Fighting a ghost?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eternaloptimist, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    I'm not that bad at situational awareness but day before yesterday I had a strange experience. This BR102 with a battlegoose kept appearing from seemingly nowhere when I was in corridors of bases or on stairwells and shooting me. It happened at more than one base. Check no one there - look away............and bang! Like all ghost stories (and UFO sighting I think) I was alone and had no record of it or evidence afterwards.

    Maybe it's just a phase I was going through but it was spooky. I'm not calling cheat - the guy was obviously experienced - but it gave me a wierd feeling. If it wasn't for the LMG I'd have thought he was a stalker.

    Anyone else been affected by strange things that have happened to them?
  2. customer548

    Pandora box was wide opened during that day.
  3. Demigan

    I didn't feel hopeful
  4. Beerbeerbeer

    I saw a teleporter Monday. The only reason I spotted him because I remembered his name from an engagement a few mins earlier. I was in a building across from the point and he was near point. Someone else spotted him and I saw his name. I was on the second story balcony with a direct line of sight. Right after I saw him near point, I turned around to run in and there he was, running at me from within the building to the balcony and I saw him flicker in as well, which was weird.

    In any case, I won't say his name, but I wrote it down in case I encounter him again.
  5. JKomm

    I experience several cases like this in a session, and personally I'd rate my observation at well above average of the game, very rarely do players sneak up on me, and more rarely do they go unnoticed in an area. When they do it's often a Stalker or a Light Assault, both of which excel at hiding away, but they're not who I see it from the most. Heavy Assaults are generally the players I see the most suspicious activity from, for instance last month I was in a Biolab fight, very small around 2-3 people on either faction... I would flank around the left of the spawn past A point and into the building across the teleporter room(With the two walkways reaching to B point). When getting to the walkway I would hear one of the VS say(In a female voice), "Enemy Engineer spotted!", seconds later they come around to the door I'm running towards and shoot me. There is only one female character in the fight and they are the one who spots AND kills me in this scenario, clearly they are seeing me through the walls and negating my every flank attempt.

    I call them out on it, they claim innocence and higher skill, their friend backs them up(Their friend was not suspicious, I would win against them 8/10 engagements). Now either two things happened here... 1) They were wall hacking to be able to see me, or 2) They were exploiting a glitch that sometimes allows you to spot players through walls(It does exist, it's an unfortunate side effect of the game mechanic). Either way they're not a legitimate player in my books, and claiming skill for the actions is absurd.

    One thing you need to know of any online game is there will always, and I mean always, be players who will do whatever it takes to gain an advantage over their opponent... they will run lowkey cheats, marginal improvement scripts, or exploit simple game mechanics to win. Essentially, try hards. I've actually encountered a player the other day who would deep cloak and teleport to evade death, making it seem like he was just hard to find(He didn't redeploy, you'd see their body enter the death animation)... people do anything to appear superior to another player, it's one of the worst aspects of online gaming, especially due to the toxicity it produces.
  6. Demigan

    Spotting through walls is nothing new. You can spot through entire mountains as long as you Q-spot perfectly on your enemy. I use it sometimes when I know an enemy is nearby (such as on choke-points) or when trying to spot enemies en-route on obvious routes. It's a lot of hit&miss and you shouldn't count on it in any way... But yeah, 90% of the time if someone does that when you aren't on an obvious spot you can assume some kind of cheat is involved.

    The big problem with highly skilled people is that it's much easier for them to cheat. A slight improvement to their aim through an marginal aim-assist is already enough to make near-miss 360 no-scopes into definite hits every time, and there's other things that can easily help them while getting away undetected because the rest of their movements and shots are of similar quality.
    Fortunately you can always rely on checking their reaction time. Anyone who reacts within 0,1 second is a cheater, guaranteed, which is also the reason why anyone who reacts within 0,1 seconds on the Olympics is disqualified for a false start. It is impossible for a muscle to react faster without prior preparation (which humans do not have in their arms or legs), discounting the time it takes for your brain to make the decision and send a signal through your nerves. You can, ofcourse, chain events, like throwing a ball, to go faster than 0,1 second, but it requires your brain to send the signals ahead of time and have each muscle to receive the information beforehand to start contracting on time. But again, that's not a reaction.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    Now, that's an interesting point.....................I didn't mention this in my opening post but the other day I was rooftop shooting at some guys in Hossin and I got killed maybe three times by guys who were just about visible in my 2x reflex sight. They were shooting Orions which IIRC are not famously accurate at very long range. They were hitting me dead-on, not spraying bullets around.

    TBH I just put it down to lag meaing that I only registered three or four shots hitting me but I was pretty envious of the aiming ability and wished I was that good. The other thing was that I was registering a few hits on them in return (with a Mercenary) so again, I just thought I had been outgiunned but now........I wonder.
  8. customer548

    - Well, you're firing at point blank at a guy who start to freak out then he suddenly littteraly disappear from the map, before dying...What do you do ? You forget it. Or if you are sure of what happened, you go check if he is still online (maybe he disconnected in weird ways). Then you check if you killed him with looking at his stats-registred kills.
    The guy was still online, and there was no registred kill from me. Funny enough, his KDR is...50.
    After a brief talk, he didn't even deny using any hack. I reported him. He's still playing the game.

    - A group of 5-6 guys kept on respawning and firing from inside the tree in front of Ti Alloys' vehicule terminal during about 1 hour. Not from the top or around the tree...from inside the tree. I stayed online. I didn't see any "xxxx has been terminated for hacking" system broadcasted message.

    All this stuff happened on "the day before yesterday" as mentioned Eternaloptimist. It happened on a "quiet" server, with no usual blatant cheating. And I saw so many other crazy stuff happening during that day. I found the whole day being a fishy one, as being the worst of what PS2 usually is.
  9. HamOnRye

    Here is what I recommend. Make an alternative character on the other factions, so when you see stuff like this you can transfer over. When I see someone fishy is I'll switch over, find the person and just observe.

    If they are using a teleport back you will be able to spot this easy. Then hand out some frontier justice and report them.
  10. Demigan

    It was a joke. When Pandora's box was opened all the bad stuff came out. But the last thing that came out of the box was hope.
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