[Suggestion] Planetside 2 should have dedicated servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believesps4, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Believesps4

    I think planetside 2 should have dedicated servers because as the game as it is now without deticated servers you always die around corners you run into mlg pro lag wizards and you have to compensate for lag to much for a shooting game and also i thing planetside 2 should use serverside hit detection not clientside. Look at a game that soe sponsored back in the day MAG that had dedicated servers and you never died around corners and hit detection was good you could have the worst internet and not lag on that game. Tell me what you think thanks
  2. The Rogue Wolf

    ...you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I'm afraid. The servers that Planetside 2 uses are "dedicated" (as in running the game is all they do), and if the game used server-side hit detection, all your complaints about "I died after I got around that corner" would be replaced by "I thought I got around that corner but then the server rubber-banded and I died".
    • Up x 4
  3. TombsClawtooth

    So you'd like to shoot at nothing and never get hit indicators while every kill feels entirely random?

    Yeah, no. Things are pretty good as they are.
  4. Taemien

    The only server that isn't dedicated is the login server. That's shared between games.

    I don't get why people complain about the hit detection in PS2. Its not horrible, and its a helluva lot better than other MMOFPS's all things considered. It can actually host large scale PVP battles, Defiance and Firefall cannot do that, they're stuck doing it like match based shooters with battleground style PVP.
  5. Believesps4

    If they got dedicated servers they are very bad considering how many lag wizards there are and when i played a ps3 game as i said before you never died around corners and i did not run into players who 1 shot with an smg before you even notice you were shot i do like the game but there are too many lag wizards who think they are mlg pro and hit detection is not good you got guys getting shot by 5 people pinned down in a corner and killing people as engineer and its taking like 9 seconds to kill them
  6. Believesps4

    And too many players running around with the hacks and dont tell me there aren't they got players cheating with scripts on pc and ps4 just more on pc and you got people running through walls taking advantage of lag and i know this is a different game than Mag on ps3 but it had 256 people in 1 match but did not lag as i said before if you can have a garbage connection due to bad Internet and not lag on a ps3 game and not die around corners on a ps3 game than why is it you have to deal with that on a newer game and mag had way better hit detection you weren't seeing lag wizards every day in mag but in planetside 2 you run into them every day they run around with 500 ping saying they are better than other people as they lag themselves across the battlefield and its very hard to kill them when most of your bullets not register against them
  7. FateJH

    If you can find me one write-up on the technical specifications of this "awesome server architecture" MAG used, I'll be very happy to debate with you on it.
  8. Liewec123

    it is pretty bad, but its the price we pay for the awesome MMOFPS that we have :)
  9. Stigma

    The servers are already dedicated. Actually I'm sure it's not just a dedicated server, but a cluster of them all dedicated to running different areas and continents of the same realm.

    "and also i thing planetside 2 should use serverside hit detection not clientside"
    You don't know what you are talking about. No modern game uses server-side hit-detection because it is a TERRIBLE idea. It would only be remotely viable on a local network. Via the net, due to completely normal levels of latency, hitboxes will be invisible and you just have to guess where the "ghost" of the player really is. server-side hit detection is completely and utterly unplayable.

    Seriously, why do you suggest solutions using terms that you don't understand?
    • Up x 1
  10. Ryme_Intrinseca

    As others have said, we already have dedicated servers. As they also said, serverside hit detection would be a disaster. In particular, the idea that it would improve hit detection is absolutely ridiculous. There would be effectively NO hit detection any more. 'Hitting' a moving target as it appears on your screen would no longer register a hit at all. Instead you would have 'miss detection' - i.e., you would have to deliberately miss the target on your screen, and aim at the (visually empty) spot where you estimate they are on the server. Obviously this would be completely unplayable...
  11. Alkasirn

    Actually if I recall correctly, Heroes & Generals uses pure server-side hit detection.

    ...there is a reason all the infantry in that game use fully automatic weapons ASAP. The crazy spread and rng on them is infinitely more reliable than that game's equivalent of the Warden/AMR-66/Eidolon (which is the only weapon players start with over there.)

    I dunno about Believesps4, but I'd choose flawless hit detection that doesn't matter because everyone one-shots you through walls anyway (Planetside 2) over non-existent hit detection which is infuriating because you can clearly see where the enemy is (Heroes & Generals) any day.

    Still, if PS2 got better servers that would update more often than once every 150ms and could handle verifying damage that'd be great too.
  12. Stigma

    I see references to it when I google it, but I find that highly unlikely though. I wasn't able to find a thorough technical description but the little I found seems to indicate that what they implemented was actually server-sde verification and not the hitreg itself - ie. the server will check that a shot didn't intersect a wall, run sanity checks to prevent modified weapon stats ect.

    PS2 did a lot of the same stuff. You see it in the debug messages on the test-server for example.

    A pure server-side hitreg woud have no way of avoiding a latency-gap, so anything more than a couple of ms would result in shots starting to feel off - and at 100+ almost none of the visual model would be covered by the hitbox anymore for a running soldier. Planes or cars wouldn't even be close.

  13. Believesps4

    Also when you played Mag or any other Real dedicated server game it never separated players by region when they played everyone played on the same server no lag issues you played with Russians japanese americans everyone across the world no issues with lag
  14. FateJH

    Actually, you have generally been recommended by many other "dedicated server games" to join a local server, or you are shunted to whatever you regional provider has you set (NA servers in NA with difficulty in getting on Asian servers, if it's possible at all), or at least you pick from servers based on ping.

    I'm still waiting on that design document on MAG servers. That patent they claim to have filed would be enough to extrapolate the "how it worked."
  15. Alkasirn

    Yeah I know. Take it from someone who played H&G: If a player moves in a straight, predictable line and gives the client's lag compensation a chance to catch up, H&G suddenly has perfect hit reg and shots at any distance are as reliable as your weapon/you are. But in CQC where movement changes frequently, you'll even miss a shot on someone that takes up 80% of your screen because that person merely pressed the A key and the server hasn't gotten around to telling you yet (but disregards your client's claim that you landed a hit.) There's no debate or negotiation with the client; the server doesn't accept it because the server didn't see it.

    This is opposed to Planetside 2, where even a spectator can see someone take damage through a wall/shield, die, then slide about 2 meters to catch up with where the server accepts they were when they die. Still, despite the player obviously being in a safe area to themselves, other players, and the server, they still died because the shooter's connection was behind.
  16. FIN Faravid

    I believe OP has chosen great username...
    I also get the feeling he is 12. Which itself is not problem. Problem is that he makes a claim and does not seem to believe he is wrong... But believe or not "Believesps4", Planetside 2 only has dedicated servers.
    This video is good for you and perhaps majority of others too

    That video also applies to lot of other games.

    I hope that was helpful!
    TR needs far better educated soldiers. Maybe in your heart you are actually NC? ;) :)
  17. adamts01

    I'm normally not this guy, but SENTENCE STRUCTURE. This was just too much to handle for being on my first cup of coffee.