People say I'm a cheater

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by varg vikernes, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. varg vikernes

    Hi, mates. May be someone knows my main TR character - SashaGreen. Most of time I'm playing HA. I'm not a professional gamer, but pretty skillful. And mostly everyday I face the same situation - some one calls me a cheater. They say I'm video captured and soon'll be banned. I tired of this. The worst times were when I used NS15. I have 7+k kills with it and it's no problem to me to land headsets and get 10+ kill streaks. And everyday some salty guys got mad at me. They even sad they want to nuke my country lol. Another reason for hate is what people call latency hacks. Well, my ping is about 50 or 60, so I can not use my low latency superiority. I just want to ask why people getting so salty when there aim sucks and yours not?
  2. Zuprize

    Because we live in a world with bilions of people that are all different from each other. And be happy people just report you, when you get those that change factions to team kill you it becomes anoying.

    Also about latency, the company's servers are acting weird, I also have 40-50 network ping but server latency goes from 60-150 sometimes and it makes for some weird apperances to some people.
  3. Beerbeerbeer

    Stop cheating. It's well documented that the NS makes best use of aimbots because of the cone of fire on that thing versus other weapons. Just kidding...
  4. guerrillaman

    Post some video of your skills.
  5. GuhMaster2512

    My guess would be that think landing 4 headshots is impossible to do, even though all it takes is a few hours of practice in VR Training. Whenever I get a hackusation I just screenshot it and add it to the library.
  6. oTec

    Same, they just go "lol report" and i just screenshot it. Nothing wrong with some fanmail.
  7. Devilllike

    why do you even bother just ban them?i mean if you are not a cheater you got nothing to be afraid of and you can report them for harasment just stop falling in that "trap"
  8. Moridin6

    i love the report button, id date her
  9. DrakeFang

    Just don't give a ****. Morons are gonna talk ****. That's just human nature.

    Ignore them and keep on keeping on.
  10. Caramboul

    Maybe you are a cheater and doing a catfish situation here, maybe you are a fair player without any scripts, exploits, bug abuse or special crosshairs using pure, unbiased PS2.
    But at least.. who cares about ? You... and why? :p
  11. Niamar

    A few cheaters don't get enough attention from rage tells, some of them stream for more attention. If they are posting their hackusations on the forums they are really desperate for attention.
  12. Hegeteus

    I've encountered OP plenty of times, they are good but probably not a cheater in my opinion if that's what you're implying. Attention seeking part is kind of correct though, considering that hackusations will start seeping in eventually to everyone depending on their playstyle and server lags/bugs etc. There have been a few threads like this before and I can't help but think that they are more or less exaggerated

    Love you're name. When are we gonna go church burning?
    \ m /

    That Mayhem guy had it coming, you were clearly threatened.

  14. Crayv

    I see I'm not the only one that does this.

    Some of the most noteworthy things I have been accused of:
    Aimbotting with the Phoenix.
    Firing "rocets" (that's how the guy spelled it) too fast. I was using the Falcons That one has become a running joke between me and my friends.
    Throwing EMPs through walls.
    • Up x 1
  15. Moridin6

    had a mossy fly over us top speed, all 4 of us dropped dead to an mg, had just spawned full health.. but Of course all hes got is SHT to talk and excuses and insults when i call him out on it. thats what i think this post is most likely(havent looked at stats) the same bullpoop thy all spout off whn they get caught, not uh u just bad git gud not uh not uh

    gt fo, .2 of a second ttk while youre flying past, on 4 of us? lolololololol

    guess i better git gud
  16. GuhMaster2512

    I wasn't aware some people were that unaware of the games mechanics. All i get are the cliche aimbot, esp, and occasional rage message.
  17. Piraten Hovnoret

    I am a skilful player at TR playing HA on ps4


  18. customer548

    Stop shooting at people, i mean...That's not the best way to make friends, you know... :eek:
  19. Towie

    Well when Batteleye eventually becomes operational and all the identified cheaters get banned then people will be much more forgiving of 'lucky' shots or implausible situations - after all, everyone can have a good run - until then, people will be naturally suspicious of such events and threaten to report etc.

    Afraid the level of cheating is high enough to make people think 'cheater' when in fact they just got lucky or was unusually skillful. It's human nature.
  20. guerrillaman

    My son plays the Ps4 version. The blink blink blink headshots and the pre-aiming around corners just doesn't happen. The experience is massively different. Plainly the PC version has a lot ..... wrong with it.