[Suggestion] Kolbolt Adjustments Or Buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilWarLord, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. EvilWarLord

    I bought the thing for the Harasser but haven`t touched it main because it just doesn`t feel menacing enough, even though its described as a 50. Cal Machine gun.

    Maybe lowering its ROF slightly but increasing its damage to slightly to Offset the Reduced ROF,
  2. Pat22

    Kobalt doesn't go on Harassers.
    Kobalt goes on sunderers and sometimes MBTs, possibly ANTs as well. It is incredibly lethal versus infantry at great range.
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  3. breeje

    i love to use it in 3th person view, but it's a situational gun
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  4. LodeTria

    Use it on a sunderer or ANT. It suits those vehicles much better.
    I don't work too well on a harasser.
  5. Shadowomega

    Actually it is nice to have on the Harasser if you're using it to hold point locations.
  6. Taemien

    Only if you're VS.

    NC/TR have better options.
  7. Riksos

    Kobalt is an easy auraxium on any of the fast vehicles like a Flash or Harasser. It chews through infantry and has a larger range than the Nade launchers. Granted for taking out large groups the Fury or Marauder is better, but they do not have the range the kobalt does.

    Something people are failing to mention is that if you have a dedicated AI gunner as an MBT, they will tell you the kobalt is much easier for taking out flying LAs than a Fury.

    Think of the Kobalt as the true AI gun, the Basilisk as the go-to jack-of-all-trades, the Fury as an AI aoe weapon that can damage armor, and the Bulldog as an AV weapon that can sometimes kill infantry.
  8. Alexkruchev

    Actually it's best for CQC anti infantry work- due to the fact it drops to infantry LMG damage output very rapidly at distance, and while a feasible weapon, it loses too much versus the post-buff Basilisk in almost all scenarios. And given the massive prevalence of vehicles/aircraft, you really need the multi-role option. I still find the Walker does almost as good a job for infantry suppression assuming you know how to park.

    I do feel the Kobalt needs some love- I'd say increase it's damage versus aircraft/harassers slightly, and let it keep it's 250 damage a shot out to about 50-100m. It should have a minimum of 200 damage, so as not to become a small-arm. It should also do more damage to MAX suits, as routinely I get blown up by an AV max while dumping 100% accurate shots into him. Kind of seems lame when my AI focused weapon does -less- damage per second than the catch-all basilisk or Walker in most cases.
  9. LaughingDead

    Kobalt is an anti-infantry weapon, when are those allowed to do well? ;)

    Snide aside, kobalt does need some love, it's a less accurate gauss saw with no recoil, more damage drop at maximum range and has a slightly higher rate of fire. A HMG should in no way compare to an LMG.

    Damage against vehicles is a little offsetting, to just kinda meh, I think it should more excell in long range infantry removal, 250 close to 200 at far would be perfect. Reason why kobalt would be strong is because it damages infantry exceptionally well, but you're sacrificing vehicle dps, which is why I'm against increasing damage to esfs or harassers.
  10. Alexkruchev

    You're not wrong on any point here. But if they -aren't- going to do your (Better) fixes, then mine would do to make the weapon viable in any realistic scenario.
  11. Daigons

    Did you try testing the weapon in VR or Trial it out prior to purchasing?
  12. ColonelChingles

    The M12 Kobalt is a 12.7mm machinegun (in the game probably acts as a GPMG as the 20mm Basilisk is the HMG in the game). It does 200 damage.

    The NS-44L is a .44 (~11mm) revolver. It does 450 damage.

    This is a picture of the cartridges they fire.


    With the NS-44L firing the second cartridge from the right, and the M12 Kobalt firing the cartridge on the bottom.

    So why is it fair that the puny .44 revolver cartridge does over twice as much damage as the .50 heavy machinegun round?
    Because it's not fair.

    This is how damage would work in PS2 if it were balanced:

    Essentially, in a balanced game the Kobalt would do about 11.5 times the damage of a NS-44L. The Kobalt should probably kill an infantryman in 2-3 hits, given that it would be like being hit with a 7.62x51 GPMG today.

    But it is simply unacceptable that this:

    Does over twice the damage of this:
  13. HamOnRye

    It laser accurate, but it's not recommended for an unsteady platform like the harasser. Does superb on deployed sundies however.