Will Planetside support/benefit from the newly announced PS4 Pro?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNEAKYSNIPES1, Sep 7, 2016.


    Very simple straight forward question: Will Planetside support/benefit from the PS4 pro? Any ideas/information?
  2. DooDooBreff

    support? probably.

    benefit? i doubt it

    If Planetside supports the PS4 pro how could it not benefit from it? It has twice the graphically power (I assume teraflops is what is double) and a higher clock rate CPU. Planetside on PS4 frequently crashes due to inability of the regular PS4 to maintain the amount of objects on the screen. I would think at the very least a higher clock rate CPU would reduce or eliminate crashes. The extra graphical power could help increase the frame rate as well, possibly detail too to make it more on par with PC Ultra.

    But yah the only way I see it not benefiting PS4 Planetside is if they somehow don't/haven't optimized the code to account for anything other than the vanilla PS4's specs, which I would think would be highly unlikely/really stupid with my limited knowledge about game creation.
  4. DooDooBreff

    it depends on what you consider a benefit.

    does it matter if noone plays it?
  5. FIN Faravid

    PS4 Pro is stupid though. Instead of simply buying new CPU or what ever you need, you need to buy entirely new console... Entire point of consoles is that it is one and same platform that is affordable and lasts long.
    PS4 really seems like Sony is admitting that PC is the master race and consoles can not keep up with it. Consoles are still somewhat cheaper in Finland, but only if you don`t spend that much on gaming.
    I love the idea of buying a single affordable machine that can run any game released on it thanks to optimizations that can be done due to having the same hardware in every machine. I was really hoping to buy PS4 for Planetside 2 - but sadly there is no reason to do so.
    If you don`t spend more than 300€ a year on gaming, consoles are good option. That is 5 60€ games. On consoles games may be far more expensive, so maybe less. But if you spend any more than 300€ a year on gaming, it is just cheaper to play on PC. And better in every way, unless you are constantly moving from place to place and need something small to take with you to play on (laptops are awfully expensive, but there is a trend that PCs get smaller and smaller - so in future PCs beat consoles even in this).

    But as long as consoles have players for what ever reason, i don`t see why Planetside should not benefit from it.

    Less crashes and higher frame rate is something almost anyone would consider a benefit. You must be on PC (I'm on/was on both) Otherwise you wouldn't be purposefully trying to be difficult and dismissive of my serious question.

    Subjunctive determination of value, but I respect your points. I highly disagree PC is "better in every way". For me a $399.95 machine that has about $500+ dollars worth of hardware with a unique social experience that PC cannot fully provide (different social environment is my point) along with pretty much solely controller use (more fun for me and easier) is definitely worth the money. It's always a play and forget machine with minimal issues, so you never get headaches, only sacrificed performance and control. I have a super computer as well I built so don't get the wrong idea I'm a console peasant that's just jealous (not saying anyone here will I'm just pointing it out). For example my computer's sound card is having issues, along with my usb ports, and occasionally I'm also having launching issues for certain programs like chrome and Steam. There's no easy fix for any of these issues from the research I've done. If I was on PS4 I most likely would not have these issues or anything close to it.

    But yah I agree the new console should benefit Planetside 2 PS4. I just wish we could hear something from the company in that regard, or something with a lot of technical knowledge on here on Planetside/PlanetsidePS4's coding.
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  8. Ryme_Intrinseca

    The attraction of consoles is not cost but:

    1) Ease of use
    2) Effectively no hacking (for current gen fps)
    3) Hardware parity

    PS4 pro is a bad thing because it removes no. 3
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  9. DooDooBreff

    my reply isnt dismissive just because it isnt confirming your own opinions disguised as a serious question.

    "feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration."
    https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS704US704&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=dismissive definition
    DooDooBreff: "does it matter if noone plays it?"

    So yes you are in fact being dismissive.

    Also I'm not disguising anything. I'd pay good money for an answer to my question. I sincerely want to know if the PS4 Pro will be able to increase frame rates and reduce pop-ins or if there's some barrier to that not occurring that I'm missing. I have no incentive to spout my "opinions" about the PS4 Pro and Planetside as facts, so I think your conclusions about what I want are very off base. My goals are about knowledge. My decision to purchase a PS4 Pro rests entirely on if this question can be answered as I have no PS4 currently and when I did I only used it for Planetside.

    So it'd be great if we could keep things on topic, and for others to voice their opinions backed by some kind of knowledge, evidence, or link of some kind. But yah I won't hold my breathe as I get the distinct feeling there isn't enough information out yet, nor do I feel confident people good at programming/game design will post here, as the thread devolved almost the instant I posted it.
  11. FIN Faravid

    Higher FPS? On console? In that case it has nothing to do with console, and everything to do with optimization of PC version.
  12. FIN Faravid

    1. Software is no easier, it is all about what you are used to. But it is true that on consoles you don`t need to touch hardware.

    You don't think PS4 Pro having higher speced hardware will translate to higher fps because? Also the console version's software of Planetside is different than the PC version, at the very least an earlier version of it. Further details on that I don't know.
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  14. cobaltlightning

    In comparison to the older version? Perhaps.
    It still doesn't matter, because the standard hardware for PC (when the PS4 Pro launches, whenever that is) will still outperform its console breather. Not to mention that, to the devs, PC Version comes first.

    The only reason Planetside 2 is on the PS4 is because Sony had control of Planetside 2 a while back, and seemed more or less forced onto the console. 's like shoving a Square toy into a circular hole until it fit.

    That doesn't make sense though. Just because PC hardware can be better than console, both consoles to be specific doesn't mean that better performance among st the two inferior pieces of equipment is irrelevant, considering pricing, and product variation.

    I don't think "standard" PC hardware has 4.2 Teraflops of graphical power. Nor do I think most PC users could build one with a $400 budget. Supposedly the PS4 Pro's card is equivalent to a $200 AMD current Gen card. That would leave $200 for Processor, motherboard, power supply, dvd player, Operating software wireless adapter, cabling, etc.... the ending build probably being minimum $500-$600 if you're good at cost cutting. Putting you 100-200 dollars over budget atleast for an equivalent gaming rig, with more flexibility, but more headaches, depending on your usage and level of expertise with computers.

    Anyways point is even if you have tons of extra cash to spend on electronics (which I do and share in that ability like probably you do as well by how you are speaking) not everyone does, nor do they have higher level's of expertise or tolerance to deal with the headaches of Windows. In any case they are many reasons to own consoles, and there will be many reasons to own consoles even after PS4 Pro releases, my points being some of them.

    Also as a side note to something someone made earlier they're right in saying that there isn't perfect hardware parity any more in the console department, but there's also a big different between the parity amongst PC vs consoles even after Pro launches. Two diifferent machines on console vs thousands of different types on PC still gives console a huge advantage on parity (which is also a disadvantage depending on your perspective).

    So in conclusion. It doesn't matter to you, but it matters to millions of gamers out there, me being one of them, which is why this thread exists.
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  16. cobaltlightning

    Currently, 'Standard' does not. I'm talking about during the PS4 Pro's Release, according to google it'll be late next year. Nowadays, Personal Computer Specifications evolve better and cheaper at an alarming rate, literally harder better faster stronger. Hell, we even got computers that can fit in our pockets now!

    But I digress, and I likely will some more; your 'Teraflop' is only one specification, and one that the Console Peasants Users seem to cling to quite often. Do you even know what a Teraflop is?
    Imma assume no. A 'FLOP' is simply a measurement of Computational Performance. But that power don't mean jack if the other parts aint up to snuff.
    What about the Motherboard of this fancy new box, how advanced will that be? Will the universal serial bus ports interfere with the hardware, can they be jiggled loose from repeated use? Will the processor be able to handle all of the computations, and translate it fast enough? Can it even act well enough as an ALU? Will there be enough random access memory? Will the main chip's circuitry slow down the current of data and/or elecricity? Will the cooling unit keep it from bursting into flames? Will the Power Supply be enough to keep it all running at full speed for hours or even days on end?

    Sure, it's got all that computational power, but will the hardware be able to even use it all?
    I'm not computer wizard, as much as I wish there was, but even your console is a computer. My phone's a computer. Your car has a computer inside of it, too.
    If you're That tech illiterate, you could do what I did: Buy the parts and pay a professional to build the computer for you.

    And by 'millions' you mean 'hundreds' at most, because this is about Planetside 2. At best, no more than 1,500 players during Prime Time, just for the PS4 version and its one server. Mind you, that's recent history; over the course of 7 days, not 6 months ago.

    tl;dr my toy is better, and it's already lasting a lot longer; the PS4 originally finished it's launch early 2014, when it finally was released in Japan, whereas my current Computer has been running for the past 20 months. You got this toy, too, and it's not all that expensive to turn it into a beast anymore.
    Also, doncha mean 'All 3 Consoles?' Aren't you forgetting something? Microsoft needs some love, too, baby.
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    It's 2 servers Ceres EU and Genudine US.

    My ps4 also runs 24/7 and if it dies, i'll just buy a new one. I'm not sure what kind of usage will jiggle the bus ports loose other than shaking my ps4 lol.

    And it's definitely thousands who play, Just not all at once obviously.

    I've been pc gaming since 95 fyi so spare me the cliche's, i play on both platforms.
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  18. cobaltlightning

    Ceres must have so little on at all times: The website I'm pulling info off of doesn't show Ceres at all:

    I actually got that site from the PS2 PS4 Reddit

    Compare those number to the ones on this website, which just popped up in a Google Search:

    As for your PS4 running 24/7, I mean while on a full load for all of that time. Again, however, that's current.
    Question wouldn't be 'Will it' but 'Does it' instead. Y'all don't take the time to read nowdays.

    I do admit I read that date wrong, and I apologize for screwing up that reasearch. However that still makes my claim of my toy lasting longer much more concrete.

    For the GPU, you can get away with using an older one, even. I'm on a Geforce GTX 650ti. She's old, but she gets the job done well enough. Currently saving up for a 720 and something to switch out the stock CPU and Cooling Unit. Cooling's probably gonna come first.
    But I have options. Oh so many options.

    PS4's (regarding PS2) Main issue is apparently the constant crashing ,according to Axiom below the post below this one it's averaging at once an hour. It may run better on the PS4 out of the box, but if PS2 crashes out often, the average human will likely put it down and avoid the unpleasant experiences it'll bring.

    Lastly, there's nothing ideological about it, just common sense. If you wanted to launch a banana to the moon, would you use a slingshot, air plane, some funky motion controls, or a rocket?

    PS4 Pro has a confirmed release date of November 10th 2016, NOT 2017:
    Also we just had a graphics card launch recently that presented tons of budget options, as well as good value high end options. We most likely won't see any further significant reductions in graphics card prices until a 1080ti, among lower end cards releases, which are probably a year away, when consoles will most likely drop in price anyways, making your point kind of moot.

    I only mention Teraflops because that's the only specifications that Sony has given. I understood pretty much everything you said except for the ALU part. From what you say I don't think our level of expertise isn't much different. I'd say you have slightly more if I had to guess.

    When I was referring to millions I was making a general argument about console users preferring increased frame rates/less crashes/higher quality images in general, and yes out of the 50 million+ PS4 console users out there, I'm sure millions do care. If people on this forum are going to make this into a general argument debate/go off topic/derail into an attempt to pit fanboy PC ideology vs fanboy console user ideology without being fair to ideas beyond their own personal preference taste/opinions I'm going to address their statements as such and of course my statements are going to have to go off from my original points since everyone else is so eager to since apparently they have far less to say about the original question but are eager to pump up their likes and badmouths their dislikes in hardware.

    I don't see why I have to bring up Xbox. This is suppose to be a Planetside/Playstation conversation. If you feel the need to talk about Xbox go ahead but I won't volunteer until somebody brings it up and makes a statement I feel I should respond to. Should we talk about Nintendo to as well? Or how about mobile gaming and farmville on Facebook? I mean how far do you want this to go? Let's just keep digressing endlessly.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    The game crashes every hour now basically, so people aren't playing.

    http://ps4eu.ps2.fisu.pw/activity/?world=2000 it's peaking around 800 at the mo.