Would you have bought this game if it was $40-$60?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nie_Tutaj, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. Nie_Tutaj

    I've heard some people say that they wish that this game wasn't F2P so things like the micro-transaction system wouldn't have been as prominent. Does anyone agree? Would you have bought this game if you saw the price tag was a one time payment?
  2. The Rogue Wolf

    Maybe at $40; absolutely not at $60. I've never even bought a Battlefield or Call of Duty at that price (I got BF4 for $15 and never bought an expansion), and they were more cohesive and better-performing games at release (except for every BF game having network and weapon-balancing issues at launch).

    I think a lot of people don't realize that A) the microtransaction system in PS2 isn't nearly as obnoxious as some other games, and B) the game might have died in the cradle if it had been a full-price release.
  3. omegaskorpion

    Propably with 30e price tag yes (and propably with the current state of the game, rather than the one game started with).
    I would still approve selling cosmetics even if the game is pay to play, but i would not aprove selling guns or blueprints at that scenario.
  4. ButterNutts

    For the amount of server issues the game has, no.

    Countless times I just get Connection Quality: Bad way too many times to really be able to enjoy PS2 anymore.
  5. FateJH

    There's also: C) a one-time purchase price does not completely invalidate the existence of a microtransaction system.
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  6. Moridin6

    I paid almost 60 for BF3 when i built this pc. would gladly have spent that money on this, and its got even more content now
  7. Newlife1025

    Absolutely not. There's not much else to the game ratjer than shooting at people. The ftp aspect is what brought this many people to play. If it were 40-60, you would only see a tiny community of players.
  8. Campagne

    Meh. Maybe I would have back in 2012, when the game was shiny and new and better.

    Right now? At most $20, but I wouldn't say that'd be a guarantee. Balance aside, I've never seen nor played any other game that runs worse than PS2.
  9. SixNineFour

    I have spent more than that on this game so far, but I wouldn't have even tried this game if it wasn't F2P.
  10. Caramboul

    40-60 € for the game and additional the present membership option? Yes, i would pay for it. But only Planetside 3.

    New and fresh. Core, grafics, sound and steering up to date - included a VR option, maybe as dlc... i would pay a lot.
  11. ObiVanuKenobi

    Fix your internet and it won't happen.
  12. DeathbyGotcha

    I would 100% vote for an investment in the game if it would get rid of these constant hackers I can't play the game in the morning or past 8 pm. The Korean/ Asian hackers are everywhere they will not play a game they can lose $40 they had their own server closed due to hacking why do we have to put up with it ?
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  13. breeje

    i payed way more than 60€, but i only tried this game cause it was free
    if i had to pay money for it, it would have needed great reviews or a free trail period
    this money making model for PS2 is the best way, if we had to buy it this game would have been a fiasco
  14. ObiVanuKenobi

    That's not the reason why their server was closed.
    They're all lagging more or less because distance causes high latency, maybe you can't tell the difference between lag and hax?
  15. Yessme

    absolutly, PS2 with old Setup + old alerts+ no konti lock + old resi System+++ oooooold CROWN , i wold pay 100$

    but to time, nope is a boring game, and will anyway go Die.
    Planetside2 2.0 is failed, People loos Feeling, open Bases for zergs, no strategy, 12 Squad cant capeture a base vs 24 Squad
    anymore (coz open base design)
  16. Nie_Tutaj

    Really interesting to read through this so far. Wonder what this would look like on Reddit?
  17. ReptilePete

    I probably would have paid about twenty Euros in its current state but would have happily paid ten to 15 Euros subscription each month.
  18. LaughingDead

    If it brought some consistency and maybe a crate system for cosmetics with a stable amount of income (since ya know every person you see payed 50$ for it aprox) then I think the game would be more enjoyable , however the problem would be guaranteeing that players bought it which would mean a lot of money would be spent for the ads to kickstart it.

    However if all that went swimmingly then yes, I would've payed for a copy.
  19. CrazyFrog

    if the game had better anti hack security and no pay to win cash shop with just cosmetics you unlocked in game and a subscription model then yeah I defo would.

    but f2p models with cash shops is the new generation of gaming unfortunately,they make proberly 10x the amount or more from free to play with cash shops, and that's why its going that way, games are not about the game anymore,its how much money you sink into them.

    if this continues the gaming industry will plummet,
  20. CrazyFrog

    no RNG crate system for cosmetics that's one of the stupidest things ive ever seen, its a money pit for stupid people,

    if you can buy cosmetics they best be so you can straight out buy the one you want,not spend $1000 on crates and keys to finaly get the piece you want,that system is disgusting.