[Suggestion] Teamkillers....OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by guerrillaman, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. guerrillaman

    Not a lot of good locking weapons does if, nanites, vehicle guns, construction guns and base turrets still function for them. Lock them all.
  2. JKomm

    None of these work when you have weapon's lock on. Or at least that's what people say, even though I'm NC I've never once been weapon locked in this game. Team killing keeps being brought up lately, my only idea is to make more annoying side effects for these actions.
  3. FateJH

    Weapon lock is some kind of voodoo that makes it impossible to use your fire button while in the context of using a tool or weapon. That means no rifle, no repair tool, no medical applicator, no mines. I haven't been locked in years so I don't know how or if resource gain is affected nowadays. Class abilities and vehicle driving were unaffected when I last was locked iirc (2014?).
  4. Taemien

    As I've said before, much of the TKing is done by alt accounts. Locking anything doesn't work. Only making the game buy-in does it work. This way throwaway accounts are less likely since each banned account costs money.

    What Daybreak should do is have a Premium server. A server only members can play on. They have this on Everquest 1 and 2. I'd play on it myself and I know others that would as well.

    At least on a server one has to pay to be on, TKing would be minimal, and those who do cross the line can truly be punished. It also has the benefits of generating additional revenue that could go towards events and such. EQ2 has one such server right now set in the Rise of Kunark Expansion where players are racing to finish in the top 100 of completions. With rewards that can be used account wide.
  5. breeje

    look at the players if you play in a squad, how many are members ?
    you're server would be empty and you could play hide and seek
  6. guerrillaman

    If they are locked they take entirely too long to get locked. I know they can still pull vehicles and run you over.
  7. FriendlyPS4

    Team killing exists because instead of the playerbase speaking with one voice and saying THIS S UCKS. The playerbase debates it. Usually around the point that a war GAME must be kept "real" with TKing. Even though we have invisible soldiers and flying soldiers; anything but real. Then the second "point" TKing helps trollol blocking of pathways, except this occurs anyway. TKing hasn't stop it.
  8. FriendlyPS4

    Some TKers are just make you scratch your head. I had one who put ai mines on my tank so I would die by friendly ai mines??? Then when that did not work he tried to kill me with his rifle. Then that didn't work. Then he got in his harasser, and that ended badly for him too.

    Maybe he was just bored. Still Tking damage should be HALF of what it presently is, with the gun lock penalty staying the same.
  9. Taemien

    75-90%, but then again I play in outfits mainly. Lone wolves are typically less vested in the game.

    Explain this, Ragefire opens with a 5,000 person capacity and fills up. They open Lockjaw which also fills up. Forces Daybreak to add a queue system to EQ which never had it. Also EQ servers previously had a 2500 person limit, the new ones used newer hardware. Both servers required membership to play on. Then later in the year Phinegal opens, also 5,000 limit and has queues.

    Then EQ2 opens one and likewise sees queues.

    People like membership only servers. That's a fact. Heck Everquest used to have a premium server requiring not only membership to play on.. but a more expensive membership that was $30 a month and people were filling that server up. Back in 1999-2005ish when 30 bucks was a bit more money than in 2016.

    I'd wager there is a few of us that would switch over. Especially if they allowed a character migration to facilitate it. Or better yet, if it had its own rule set, sort of like a PS2 progression server. I'd bet some would come back to PS2 to play there too. Think about it. TKing could be legitmately punished as well as hacking.

    If it costs 14.99 per month, and at least once to play there. People are less likely to TK and Hack because it costs them money. Less hacking, less TKing means a more enjoyable experience for those willing to pay for it. They'd pay to play there. Used to have to pay to even play PS1 and people did that.

    The downside IMO would be the freebie servers would lose their paying members. Forcing mergers. Small price to pay I think. Let the freebies play with freebies and paying members with members.
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  10. FriendlyPS4

    If there was a fee to start a second character. That may go a long way in making some random think twice before start a troll toon.
  11. Taemien

    Its not needed.

    Most people don't even log out of their main to troll TK. But use throwaway accounts logged in simultaneously. Here's an example of how that is done:

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  12. Liewec123

    the entire life of this game is in its playerbase, if they added a paywall to play then the game would die.
    i think TKers suck, but i don't think a paywall is the correct answer.
  13. Riksos

    I think people suggesting a premium server for paid players as a remedy to teamkilling either have no concept of server population or prefer 12 v 12 fights during primetime, and apparently have a gross misapprehension that paid players don't teamkill. When I log off at night I generally C4 the largest group of allies I can for laughs, and I've probably paid $200-$300 over time into this game. You are suggesting a change that does not address the problem of teamkilling.
  14. breeje

    i wish everything you say is true, i would sign up in a hart beat, if the game had a good support, bug fixes, good anti cheat, hit detection fixed, lagers and high ping players kicked
    only i think it's to late for a 3 year old game

    one of the reasons i did try this game was because it was free
    and my subscription to this game is on and off
    if i have (big) game problems i don't subscribe for that month
    with you're system i would be kicked out of my server, away from my friends/outfit
  15. Taemien

    Who said anything about a paywall?

    I suggested a premium server for members only. You can play on the existing servers with your existing friends and existing outfits just like you do now. If the members' migrations to the new server drop the populations then they can simply be merged (NA with NA, and EU with EU). If you're a F2P player, nothing would change.

    For players who'd like to pay to see changes, this would be a godsend. You get to play freely, we get another method in which we can support the game. I win, you win, and Daybreak wins. What's not to like about it?
  16. Liewec123

    the game only has one more viable server merge remaining, after that point we will likely never has as many players ever again.

    to fracture the playerbase and then require our last server merge in order to build the player base back up simply to deal with TKers would be a massive mistake (atleast imho)

    any server they add now is taking players out of the playerbase and spreading them thinner.
    also i doubt that members make up enough of the playerbase to make this exclusive server any kind of fun.
  17. Taemien

    Explain how Ragefire and Lockjaw on Everquest filled up for 18 hours a day. That's 5000 players each. 10,000 total. Not counting the total number of players who log in and out during the day.

    That happened last summer and Everquest was a 16 year old game. It was enough to cause them to do it AGAIN with Phinegal six months later which also had queues. It spurred EQ2 getting such a server as well around that time, and recently they just opened an EQ2 event based server.

    Good luck explaining how such wouldn't work here.

    For some reason you want to keep players playing with you that don't wish to be there. I want a premium server, I want to pay for it, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  18. Shadowomega

    Yep, and those are easy to backtrack. As I said before the best option is report for abuse, deliberate teamkill, and don't tk them back at all. Tk them back and the csr will likely toss it due to your action and declare it a revenge tk fight and ignore your request.
  19. customer548

    On my EU server today, we had a message about a TKer being "Terminated for TK".
    A BR14 guy with 93 Tks.
  20. Daigons

    This is a very scummy tactic that some players use to quickly spot opposing faction Sundys deployed around a base. Kind of defeats the whole concept of a cloaked sundy when it's so easily defeated with throw away accounts.