[Suggestion] Fixing the failstorm

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Joexer, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Joexer

    Testing the waters to see if i should post on reddit here but it doesnt make it any less substantial.

    The Failstorm sucks, It is only good as a suppression Weapon. It shakes like mad and is overall dissapointing for an SMG. So I have come up with 2 options allowing it to fit into the Lore and gunplay aspects of the game.

    Option 1:
    Torq' the failstorm. Turn it into an accurate, low damage (112@8m-77@50m) and very low velocity( 375m/s) at 850RPM. Shake reduced and horizantal recoil near 0. The description should get an overhaul as well:

    Option 2:
    Up Damage to 143 and damage model to that of the Inquisitor (pistol), reduce ROF to 700rpm increase vertical recoil and reduce shake, as well as redo the description including

    It should be noted that both of these Changes do not decrease time to kill.

    We all know the failstorm is bad, but what do you think can make it better and unique.
  2. Pat22

    Can we fix the Sirius too?
  3. chuck105

    Shaking is actually not bad, the Sirius, i.e. the wimpier VS cousin of the Hailstorm, has the same shaking, which actually makes it better for close quarters. Higher cof and shaking help because they increase the odds that at least some bullets will hit your target, without requiring you to be as accurate. This is the design of these weapons, the other ES SMG's are for accurate ads.
  4. Pat22

    Sirius actually has more shake. In fact, it has the heaviest shake of any infantry weapon in the game, so much that it's basically a death sentence outside of 15-20m.
  5. Diggsano

    Did you just called a buff for VS? Ridiculous! :D
  6. Pat22

    No no, if you look at it from another angle, if we were to simply trade the Sirius' recoil with, I don't know, the Jaguar's recoil, then TR would actually be justified when they complain that their weapons have the most shake.
    So it's actually a buff to TR forumside whiners!
  7. Diggsano

    I play VS mainly and all i can say that the devs do not care about vs anymore....the only thing they do is nerf VS or buff the other two......

    VS lacks at population if you look at the Population statistic...why?...because they do not want to play vs anymore...they either leave the game or join the other 2 factions....

    DBG just does not care anymore.....
  8. Shadowomega

    Wouldn't mind the change to the Sirius as well but to auraxium that weapon, I just hipped fired that thing, cause ADS with it shakes so bad you want to vomit after a 10 round burst. It is one of the issues I have with several VS weapons.
  9. IceMobsterrr

    I don't see a problem with the hailstorm. Just hip fire it and strafe, if you got advanced laser sight (and I don't see why would you want to have anything else) it is easy peasy. Even without it (since I am using flashlight on one of my loadouts), it is my go to because of the large magazine which allows me to miss a lot, kill a lot or suppress a lot (depending on the situation, of course).
  10. Ryme_Intrinseca

    For some reason I kept using the failstorm after I ARXed it. Was quite shocked at how much more power I had when I eventually switched to NS SMGs.