[BUG] Claymore

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IceMobsterrr, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. IceMobsterrr

    Claymore mine either goes off too soon or too late or decides not to go off at all despite enemy being right in front of it. Is anyone working to fix this issue or what?
    I literally can't kill anything with them anymore since the last patch. So unreliable!
  2. TheFlamingLemon

    It's just the recent issues with servers. Frames have dropped, and stuff like this has happened more often, and it's the Devs #1 priority.
  3. asmodraxus

    Can we get a fix for the BB and prox mines as they seem to have a 0.5 second delay meaning they kill only the slow, gotta be a bug as no idiot would make a mine that does low damage (only just killing the target) with a small kill zone and then put a delay on it?
  4. So_Long

    if not permanently place the proxy, you can roll up it to the enemy group or throw through the window
    also you can put two instead of one BB

    use your brain and hands and any weapon will be effective
  5. Eternaloptimist

    They have a trigger delay by design. I just place mine a bit further back from where I would place a claymore in ambush so it has time to activate and blows just as the target is running past it. Works OK for me in places like stairwells. Other trick is to place them where someone is likely to slow down or stop, like near terminals and turrets or in between areas of cover like crates and rocks.

    I also read that on PTS they are playing around with making them 1050 damage instead of 1000..........
  6. Shadowomega

    Hopefully they fix it so they don't kill player through walls anymore; cause its getting annoying to die to it when it is not even in line of sight.