(Video) The burden of the Push

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReNz0r, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. ReNz0r

    Today we will take a look at a particular gamestyle that I think matters a lot in planetside 2 especially when we play as a heavy assault but not only. I hope you enjoy!

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  2. Nurath

    I like how you just walk in and start wrecking while the Vanu are oblivious.

    I want Vanu like that, why cant I have oblivious Vanu? Maybe it's a Cobalt thing.
  3. Cosmir

    Notice the incredible abundance of very low BR players who are probably on their first character and have been playing for 2-3 hours. Even the higher BR players don't seem to respond to him (in the tech plant). I can tell you that as soon as I fly over that wall I'd be taking fire. If not, as soon as I start shooting anyone I'd be getting shot. If not, as soon as I put damage on someone I'd be getting shot. Even this BR 107 PR0Nl (medic) sees two people die in front of him and 2 seconds later whips out his gun to revive them. What???
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  4. breeje

    i play this way with my outfit but whit randoms i do tend to farm a bit when i have the chance
    like Nurath said, where do you find those vanu and no they are not on cobalt
  5. Giligan96

    Great video Renzor! I'm starting to play HA more these days. I'm not very skilled with PVP shooters and am new to M+KB(coming from a controller) so I tend to be the guy who stays back as a medic/engie and heal/revive/repair. Since I'm not a great front lines guy, I do get scared of going in deep because I seem to have no chance against other players- definitely on me and my sub par aiming/lack of awareness. So it's easy to stick with my medic/engie and help as I can.
    But, lately I've been trying something different- climbing outside my comfort zone, like being an HA. Thanks for the tips and keep up the great videos!