[Suggestion] NC needs a little buff maybe?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FlashDelta13, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. PyroPaul

    So what about the other 90% of the rest of the game involving wide open spaces with distances measured over 20 meters? This is what i mean by the argument going no where... You are not wrong - shotguns are devastatingly powerful at close range.

    But this 1 instance of a scattermax on a point doesn't win the Alerts... it doesn't turn the tide of conflict... and it sure as hell doesn't make the NC the overwhelming OP Faction which you are painting it out to be.
  2. JobiWan

    I never said anything about the NC being overwhelming or OP at all. My comments were in response to the thread saying that NC needed a buff and I quoted three weapons that they have exclusively that are most certainly not in need of a buff. Interesting that I mentioned Air Hammer and Canister too but nobody quotes that, just the Scatter. AH was recently nerfed but it's still ridiculously OP in that you have next to no chance of surviving if one is out to farm infantry.

    All I'm saying in response to the OP is that NC don't need a buff.
  3. rahte

    Yeah. What wounds TR republic players is by definition OP.

    Thats why Airhammer was nerfed to the level that it is better to use Mustang against infantry (really, it is more versile and you can up to 3 infantry with one mag, which is not possible with Airhammer now...and you can kill MAX too...).:D:D:D:D:D

    So right now Airhammer safe to be used by NC.... but... there is always but... It is still OP, because it wounds TR republic players... and therefore it has to be nerfed even more. :D:D:D:D:D

    Well c'mon... Have You every seen TR or VS MAX'es hiding behind the corner in biolabs just to kill 1 infantry with 2 mag's? Because this is just what NC MAXs hace to do because their weapons are such a crap... Think about it for a sec. ok?
  4. PyroPaul

    And all i'm saying is that you're perpetuating the entire problem and not letting a solution surface.

    NC are in a bad spot - they constantly lose Alerts.
    This means that there is a balance problem with the NC in the bigger picture long conflict side of the game.

    But rather then acknowledging that there is a balance problem with the faction as a whole and constructively look as to why.... You have (like so many others) claim a handful of weapons are "most certainly not in need of a buff" And thus the faction as a whole shouldn't be evaluated at all.

    No body mentions those weapons because they are both a twisted Joke, turning the NC from high class mercenaries using cutting edge prototype weapons into redneck nationalists that duct-tape shotguns to their pick-up truck hood and genuinely believing that is cutting edge.

    The Air Hammer is a beyond gimped - in order to reliably down infantry with the thing you have to fly close enough where getting 1-shot by an Anni-Heavy is basically assured. Trying to engage infantry at the ranges which Banshee users usually engage is effectively a waste of ammo. And to add injury to insult - They just recently Nerfed the weapon again! because it was just a little too difficult to hit those pesky Reavers with an Anni-Heavy... now Reaver Pilots have to hover 20 meters away in order to down most infantry troops, Good luck missing That boxy hovering target.

    And really... the C85? That thing is STILL A joke, even on Harrassers. Especially when you compare it to the TR or VS AI equivalent - which effectively both shoot grenades. In fact, before they removed the Vehicle Stats section of the Planetside 2 Stats - the C85 was the least popular and effective weapon in the game having less kills then the Kobalt.

    The ScatterMAX is the only weapon which has merit because in point blank range it can melt just about any one... except when you step outside that point blank range - the thing becomes a joke, like everything else NC Shotgun-wise.
  5. rahte

    PyroPaul I agree with You in 100%, but they will not understand it, because it it does not affect them. Even though game with absolutely no competition is loosing players constantly all the time in last years, because it is not balanced, and NC have worst equipment in game. And because of lack of balance You have constant feeling of "product not yet ready".
  6. Crayv

    My problem with NC right now is the same problem I had with TR for years. NC currently has no real long range AV option. Ravens are hard capped at 400m (MAXs can now render further than that) and the Enforcer has terrible drop, which gives it a very high skill floor but no higher ceiling to compensate.
  7. Pixues

    There was/is a hypothesis that NC attracts a lot of young players because they are the 'rebellion' and young people are rebellious. And these young players are supposedly inexperienced.

    Maybe NC needs an image makeover
  8. rahte

    Well... actually me and my friends are between 30 and 40.... All kinds of personalities, all kind of jobs: from solicitors to engeneers, and company owners.

    Two players, including me, played First Person Shooters semi-pro (in National Representations, part things sponsored, but without profit.)
  9. strikebrch

    Not bufff but fixes on certain weapons and their leadership

    Take out the gauss saw as the entry level heavy assault weapon , i know they want to show faction weapon traits but for a new player is impractical plus you need atachments to make it "easy" to handle. To this date i still hear in comms "A BR 3 player just killed me 5 times arrrghhhh!!!!" Well , easy to handle entry level weapon THAT'S WHY.

    Mijolnir.........for ***** sake !!!! Who got the great idea of not giving us a vehicle rail cannon yet ? 4 years and still waiting.....instead we have a freaking granade launcher that performs horrible , no one use it.

    Railjack.........just take out the fire delay mechanism , it DOESN'T help lead targets has many copy paste coments out there say since only makes it effective against other infiltrators and engineers on their turrets but right now that role has been covered by stalker camo and crossbow with a higher succes rate.

    ESF Reaver weapon , the vortex , needs a slight buff in muzzle speed to reach perfect balance.

    Leadership: They just need to check the map every couple of minutes and move into a fast response team format rather than "sticking my butt here" discipline. Fast response is totally supported by most of NC arsenal which has in my eyes the most specialization and attachment diversity on the entire game...... theres a weapon and attacment for literally every situation but saddly players don't see that and use the wrong combos plus horrible squad drop decks commonly known as "just use whatever you feel like".

    Can one single NC make a diference in a 50-50% defense battle ? YES. I've done it and seen other NC players doing it.

    But when it comes to initiavite..........NC needs to buff itself on that one........watching an NC doing a "PIZZA DELIVERY" is very rare and says A LOT about the NC players situation.
  10. lothbrook

    NC needs better options for AI max like the bullet hoses that both the TR and VS have, instagibbing with the shotguns might seem strong but you'll drain your mags killing 2 guys leaving you completely vulnerable for quite a while very often, and the VG secondaries need some serious buffs since both the TR and VS options are superior, the VG used to be the long range tank, but now the Prowler crushes it there.
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  11. strikebrch

    That's why we have the aegis shield which can be activated and lets us reload at the same time.

    When it comes to tanks
    TR gunner options are superior not VS , VS AP gunner weapon spreads shots depending on distance (balance) in which case TR red flare rocket launcher has no problem since it's a mix of DPS+no bullet drop+range . You get way more deaths from the MR11 Gatekeeper during armor battles than the Prowler AP weapon which itself says A LOT.

    But theres another reality when it comes to the VG , you don't go long range engagements using the highest damage per salvo as an excuse. Personal experience showed me that our MBT has the best frontside armor on the game , if you couple that with an AP cannon , a Halberd and shield ability then you have the best flanking / push ground vehicle on the game ...... hence the game VANGUARD.

    But of course , saddly , many NC don't realise that yet and sit their tanks in a spot sniping.
  12. Slandebande

    Luckily, all factions have acess to the best of the AV-weapons, namely the Halberd! At least for people with moderate experience. I also personally don't think the Gatekeeper is that much better than the Enforcer, for a couple of reasons. One being that the Gatekeeper is trivial to counter in most situations, rendering its DPS very poor. Another is the fact that the ranges where the Gatekeeper typically shines, you shouldn't really be losing tanks to enemy tanks, as performing evasive/defensive maneuvers is so easy at such ranges.

    I think the GK is too easy to use for inexperienced gunners, which is supposedly being changed in the upcoming patch, just like the Mjolnir is getting increased range (and an automatic firing mode)

    I think the Prowler has always been the long-range tank, especially since at the ranges further beyond where the Vanguard is useful, no enemy tank should really be a threat to you. Meaning the extra range the Prowler has shouldn't really matter if you know what you are doing, especially considering its a weapon relying on sustained fire. The only difference is that now the Prowlers DPS at ranges where the Vanguard is effective, is unchanged, but at distances further than that, the Prowler can put out poor DPS (since its only a secondary shooting at you after all, and the DPS isn't that high).
  13. ExarRazor

    you cant fix, patch, buff, nerf, or hotfix stupid.
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  14. Savadrin

    I've been gone since April, but I'll be back playing soon. Good to see nothing's changed and that the NC are still crying because they can't figure out how to use their arsenal properly, and that their teamwork basically just sucks ****.

    Why does NC get banned in almost every server smash?
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  15. lothbrook

    The VGs armor is only superior on paper, especially the front armor, as an AP magrider kills a VG to the front in the same number of shots as a prowler, making literally the shield its only saving grace in a front to front fight, as a single dodge from a magrider means he can now kill you before you can kill him, especially against a prowler whos DPS without lockdown is superior to the point where you will die if you don't have your shield up and you got the first shot. Combine that with the Gatekeeper not letting a lockdown prowler hammer you with both the secondary and main guns reliable from render distance, you have a serious problem.

    Also the VS av secondary is indeed superior to anything the NC has at long range, the fact it can't sustain maximum fire rate doesn't matter as it doesn't have drop and the VG can't move while returning fire as it will likely hit bumps throwing its aim off, all the while the magrider is moving back and forth, meaning the Magriders secondary is getting consistent damage done while you're likely missing, at least before the shield nerf you had a greater margin of error in these fights, now the best you can hope for with a magrider at long range is a draw.

    I'm an old school tanker whos killed tanks in just about every way imaginable, the VG is a shadow of its former self.
  16. Humoreske

    PS2's battle field is vast. NC must remenber it.
    JH and MAX's AI are useless in the PS2.
    Sadly, NC does not have the advantage now.
  17. Moz

    I like this post.

    I has theory on NC TKs. The reason this happens more to the NC is due to the high damage out put of our guns. When a player on TR or Vanu runs in your line by mistake for example, your pee shooters dont do enough damage before it registers with you that you are hitting friendly. With an NC gun, by the time you realise what happened your pal is a bloody splodge on the wall.... At least that my story and im sticking with it! :D
  18. Pikachu

    It's vanu that is OP.
  19. Beerbeerbeer

    The NC on emerald are wretched for the most part.

    Typically they run +5% in pop, but still can't win and hold the least amount of territory for the most part. If the pops are even, it's almost guaranteed they'll be two or three bases away from being warp gated.

    I play all factions equally and really can't put my finger on why. They do have good players, but what they lack, I think, is a homogeneous blob like DAPP or AOD that can actually win. The Phoenix whatever is around, but they are not as big nor are they always around and they don't win as much through sheer mass.

    In any case, I can look at the map and the populations on emerald and immediately know what's going to happen with NC on Emerald.

    The VS run -5% in pop and do better than the NC.

    However, they do know how to take over empty continents, that's about it though.
  20. lokear

    I think this picture can explain the problem.
