Daybreak wake up

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DerMalle, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. DerMalle

    On Cobalt there is a player called EZfiree who has been flying under the map for weeks now destroying all the bases from beneath the wold. He was reported like a millionen times yet Daybreak doesnt care. Can you please sell the game to someone who actually cares, Daybreak? Seriously. Your support sucks.
  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    When I came to play either yesterday or the day before, he kept teleporting into a shielded TR player-made tower being the top level of the staircase as a heavy with the Thantos. Both myself and another guy stayed in and around the tower killing him every time he appeared so it wouldn't ruin anyone else's fun.
  3. Saturax

    Ticket number 25000+ :D ? ( I have felling no one read report last few weeks :D
  4. Daigons

    I'm just waiting for the day when Daybreak offers a premium reporting ticket system. You pay 2000 DB cash to report a player and then they actually do something about the cheaters.
  5. FateJH

    I do hope I don't need to point out that ticket numbers are probably incremental - new tickets are always numbered 1+ the last ticket, at least within a specific period - and you're just being sarcastic.
  6. Saturax

    Ok, i didnt know new ticket system use +1 logic ( but you are not sure too, when you use: probably ), but on other side i didnt see in game: ( player was baned ) in while too. When cca 90+ people report one player with aim bot + cheater just laught and openly declare that he is cheater ( and still play ) :D Almost same case like OP coment.
  7. TowerOfGlower

    Come on guys, you know how this works. All tickets go into the circular file first thing in the morning, unless it is from one of their buddies.

    And another name and shame thread not closed by moderation. Wonder why mine was almost immediately and this one isn't. Does it have to do with $$?
  8. FateJH

    It's mostly whenever somone notices and gets to it. It helps if people start reporting the thread and I know I hadn't bothered with this one myself.
  9. ReptilePete

    is there a way to tell from looking at the player stats if they have been banned? I have reported one or two that have not been online since but I dont know if thats because they have been banned, suspended or just moved on to a different character.
    I am a vet from PS1 and beta on PS2 but never really played until recently when I decided to give it another try and liked some of the changes made enough to keep playing. But I remember how ItBurnz and his hacks destroyed PS1 and I am not going to stick around to see the same thing happen here. This needs to be sorted out asap.