If this game wasnt so Pay2Win that'd be nice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpectralAndroid, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. Jawarisin

    In a brutally honest way, the main problem you have is that you suck. I've spent literally 20$ on this game, which all went for camos (after over a year of playing, so I got nothing that gave any advantage). I never had issues.

    With no boost/no membership, I average 220 certs an hour. My guess is you get a fraction of that. Not because you didn't pay, but because you suck.
  2. Newlife1025

    I can see why you call it pay to win. Its much harder overall to get Good stuff unless if you're an Über pro or pay up. As a free to play player i understand the struggle, but you just gotta budget and look for the guns that'll actually make a difference. I can grind out 100-200 certs per day and so i gotta mind my spending. What werl said was right though. It is pay for convenience since you dont waste 13 days worth of playtime to get the things you want. As of now, i only ficus infantry because there could be another me out there with c4 ready to turn my tank into a metal death box.
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  3. Moridin6

    though i said it saltily, im serious about you coming and driving my magrider.. fully certed. and were gonna get stomped at first because you wont know how best to use it. but its ok. you'll learn. and along the way youll realize that if the fully certed versions of the gun you can buy dont make you WIN, then your P2W argument is invalid.

    i wont even bring it up in game.

    and then soon, once you learn her, well use maggy to make some serious certs. but it wont be because of my membership or the money ive put in this game, but our skill, our tactics.
  4. rahte

    This game is not Pay to Win. Period.

    Thats why I am paying them, because I have tendency to pay for what I use.
  5. Corezer

    A fan of what?! a game I play????

    Why yes, yes I am...
  6. SpectralAndroid

    nono youre a fanboy, and you dont even know the meaning of the word which is sad
  7. FieldMarshall

    Pretty sure its a troll post. It makes zero logical sense and he is raging in all the replies.
    Nobody can be that stupid.
  8. EPIC389

    Stupid is something that will never leave this world

    Considering the number of valid reasonable points that have been presented to you in a clear and concise manner, the least you should do is admit you're wrong.

    You have not seen the internet in all its Sheer Stupidity Glory.
  9. Themimicstaticguy

    All I can agree on is that vehicles indeed favor certain setups and that for example the liberator stock belly gun is not good.
    But I have seen ESF pilots wrecking the sky with the starting gun, HEAT MBT's laying squads to waste until they look like Indar and stock lightnings doing farm-sim with the viper.
    The only way to stat wise (aka direct) upgrade these weapons is with certs. Which you can only gain by playing.

    But still, yes, DBC could instantly get you favorable weapons on CERTAIN vehicles (yes, harasser top gun and libby belly for example)
    But without the skill to operate them you'll be just as much farmed. A fully loaded ESF will just get his *** farmed by a skilled ESF pilot using his stock gun.

    Infantry have plenty of options to take out vehicles (AT mines, c4, funzookas, stationary turrets, deployables, construction turrets to name a few). In fact if you get 6 guys around and work together you pretty much farm armor convoys as 5 heavies (one engy for ammo) will instant wreck them one at a time. Just don't run in the middle of a field like a moron and use cover, mountains, buildings, wherever the vehicles can't get easily. And vehicles give great amounts of xp

    People who know how to play can get easily 100 certs an hour with stock stuff. People who don't know how to play will struggle getting 100 certs an hour even with 2 X 50% boosts. Check some youtube vids where veterans try out the stock loadouts for infantry and vehicles and look how they still wreck everyone

    I myself have membership, but when I get 1500 certs a week ( And I go to college) I would still get around 1200 certs without it. Protip. use galaxies to transport people from the warpgate after a continent gets locked. You get a full kill worth of xp for any transport assist (meaning they kill a dude after you taxied them)

    No money in this game will outperform a great aiming arm or a tactical advantageous position

    You only pay4time
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  10. DoucheSlayer

    I'm on PS4, BR 93/94 i forgot, and i have only paid2lookcool
    Never anything on any boost or any actual benefit, infact, looking cool and shiny singles me out and i get focused and die a lot.
    I am pay2lose
  11. Balake

    PAY to win would be that they had BETTER weapons than the free users, because they are paying money. The only thing you get different when paying is weapons faster and different cammo. It is not pay to win because others are killing you. Stop crying and start looking at what YOU did wrong when you died. I haven used a single cent on my user, and neither has my main driver and we are often wrecking havoc and harvesting points.
  12. CrazyFrog

    the OP says its pay to win,because he is right,the game is pay to win,i have already explained in detail why,and the facts are right in the game that you all play,so you cant say you have not seen them.

    planetside 2 is clearly blatantly factually 100% pay to win,its crystal clear by looking at the cash shop,

    I agree with the premise even though I didn't read the post entirely. As someone whose dropped far too much money into the game I believe spending that money has given me a huge advantage over someone who hasn't. I also believe it would anyone else as well. That's like in life saying someone who inherited a million bucks is about as likely to do well as someone who came from poverty. It's obviously false and planetside obviously has some degree of pay to win, even if it's not absolute or as bad as other games. Don't compare it to anything else just use logic.

    Acting like the few weapons people have to start the game is enough and pretending like side grades that drastically change your ability to perform better in different more varied combat situations is just silly to me. Someone who just starts planetside has like one piece of the big puzzle that is an auraxis battlefield. And he's constantly trying to fit a piece that most of the time doesn't fit the best into every place he can. Spending money instantly fixes a huge portion of that disadvantage.
  14. Devilllike

    i dont even..wtf is wrong with you people|? do you even know what the **** p2w is? if you cant handle the game then get the **** off and go play call of duty planetside is not p2w
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  15. Sh4n4yn4y

    First off, I haven't bought a single weapon or upgrade with money. I buy cosmetics to support the game.

    Yet I have an armoury of stuff I will never use, and the gear I do use is maxed out. Now, I had the advantage of A) having an account during beta and shortly after public release. B) playing Planetside 1 (Yeah, not a massive advantage. Two very different games.)

    However, my current account was made mid 2014, so I had no upgrades against veteran accounts. I battled on through. The upgrades only give slight advantages.
    They don't make you suddenly god mode, they give slightly improved accuracy, slightly improved survival chances... all of which can be outclassed by planning, positioning and skill. Pick your fights, don't let them pick you.

    They target you specifically? No, most likely you're both in large groups, and they're just shooting at whatever they see. Your allies are taking hits too, you just notice those aimed at you most.

    I'm now cruising around with my maxed out mozzie, maxed out lightning, maxed out carbine, jump packs etc. Thousands of certs. No issue for me.

    Definitely not pay to win.
  16. AtckAtck

    It's not like the ES-Lockons are that expensive, but hitting a tank up to 50 m with a dumbfire rocket is quite possible. Also the lock-on do less dmg per hit, have less dps due to lockon time and are easy to obstruct.
    But please keep in mind, you are fighting a !Tank! !Alone!. You aren't supposed to do that.
    You need at least 3-4 rockets from behind, 5-6 from the front. No way in hell you can survive that without cover standing in the open.
    You CAN outplay tanks, but don't guess on it happening regularly.
    You want to fight tanks with infantry? Get 3 friends, 1 hit any tank from the back...
    Don't expect to lone wolf a tank with your 4 rockets.

    What?! Sorry, but you are straight wrong here. The python is hands on the best allrounder gun for the lighting. It's a bane to infantry and is on par with the lighting heat cannon in a 1vs1. You just have to hit all the shots. The only thing you will loose to is a 1 vs 1 with an AP-Lightning, or a MBT.
    The lightning is a run and gun platform, use stealth, flank and range to surprise your enemies. If you charge head on into battle you will just die, fast.

    Most tankers don't even use 2x optics. Most use thermal.
    The difference in aiming with and without zoom makes constant adaptation necessary.
    But 500 certs just for a zoom is a tad bit too much I agree.
    Still, 1K certs for the last ammo or reload perk is much worse than the zoom I think.

    If you try to solo harassers with a lightning you will die. Most harasser weapons can 1-Clip any lightning from behind, while you need 3 shots to kill one.
    Once again: they surprise you, you die. You surprise them, they die.

    As much as I hate to say this, but its just that you need more experience with the game and the mechanics.
    You simply cannot expect to jump into a tank and blast away everybody with no risk.
    Experienced players know when to engage and when not, or when to run.

    I am free to play too and I really don't know how you get so low. You can easily make 100 certs per hour, sometimes a bit lower, sometimes a bit higher. And that despite me not having a godly k/d.
  17. Corezer

    You keep thinking that =)
  18. Good_Kitty

    I think you just suck at the game. I have no problem hitting vehicles from 100+ meters away with a decimator. Stop playing on a potato PC and turn your particles on and learn bullet drop.
  19. entity009

    I just want to give a little advice to the new player here about unlocking things. Pick engie/LA combo or medic. By the time you are 15-20 you will have enough certs to perk out those classes to a decent extent. I say LA/eng bec it gives you a support role and a very effective assault role with guns that the classes share. I say medic because it is an outstanding cert earner and solid class.

    If you focus on one of those paths you can have a pretty well rounded character by 20.

    As far as vehicles go the stock guns are great and 1.5 zoom is not costly.

    There is a huge amount of stuff to unlock and saving certs to get things you want is the fun of the game. If you drop a bunch of money on the game and unlock tons of guns you will find yourself with certs to spend and nothing you are excited to unlock :|
  20. Diilicious

    SpectralAndroid? more like SpecialAndroid am i right? *holds hand awkwardly for high five*