Give the magrider omnidirectional magburn.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cyiko, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Cyiko

    There, now magburn is actually useful in combat instead of basically existing just to run away or go somewhere. "It already has mobility" Its main ability is going over rocks that other tanks can't. If i wanted that as a main ability and have to rely on flanking and rear attacks in an MBT, i'd use a harasser... Infact, I do!
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  2. Slandebande

    Magburn isn't useful in combat? I feel like Magburn suits the Magriders style pretty well, in the sense that the Magrider doesn't have the most baseline advantages in a straight up slugging match, but as soon as a Magrider has even the slightest advantage, it is SO much more effective at driving home the advantage. The Magburn fits this part perfectly, as it can both allow the crew to charge into the enemies before they can recoup, but also to make a quick escape after a daring maneuver (meaning there are situations you can go into, knowing you have Magburn to bail you out).

    Magburn is also useable when you are flanking, as it can help you stay on the targets tail more easily (drift-magburning is surprisingly effective if you haven't tried it).

    All MBTs are MUCH more effective if performing flanking maneuvers, the Magrider is no exception. I personally believe the Magrider (and in certain situations the Vanguard) is the best flanker out there. And you aren't going to be impacting any larger fights significantly without performing some form of flanking maneuver.

    I also personally belive an omni-directional magburn would be too strong in the hands of experienced crews, while not strong enough in the hands of lesser experienced crews, which wouldn't really alleviate the largest issue the Magrider has (in my opinion), namely that it has a high skill-floor compared to the other two MBTs.

    Ahahahahahaha No.

    Magriders don't have thrusters mounted on the front and sides. You see all the thrusters on the back? That's the source of the Magburn, for pseudo-realism reasons.

    The next is that you don't goddamn need more strafe power. The Magrider is powerful enough as it is.
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  4. Cyiko

    When the magriders ability lets it function as well as a vanguard or prowler instead of again, existing to go up slightly steep hills or run away, let me know.
  5. Liewec123

    magrider is in a solid spot already, they can already dodge shots, giving them the ability to pikachu around would be a bit over the top. :D
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  6. Zanaffar

    Ffs every thread where magrider is mentioned is instantly swarmed by nc and tr saying again and again it can strafe. Better sit down now boys because when you turn turret 90 degree and move forward and backward than guess what. ***** yeah you can strafe now too wooo. Works well with another angles too.
  7. Nurath

    Sorta makes my statement in another thread about Vanu players having measurable advantages and still complaining for buffs kinda accurate.
    A tank that can side-strafe dodge incoming fire and has turbo, and still want more.

    Shameful display.
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  8. ridicOne

    This is why the Vanguard needs the long range secondary railgun. Give NC a solid toy and at that point you'll see how well the Maggie sits in meaningful tank gameplay.
  9. Sorato

    that would require A LOT of terrain awareness to be useful.
    8/10 times you would just mag/blindburn with 100kph sideways or backwards into rocks/trees/cactuses/walls, taking massive collision damage..

    and for what? at best you could dodge one volley with this on Indar's open Desert terrain..

    i rather have them increase magburner duration, or shorten the cool down time.
  10. Nintyuk

    Why not, There not buffing the Vanguard any time soon, Might as well dig it's ditch even deeper.
  11. Sil4ntChaozz

    You just want to drift circles around MBTs don't you?

    Just me?
  12. Pat22

    Well, ESF don't have thrusters mounted on their front or top side, yet you see them flying backwards or hovering upside-down all the time.
  13. Pat22

    You could dart to cover without both having to point your main gun away from your target and exposing either your weaker side armor or even rear armor.
  14. JAKKAT


    Gravity and inertia. VTOLs don't operate by hover-tank rules, and ESFs only thrust forwards and upwards relative to the airframe.

    -and I've thought it over and figured you meant hovering and holding upside-down. That doesn't happen. Ever.
  15. Pat22

    It does. You simply flip your ESF upside down and hold down CTRL. You will still lose altitude at a very, VERY slow rate, way to slow considering the aircraft has no thrusters designed to keep you airborne upside down while hovering.
    Hell, if you have hover airframe, I'm pretty sure you just stay perfectly still upside down.

    Plus, reverse maneuver goes waaaaaay past what inertia can do. From a slight backwards movement created by gravity, I can send my ESF rocketing high into the sky backwards, that's complete nonsense.
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  16. Dethonlegs

    No thanks. As Sorato said, you would just end up ramming into objects. It's already the number one cause for driver suicide.

    Can you imagine the spectacle / horror of a friendly zerg? Mags moving in every random direction taking out anyone on foot. Mags getting caught up with each other in the gravity dance of death.

    If anything a small reduction in cooldown or increase in duration would be nice.
  17. SpectralAndroid

    Honestly since i switched to TR i've had real issues hitting magriders
    its usually people who have them upgraded and have a good gunner with the maswell

    you WILL NOT hit them once if youre as experienced as me, the movement is just too unpredictable
    the only magriders i kill are either inexperienced drivers or people with a stock magrider (just like i used to be)

    so giving them a booster that goes in all directions ? hell... even vets would have problems hitting them then
  18. Lemposs

    Christ all might of all the OP stuff that gets suggested that has to be one of the biggest one to date. It would essentially take its already good ability of strafing and just double down on it, the magburn is already an ability that gets used to quickly get behind another mbt, this would essentially make it possible to do the same, but with the added benefit of continuously being able to fire.
  19. Pat22

    * for one second every 30 seconds.
  20. Kubin