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ximinett, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Ximinett

  2. Sinful Raevyn

    US servers - 1600 current. Between 2000-2400 at ultimate peak.
    EU servers- Under 200 current. A little over 1000 at peak.
  3. Pikachu

    200 in EU? :confused:
  4. Ximinett

    So,if i build a Ps4 PRO and if the game gonna be patched for that console,i should play on US servers??? This doesnt mean that i will have lag or high ping???
  5. ObiVanuKenobi

    If you're not from US you will have high ping, 1000 players isn't that bad.
  6. Doctor Tiki

    This is good information. How is the population on PC btw? Looking at returning if it's healthy.
  7. ObiVanuKenobi

  8. Doctor Tiki

    Thanks @ObiVanuKenobi, you were my only hope! (sorry couldn't resist)
  9. ObiVanuKenobi

    May the force be with you.
  10. Jawarisin

    high ping, probably. lag? you'll always lag, but that's because you're on a console, not a PC.

    It's only a ping issue, the lag is console stuff.
  11. Ryme_Intrinseca
