How is cheating now in this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. bLind db

    It's still rampant and DBG is letting known hackers go with short suspensions if they're paying customers, while perma-banning legitimate players that are just better than the average MAX ****ter.

    That's a post by Radar X saying that they're not going to unban a KNOWN legit player (streams probably 90% of his gameplay) because he no longer contributes financially to DBG (despite having paid hundreds of dollars in the past for stuff), while we've seen tons of known hackers in the past come back after a week-long ban to continue hacking after it came to light that they were subscribers.

    If you want to know the state of cheating in this game, this should answer your question.
  2. Beerbeerbeer

    They need to hurry up with Battleye. Get it in now.

    Maybe I'm just more perceptive of things, but I tend to notice odd things quickly now versus years ago. I saw a teleport hacker a few days ago (no, it wasn't lag, I've played enough to know the difference) and screw the naming and shaming crap, ProrionLOL is straight-up hacker. It's BS to get 35+% accuracy with LMGs. That's like perfect aim with the COF.

    Crap is getting frustrating.
  3. Person7man

    No. I'm not even as good as Prorion and I'm posting 45% HSR/35% accuracy. He also streams on twitch and his channel is StormSh7dow. Other good streamers include: Nefinub, Cheeserolla, EdubsMcCool, among others. Watch their past broadcasts, they will teach you a lot about the game.
  4. Towie

    Just wanted to point out that there is a 'Silent' aimbot - one that doesn't turn the camera, they just hit people in the (adjustable) FOV. To anyone watching, they will just appear to be very accurate / lucky / skillful.

    I'm not saying that any of those are using it - but alas, Streaming does not automatically mean legit.
  5. Mirta00

    Its certainly hilarious that people don't realize you can set cheat programmes to Ghost mode.

    It applies settings designed not to show up on streams. No recoil and bone locking are classic examples. Well known 'respected' people have been caught out on streams before in this game. Often because they were sloppy one night and accidentally minimized to desktop, showing cheat UI's .

    So saying 'someone streams' is a denial ********** more often than not. Not proof of anything in the slightest, and its how NivX had this community fooled for years.

    Prorion certainly cheats. I've been in his squad a few times. Bare minimum he uses ESP and runs evasion/auto-medkit macro's/with assisted body aim. The way he just leaves rooms to kill approaching players (with no recon down), including cloaked infils is just too consistent to be in anyway legit. He's one of these people that strafes at a million miles an hour (literally it looks damn right odd) in a panicked frenzy when you've clearly got the jump on him, allowing him to soak up whole magazines and the spins with instant headshots no matter your elevation, cover or direction. Its certainly not lag when other players around him function in an ordinary manner and he does not.

    Regardless, If they ever do bring in a robust anti-cheat, I think alot of people are going to be very surprised at who is no longer here.
  6. Towie

    Well that isn't exactly what Radar X is saying - what he is actually saying is that customer support aren't going to be spending hours on end analysing someone who has been auto-banned when they don't contribute financially to the game.

    If you check out his videos, you will see that he deliberately goes for the farm - like targeting the people emerging from a doorway or Sunderer rather than trying to advance or knock out said Sunderer. Legit ? Quite possibly. Cheesy ? For sure. Will he be missed ? Unlikely.

    Ironically a better anti-cheat (ahem Battleye) will benefit people like him. Statistical based banning is problematic to say the least.
  7. Beerbeerbeer

    Yeah, play this game long enough, like since beta, and you can smell a rotten fish and Prorionlol is rotten.

    Another freaking hack that just blows my mind way is when people with slow firing, slow projectile speed guns can zap you almost instantly. Not sure how they're doing it other than hacking bullet speed, which sounds ludicrous, but I don't take anything for granted anymore. It's hard to detect in a Zerg, but I ran across someone (forgot the name) at a medium engagement distance, one-on-one that just left that funny feeling. It didn't compute in my head at first how, but bullet speed was the only conclusion I could draw, assuming that's even possible.

    Maybe I'm just getting ultra paranoid, or maybe I've played this game enough where I no longer miss even the tiniest of minutiae.
  8. CrazyFrog

    there are a fair amount of hackers on the game,roughly by experience I'm coming across a hacker every 1 out of 25 players,and since they closed the Korean/Chinese servers,its now more like every 1 out of 10,

    the game has its problems but its mainly the people playing it ruining the game for everyone else,dont hate the game hate the players that are hacking or dropping packets to purposely lag.

    i play on the PC, you will find next to no hackers on the console versions as far as i know.but i have not played on the console version of the game so i wouldn't really know :p
  9. Rebelgb

    Ive unfortunately limited my play to only Friday and Saturday nights. I still run across hackers on those 2 nights but with being in a good, large platoon (which you can find easily on weekends) the effects are watered down significantly. Trying to play TR on any week day or night not Friday or Saturday is WAYYYYY too frustrating. Just way too many hackers now. Not even just low level BR's with names you cant pronounce. High level BR's too. No its not just me sucking, I admit I suck, never deny it. When good gets me I usually tip my hat in chat. I have admitted openly on chat when an opposing player has treated me like his/her *****. Ive been playing since release and I know a hack when I see one.

    VS and NC (though not as much) is just full of them now. Especially during the night time evening hours mid week.

    Don't see much change coming. The game isn't healthy enough population wise for DBG to really do much more about it. They will take paying hackers now. I think that's why we are starting to see such high level BR's using hacks. If they are paying they get to keep playing....
  10. Mirta00

    Pretty much. I suspect its their inaction and general incompetence at dealing with it that has cost them a large amount of the playerbase.

    I'm all for high skill players but good grief is it easy to spot a hacker after a few hundred hours. I've given myself the somewhat dubious 'advantage' of playing each faction and so in the evening, when theres little outfit play I can swap over and join a persons squad if I find them suspect.

    It can take a while to catch them at it but if you have a good knowledge of the general weapons in question and how they should handle it doesn't take long.

    Its hilarious when you see people like prorion flapping about in a panic getting hit (ofcourse he hits his skill button right away and instantly wins) but its almost as if the inner baddie is trying to escape haha. He even feels the need to do the bounce up and down, zigzag side to side at a thousand miles an hour when his opponent hasnt seen him and is running the opposite way at times lol.

    At one point today I watched a Hydra player simply just jumping back and forth in a doorway killing a max - max must have hit him about 6 times with his comets, still got wrecked by the guys amazing bouncing up and down dumbfire accuracy. Considering the distance from the door frame, it looked like he was just using the games natural delay at first but I was watching down the staircase and could literally see the comet rounds smacking against the guys NMG.

    So much for 'barely crossing any hackers'. Its alot more common than people are saying.
  11. Shockfc

    Lot's of tinfoil once again on these forums. I spot a cheater/hacker maybe once per month, if that.
  12. Gobble

    I've only just started playing a few month's back after getting board of wot and bf. Never heard of this game before, but enjoying it but I see them every other day.
  13. Person7man

    For one, NivX doesn't hack. He ran into health issues and retired. Secondly, how do you explain all their streams on the test and jaeger server where the people you mentioned do the exact same thing they do on live. Test and jaeger servers are live clones, the script kiddie hacks you think they use wouldn't work. Unless all of these people are legitimate blackhat hackers and extracting code. injecting a custom hack, and repacking game files without being detected. Do you realize how tinfoil hat this sounds? Some of these people have gone out of their way to teach people how to get better at the game, myself included, but are labeled as hackers. Imagine how much of a burden that must feel like to be dragged through the mud when most of them stream and upload for entertainment and educational purposes- to educate the very little community we have left in this game.
  14. Bragg

    DBG cant implement Battleye because it would kill the game (too many players would get banned like in h1z1). And this game doesn't have that much players it could even withstand couple of thousands players to be banned. DBG is between the rock and the hard place with this.
  15. Mirta00

    NivX doesn't hack. Hilarious.

    I'll take his confession on ts3 over your fanboy crush 100% of the time thanks. He's even linked people to where he got them in the past. Nice to see the hacking apologists are out in force still though. Hack yourself by any chance?

    Good grief. Mattiace was entirely right about you people. Ignorant denial to the very end, even if it kills the game. Ah well, enjoy farming the few legit, paying members while it lasts. See you in the next game no doubt, for more of the same!
  16. Beerbeerbeer

    There's no tinfoil hat, there's legitimate gripes about a few, select and obvious people that have persisted in hacking and outright cheating.

    Prorionlol and just just yesterday on Amerish I ran into a wonder boy named 09ms3. The teleport hacker I couldn't name because he teleported the frack out before I could catch it. Same for the insta-bullet clown, although he wasn't obvious at first.

    Cheating in these games is probably the most detrimental component and derides the reputation of any FPS game. It keeps people away and undermines the ability to keep people playing. They need to squash this crap quick or legitimate players will walk even more.
  17. Drag0

    Exactly - whenever I see someone streaming and they are not using Q to spot and do not have their map max sized I am very suspicious. When you see some dip**** streaming and he is just running and gunning - going to kill to kill to kill, that is ********.
  18. Drag0

    Yup - nothing gets me to stop playing PS2 faster than a bunch of cheaters. It isn't hard to tell either, most of us have spent ungodly amount of time playing and are very used to how things *should* be. I can tell really easy because I grewup playing at LAN parties and used to compete. I even played versus some famous chic once 1 vs 1 and she was good - but she would even get stomped by the cheating ***** in PS2.
  19. Cosmir

    I can confirm that H1Z1 was EXTREMELY bad for hacking. About a year ago in roughly 50% of games the player you would have to fight at the end would be a hacker who had already gotten 10+ kills in the kill feed (a lot) and they would auto-headshot you. They usually didn't even have a teammate, had a gibberish or Chinese name, and wouldn't say anything like the usual "good game man"

    Today I believe I encountered a hacker in PS2. It was in a low pop bio lab, she was a BR 36 NC Heavy Assault named xiao8paocong (or something close to that). I immediately assumed it was a strong player after getting my shields taken out twice by trying to peak corners and I felt lucky to win the first fight by baiting it into C4, but all subsequent fights were more straightforward and consisted of being killed in about half a second by a Gauss SAW, suggesting 100% accuracy. This character was killable, it just took a number of us to soak up the inhumanly accurate fire. Twice I encountered this character in hard-to-reach spots which a Light Assault can fly to but not a Heavy. Non-LA classes must climb certain branches to reach them. This character wouldn't have had the time after being killed, suggesting teleportation or some other movement cheat.

    I have not encountered any other cheating scum since returning to Planetside 2, certainly different from beta and release.

    If I could press a magic button to execute every person who has ever used a cheating program in a video game I would do it with much joy. I consider them complete human waste and among the most morally bankrupt trash around.
  20. Xaniy

    This thread is golden. Thanks for the keks.

    ITT: People who don't understand how clientside hit detection works.

    The amount of hackusations that fly around in this game are absolutely hilarious. I think people believe the number to be somewhere in the 10-15% region.

    The game does not have a matchmade system, so you are going to come across people who are better than you. Accusing them of hacking doesn't compensate for your poor situational awareness, positioning, and aim.