
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Javier2331, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. 0fly0

    Pretty much all sniper are the same, the 3 cqc sniper are also the exact same in the 3 faction, only the faction specific for the vanu don't have bullet drop and i'm not so sure ( the phaseshift ), sadly this gun is totally useless since you can't charge it being cloack.
  2. CaptCran

    Nachos taste good
  3. Revel

    After picking up the game again after 7 months off, Nano 5 really needs to stop OHKs from bolts beyond 75m (or was it 100) again. It rewards aimbotters greatly. I generally disagree with OHKs in general.

    I've reduced my play to logging in, seeing which bases are being fought over, and if there isn't one with good cover from vehicle spam and snipers and the like, I log out. I'd rather do CQC than waste my time in an ultra long range garbage duel that this game always devolves into.
  4. 0fly0

    Playing this game for 2 years, mainly sniper and i encounter only one or maybe two sniper using aimbot and getting ban a moment after that.
    Looking for aimbotter and macro players go look those mlg full auto weapon players with 40% ACC on lmg and 35% on sniper rifle, they clearly don't or can't use the hack on sniper...
  5. ObiVanuKenobi

    Ah... the good old "I don't use/play X and don't like getting killed by it so nerf it."
  6. Dieter Perras

    go stalker cloak infiltrator and go for some good old sniper hunting ;)
  7. ColonelChingles

    Snipers are a bane on the game... for the team that they're on.

    A single Infiltrator is nice to have on your squad. Put down a Recon Device, proximity mines. But they can't help out your squad when they're off in another hex trying to snipe the enemy. That's one less gun you have on the point, less intel you have on enemy movements, etc.

    Sure, there may be very limited instances where a sniper rifle is useful. Harassing a long-range AV squad, for example. But even then the sniper can only provide a small amount of temporary relief, as those units likely have a Sunderer up on that hill as well. They'll be back in no time (possibly with a counter-sniper of their own).

    At the end of the day, one more enemy sniper is one more infantryman I don't have to worry about.
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  8. Drag0

    There is no way any sniper rifle should be one hit kill at range - complete ******** when no other gun does that even at close range.
  9. UberNoob1337101

    What you fail to realize is that a sniper is a strain on manpower for the enemy team. Think of a heavy that's much harder to kill and can kill you easily at any range. If he kills enough, he might establish a kill-zone so everything there is under threat, harassed and pinned down, if your team bothers to counter-snipe him, then that's a few guys looking for one guy, therefore the sniper's team is in a more favorable spot to push no matter what.

    Now, that's what a good sniper does. A bad sniper is only good at getting a few easy kills and getting himself killed, as pointed out, bad snipers just sit in one spot, never bother to re-position and cloak and only want to get easy kills to pad their K/D.

    I think that this train of thought that snipers are useless and hamper their team stems from too much salt and people wanting to marginalize them, the over-abundance of bad ones (which give non-CQC snipers bad reputation overall) and the fact that they aren't a support class or HA (LA tends to have a bad rap too just because it's different), and it honestly needs to go away.
    Snipers can, and often are, useful as kill-machines that look over large areas and flank zergs to kill high priority targets. The problem is that it needs to be played much more differently to be useful and effective, which is why it gets a bad rap and things like CQC snipers/SMG infiltrators, which operate very similarly to HAs and other classes, tend to be viewed as useful and effective.
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  10. Sil4ntChaozz

    Shotgun = Headshot OHK most except shielded nanoweave HAs
    Bolt Action = Headshot OHK most with 200mts or so except shielded nanoweave HAs

    Both require follow-up shots just at different ranges. Ubernoob said it better, besides, when you have one good sniper, all you need is one.
  11. 1Tap2Tap

    This pretty much sums it up.

    People may believe it or not, but a well positioned, able sniper can have massive (even deciding) influence on the outcome of a battle.

    I remember sitting on a treetop on Hossin completely overlooking an enemy base, sniping chokepoints where the enemy clustered up "behind cover" with my trusty Longshot. In the end they did not know anymore where to go without being sniped again and again which for many is a moral breaker.

    The result?

    Multiple redeploys for ammo later, the NC finally capped the base.

    I stood at 175-0 kills (plus multiple ragetells, which is always a bonus) over the span of about 50 minutes.

    But still I hear people say "snipurz r bad mkay?".

    Yeah, bad snipers are bad, what a surprise.

    Good ones will make you cry and look for another fight.
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  12. Danath

    Queue for another continent was long, so I had to play on Hossin. Spawn on Sundy, get killed by sniper on a branch. Change to sniper and wait for him. Result? I couldn't hit him, those branches have a weird design on what's solid.
  13. IroncladBomber

    Owls? Everyone is fond of Owls. Except for mice and shrews...and Simon Cowell.
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  14. ColonelChingles

    It's possible that good snipers are out there. I can't say whether they exist or not.

    But what I can say is that my squads have never been stopped or significantly hampered by any sniper. I mean most often the typical assault is to Galaxy drop or dismount a Sunderer and head into the point room, where it's hard to think that snipers have any impact whatsoever.

    And when the enemy counter-attacks, it's not with snipers. It's with MAXes, HAs, LAs, and Medics.

    In that sense long-range snipers suffer from the same problem as tanks... there's just not much ability to determine the outcome of a base assault by firing from the outside. You may pick off a solider or two, but thanks to the magic of Medics or simply respawns, those soldiers are back in seconds. Snipers simply don't kill quickly enough to make a difference, nor can they ensure that the dead stay dead.

    Maybe one day I'll find myself in a situation where my squadmates are all complaining that they can't take the point because of a sniper. Maybe. But until then long-range snipers seem far more a burden on the team than someone helpful.
  15. The Rogue Wolf

    A sniper is the biggest pain when he/she has allies between you him/her. Otherwise, just remember the direction you got hit from, and go hunting. Most snipers don't think about displacing after kills and very few run with suppressors.
  16. Aftershadow

    I get that now too....I'll spawn in somewhere run towards the action then get shot in the back or stabbed....go to a different area full on my forces and next thing you know i'm getting shot and stabbed in the back....I tried to so the same and I get spotted lol.
  17. 1Tap2Tap

    If all you do is galdrops and parking a sundy beside a building and just walk through the door inside, there is not much a sniper can do about that.

    But gladly I know from experience that the majority of attacks on liveplay is not like that.
    Also, just to remind you, a lot of control points are outside buildings.

    What if your drop fails?

    You spawn at a local Sundy and encounter stiff resistance, forcing you into a slow moving slugfest. Sniper says hello. Or do you just leave in that situation and do another drop elsewhere?

    While in a sense true, again, not every fight is inside of a building. Otherwise I would not have ~20k sniper kills, Blackhand variants included (yep, I use them like sniper rifles, 2x HS kill on any distance ftw).

    And that counts only for sniper kills? Is there a class that can do otherwise?

    But I can snipe the medics and engineers sitting in "cover" behind the fontline. Have fun fighting your way through with another class to get to them. And after I did, the dead will stay dead because there is no one to rezz them and noone to repair the MAXes.

    Also, if the situation is right, I can kill even faster than any other class, especially over time. Because I can see the whole base from my position, also there is way less cover for my victims against me than e.g. a HA and I don´t die easily if I do my game right.

    1) You get an enemy indicator on your minimap just before you wanted to round that corner, saving your life?

    Thank a sniper for spotting him for you.

    2) You did not get shot by that engineer in his AV turret?

    Thank a sniper for that.

    3) The enemy struggles to get vehicle reinforcements to a fight?

    Thank a sniper sitting one base behind the front, sniping people trying to pull vehicles and locking down the terminal for precious minutes.

    4) You suddenly are able to advance a chokepoint stalemate? Thank the sniper killing the medics at that position hiding in the back.

    5) You did not get pasted by that MAX because it just died in front of you?

    Thank the sniper that sniped his pocket engineer 20 seconds before.

    6) The tank (I also had it often enough with ESFs and even Libs) bombarding your position stopped coming over the ridge again to open up?

    Thank the sniper that killed him while he repaired up.

    That´s just a few things of many I myself do and have done if I play sniper.

    It´s sad you seem to not have good snipers on Emerald as you said, but let me assure you, a good one will pull his weight easily.

    It´s just not that obvious all the time.

    I hope this post is not recieved as an attack, because it´s not meant to be one.

    I am just tired of people not playing sniper denying my own experiences regarding how useful I can be as a sniper on a battlefield.

    That is all.

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  18. Crayv

    While it is a bit too late for this game, I would like to play an FPS that doesn't have a long range OHK aim bot magnet.
  19. BluescalesNZ

    I used to rage when snipers killed me too, but I found my deaths to them dropped off dramatically when I started paying attention to my exposure and moving unpredictably when I was moving through open areas for extended periods. I still get sniped sometimes, but it's typically from an unexpected angle, which means the Infiltrator was doing their job. If anything, I probably get sniped more in Biolab grinds or other CQC situations then I do out in the open, because I'm in run and gun mode and not expecting it.
  20. ColonelChingles

    Not sure what server you're on, but the majority of the game is played out with aerial insertions or Sunderer pushes. The "footzerg" is relatively rare where a sniper might be effective, and then again there would be plenty of support to render the sniper ineffective.

    Then you do the simple thing that foils most snipers... you move. Easy. Plus, if a drop or insertion failed, there would be like a million more things more to worry about than the sniper... like the real soldiers causing the drop to fail in the first place. Real soldiers that could take out the spawn beacon or destroy the Sunderer. A sniper would do little to affect the outcome of the battle compared to the close-range soldiers that would be counterattacking.

    But snipers are not effective enough to cause significant damage anyhow. I guess if we're pulling stats into this, let me look over my own deathfeed to see how many times a sniper has claimed me.

    So in my last 100 deaths, I've died to a sniper all of... one time. Which was a Parallax. Two more times to scout rifles, a Vandal and a SOAS. Guessing those two aren't going to be from long range.

    Heck, I've died to the Hailstorm three times. And the Hailstorm is not seen as a particularly effective weapon.

    So I'm going to go with my original guess, that snipers have little impact on battles. Otherwise I would see more than 1% of my deaths from snipers, no?

    I've done enough "Medic dances" (also works wonders for Engineers) to know that unless a Medic sits still while reviving, snipers are not much of a threat at all. My deathfeed reflects that... my two most common classes played are Engineer and Medic, yet snipers have barely caused any damage to me at all.

    You've got quite the hubris if you think that every single time any of those things happen it's because of a sniper. I've played on the other side of those roles before, and less than a single percent of the time I would guess a sniper is involved (again, from stats). If my tank is pulled back to repair, I'm hardly thinking of the sniper, I'm thinking of the enemy tank that might be flanking me before I can get it fixed. And that's because snipers aren't much of a threat at all.