[Suggestion] Merge Emerald and Connery.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jake the Dog, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Jake the Dog

    Short and sweet, I want to see more population for fights. Players are promised an experience like no other in this game and I want to see if we can breathe new life into it by smashing East vs. West against one another.
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  2. Steza

    So which side is hosting the server? one of them will be having poor connection.
  3. Taemien

    This is false.

    I play from the East Coast... I'm literally 5 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean. And I play on Connery. I've never had a lag issue due to distance in the 4 years I've played.
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  4. Tyrsta

    Must be nice to be you. Also east coast playing on Connery, with substansial lag at times. There is a huge difference between playing on Emearld versis Connery.
  5. Dieter Perras

    depends upon your provider, whether you are urban or rural and how much the internet you are connected to is in use.
  6. ButterNutts

    I'd rather that not happen, East and West servers being merged into one is a bad idea when PS2 already suffers from latency issues.

    Playing on Connery for the past 4 years, I see the same players from each faction having some severe issues, most notably rubber banding. But those are few, best to only have a few players with those issues rather than 1/2, 1/3, or even a 1/4 of an east coast server.

    That and many players both here and in-game complain about fps issues and stating it's their GPU when everyone keeps telling them that this game is based on CPU.

    Besides, Connery is already over flowing with TR during Prime Time hours, NC and VS struggle enough as it is, adding another server is just going to make TR in particular bloated.
  7. TombsClawtooth

    I have terrible internet and I live on the east cost.

    My main is on Connery, due to a friend living in Australia. I've never experienced any more lag playing on Connery than I do on most servers, Emerald was a tiny bit better but almost immeasurably so.

    I don't really see a merger being necessary, Connery has pretty consistent population with plenty of fights from around 5pm till 2am my time. On Emerald it seemed pretty dead once it got around midnight usually.
  8. CaptCran

    Just have the server in Chicago;)
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  9. TombsClawtooth

    That'd be much closer to me than either server. Yep, Thumbs up.
  10. Jake the Dog

    We have people on Connery literally playing from Europe without major issues.
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  11. Efraim

    I live in Texas, i play both servers actually depending on whats going on and time of day, i work nights so thats a factor for me also
  12. ridicOne

    Hahaha, love see some people come on here and say there's no difference between Connery and Emerald that basically goes to show who's got a keen eye and actually might test some benchmarks when trying each server.

    There is a difference there is far more lagwizards on Connery, Emerald has some but not it's not nearly as noticeable. The lag is fine if you ping well on Connery but since it's a disadvantage to having a better connection you have to deal with dying some unexplainable ways.

    There are tons of videos out there showing the lagwizards at work and it far and away worse on Connery compared to said.

    Don't due it the merge...
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  13. dejavuallover3

    Emerald and Connery will be merging and Briggs will be shut down. Sadly the game itself is going to likely end within the year thanks to DBG's ongoing incompetence.
  14. Jake the Dog

    It doesn't matter, this is an inevitability, I'd rather it be sooner when both servers have some population rather than later, when both servers are down to barely two platoons. At least then we get some competition. And the more competition the more people buy products from DBG, the more money to DBG means this game goes on longer.
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  15. HamOnRye

    I have played on both servers, and unfortunately there is significant difference between the two. Connery is chocked full of lag wizards. I can only imagine how bad it will get if Emerald server now has to host West Coast players plus those connecting from Asia/Australia.
  16. EvilWarLord

    Is there a link towards this claim?
  17. Zazen

    Please NO!!! Emerald already has its' Brazilian, net limited, lag artist MLG Pros! We don't need your Asian region lag artists as well.
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  18. Jake the Dog

    Once again, this is more than likely an inevitability unless the DEVS can pull off a hat-trick with some serious advertising.
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  19. Taemien

    So lets shut down all the servers and make it a single player game with bots, because there might be a lagwizard from Pluto, Mars, or Eris playing. Or hacks for that matter.

    As I've said, I've played on Connery from the East Coast for four years. The game is more than fine with the latency. Some EU peeps even play on Connery. And as other's mentioned, a move to Chicago will fix most other issues.

    Players in exotic locations such as Asia and South America are going to see the same results no matter which server they play on. So that point is irrelevent.

    I think most of you just hate brown and yellow skinned players. I'm not going to believe you all are that naive. So its gotta be racism. Congrats on being sh-tbags.
  20. Ryme_Intrinseca

    If daybreak made the spawn system less restrictive it would be easier to find fights with the current population.
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