Bio Lab Re-design

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilWarLord, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. EvilWarLord

    So i was going through Images and found this
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  2. JKomm

    A little hard to imagine it from a blueprint, would be an interesting test though... hell there are different AMP station layouts, why not an alternative Biolab? Only alternate ones they have are when they got walls around them, and those are useless fortifications.
  3. Eternaloptimist

    I'd be pleased to see some alternate designs. Biolab fights are the most appalling fights in the game for me (let's not even mention SNA).
  4. Campagne

    Hmm. Interesting, but I really don't like this layout.

    Personally I rather like the current design, for the most part, and I often really enjoy bio lab fights more than most other bases.
  5. FateJH

    Either the image was never intended to be drawn to scale or this Biolab is massive. Look at the size of the banana building compared to the other buildings.
  6. Lemposs

    Is the spawn right besides A point?
  7. EvilWarLord

    I don't think so?
  8. kr47er

    two issues with this

    first one as it's said, A point is right besides the spawnroom...bad idea.
    second one: It does not solve the major problem of this bases. It has too few ways in. this design does not even have teleports, so it has just airpads as base entrances. this design does not solve the chokepoints issue, it still would be the same as current biolabs:
    30 min of camping on airpad entrance/teleports untill the attackers have bigger population and they rush the whole facility.
    The amount of time that people fights inside of this bases is often the time needed to bring down the SCU.
    Biolabs need 4 airpads with entrances on all of them as less.
    What we don't need is more bases that give all the advantge to defenders.
  9. OldMaster80

    A good simple change to Biolabs: a hatch up on top of the dome, with some ladders and catwalks.
  10. Mefi

  11. Eternaloptimist

    You can get infantry into Towers without having to go across the open landing pad - maybe something similar for current biolabs is all it would take?
  12. FateJH

    Way too many capture points, though. Stories I hear from Beta indicate that anything above [D] just makes the base as much of a slog.
  13. Mefi

    I don't remember noticeable issues with biolabs having so many capture points, after all both jump pads and teleports were available, at least when I played.

    Though, I'm not sure if the legacy design can work now as good as it used to. It synergized very well with influence capture mechanic that is gone. It allowed attackers to boost capture speed enough to force defenders to deal with outside points, just sitting inside and camping was a way to lose the base eventually.
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  14. SixNineFour

    There actually are a few different biolab designs. Though the broken ones are not listed as biolabs on the map and don't give special benefits.

    There is TR BL-4 Crash Site Esamir (Terran Republic Bio Lab-4 :eek:) which is defunct and doesn't have its dome walls up. The basic layout remains the same.

    And Zots Biolab on Hossin I remember had 3 landing pads.

    There is also Hayd Skydock won Hossin which appears to be also a broken Biolab.
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    The xander biolab on Koltyor is good I reckon. Not too far off the ground. Still sht inside as per usual. I like farming biolabs, don't get me wrong, but that's all they are.