Emerald hacker DasAnfall

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ptryk1, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Ptryk1

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  2. Halsoy

  3. Ptryk1

    Yes I know people can get a lot of kills fast I have seen gylle stream but this guy also very hard to kill. No matter how many shots we fired we couldn't kill him. If someone got close enough to use a shotgun he would turn and instant kill you before you could fire, like he has Esp or something
  4. Gundem

    I wouldn't be so sure.

    His KPH is over 170, which means he'd have to be getting over 2.8 kills per minute, or literally a kill every 20 seconds.

    Plus, his consistency is also terrible, the real top tier players generally have very high consistency scores.

    A low consistency score may be a sign that an aimbot is actively trying to fool the anti-cheat.

    I'm not saying it's impossible, but I would be looking into his character a bit more if I was DBG.

    EDIT: Oh, I hadn't noticed you said you weren't defending him... Derp :confused:
  5. 0fly0

  6. OldMaster80

    He mainly plays HA with the NS LMG. If he has high fps and / or low ping he can easily be a chain-headshot machine. I met russian guys using this combo and it actually feels like they are cheating.
  7. Towie

    You have to take a closer look at the stats - in Dasanfall, anyone with a delta > 4 is marked as S meaning that such a score is unlikely unless something extraordinary is happening - one possibility being a hack, maybe skill / experience / technique.

    Gylle has some amazing stats for sure but most of his S's are with deltas around 4 - 5 - some higher. Now take our suspect - he has delta's of 12+ on the NS15-M1 and C75 Vyper (this delta is so high they get marked as U instead of S).

    Take the NS15-M1 - the globalised average k/d is 1.23 - Gylle achieves 4.19 (a mighty good score, well done). Our friend achieves 17.8. I'll let you decide whether that's likely or not.
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  8. Ptryk1

    The viper kph might be an accident or maybe he had a really good farm because there's only about 250 kills there, the real thing I'm confused about is how you hold a 17.8 kdr for 4,000 kills.
  9. Ptryk1

    He still hasn't logged on. If anyone has heard anything about a ban message or had encounters with this guy please let me know, thanks.
  10. DasAnfall


    Forumside will be forumside I guess
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  11. Gundem

    What I want to understand is how you run into such consistently bad players.

    It's as if one half the players you fight don't even bother to shoot, and the other half are using a mousepad to aim.

    Tell me what the cert line is for baddie radar plox
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  12. DasAnfall

    The vast majority of players in this game are absolute horse****. All you have to do is find a fight where they can't spam force multipliers and you have a farm.

    Also acc/hsr stats don't overly determine how good a player is due to how they can be padded.
  13. DasAnfall

    Here's another video by the way

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  14. Valenz

    In other words, you're just taking advatange of the poor new player experience in this game to pad your stats. Seems legit
  15. DasAnfall

    No, I'm simply playing the game as a first person shooter. I shoot people, plain and simple.

    Not my fault the majority of players' wincon is taking a base with 80% pop. I farm bad br100s as much as bad new players.

    Good old forumside. Maybe I should run some evasion scripts
  16. Sinful Raevyn

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  17. rockhead101

    I watch this video and I feel like I am playing a different game. You shoot a rocket launcher and get an immediate hit marker. It takes me a good 1-2 seconds. You move faster, change weapons faster..... I'm running a 4770K and a 980 with 16G of RAM. I usually sit around 60-75FPS, but everything I do takes twice as long. Do you have fiber? I have to spam the E key just to get into a terminal.....
  18. DasAnfall

    I have 40-60ms to emerald most of the time. Bandwidth I'd actually not that great but I usually don't have a problem with connectivity.
  19. Halsoy

    If it takes you 1-2 seconds in real time, and not just some bias towards your memory, you either have a terrible, terrible connection; or you happen to, by some strike of magical misfortune, only ever play on the server clusters that are running at 100% load.

    I have about twice to 3 times the ping to emerald that DasAnfall does (depending on what number you go by, and hitmarkers are still practically instant for me.

    Nothing about the movement is out of the ordinary. His FOV might be higher than yours. That gives a perception of increased speed. Weapon equip times are actually affected by attachments. One of the drawbacks to i.e. the foregrip is longer equip time. He's using a laser on the NS-15. So he will be equipping the LMG faster than you, if you're using a grip.

    If you sit at 60-75 fps with that CPU, chances are you're running high/ultra cross the board. This increases input lag something awful, and each frame renders slower. Try to aim for 100+ fps and you'll notice that everything feels smoother. Main options to achieve this is Shadows OFF, lighting to low and graphics quality to low or medium. And you'll get 100+ easy.
  20. Gundem

    You have a link to a .ini file for maximum performance/Optimal Aiming? I know that if you try and mega-potato the game it actually gets harder to aim since the textures aren't as crisp, but I'd like to try out running on PotatoHard settings for a bit, and see if it makes a difference in my gameplay.