
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by obamacares, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. obamacares

    Can you guys help me decide on what I should upgrade?
    My pc is pretty good, I can play literally any game on ultra at a consisten 60fps ( this includes games like the crew and the witcher 3 ) EXCEPT for planetside. I barely get 50fps at medium and that's if im not in a large battle. in large battles it can go sub 30s. I'm not a huge expert on what would help so could you guys help out?
    processor: AMD FX 6300
    gpu: GTX 970
    ram: 2 8gb (16gb total) ripjaws sticks

    to my knowledge these are the biggest parts that make a difference, tell me if I need to list another part that I might need to upgrade
  2. Nalothisal

    Wait until the new Zen chipset from AMD comes out. Should be sometime close to the end of this year. Other than that I don't see much you could improve on unless you want a graphical boost from a Radeon RX 480
  3. obamacares

    I'm actually probably not really looking to upgrade my gpu becuase I heard quite a few times that ps2 is cpu dependent. IF this really is the case I might wait for that zen chipset or just convert to an intel processor. I know pretty much all of my parts ( apart from the motherboard obviously ) are compatible with most higher end intel processors and I've heard a lot of good things about the higher end intel processors.
  4. Nalothisal

    Mostly for ethical reasons I avoid Intel, due to them being anti consumer in some respects.
  5. obamacares

    Really? didn't know that. How exactly are they anti consumer?
  6. Nalothisal

    They can explain better than I.
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  7. DeadlyOmen

    LOL at the product hate.

    Anyway, Intel is the way to go. I got a i7 2600 and STRIX 950. Run at Ultra in huge battles in the mid-high 50s.
  8. Nalothisal

    I do suggest you watch that video before you start calling me a hater.
  9. FieldMarshall

    Last time i used AMD was over 15 years ago, so i dont have much experience with that.
    But I have mostly the same specs, except my CPU is a 4.0 i7, and i dont think my game has gone below 60fps in any fight on Ultra.

    So based on my limited knowledge, i would suggest upgrading your CPU.
    PS2 seem a lot more CPU intensive compared to other games.
  10. DeadlyOmen

    I wouldn't call you a hater, I'd call you someone that goes along with whatever they hear.

    "They can explain better than I."

    That means you can't explain in your own words, and therefore, don't understand the situation.

    To close the thread, OP: improve your CPU. Your GPU is more than enough.
  11. Nalothisal

    It mostly comes down to too much detail when I try to explain it. I can try in simple terms.

    Intel releases two identical CPUs with one little change to them, one has a special system inside the chip to help it run more efficiently while overclocked and has some safety systems inside to keep it from burning up but is more expensive than the other that does not have this system. I am of course talking about the K-part and Non K-part CPUs. The K-part is generally $200 dollars more than the Non K-part CPU. The reasoning is you can overclock this thing without burning the CPU out. Well, popular forums started finding out that you could overclock the Non K-part CPU. A bit riskier sure but worth the money if you know what you are doing and not stupid. Naturally Intel finds out about this and any normal company that wouldn't try to screw over their customers would announce that the new line of Non K CPUs would have this overclocking bug fixed so it wouldn't be able to be overclocked anymore. Instead they released a microcode that forcibly changed the Non K CPUs to to not be allowed to go past a certain clock speed. Keep in mind that both of these CPUs are identical minus the safety system inside the K-part.

    This caused a widespread BSOD fallout with those who bought the cheaper Non K-part CPU to overclock, only to find out that the new microcode, (that cannot be removed once installed by the way), forced their CPU into a lower clock speed than what the motherboard is trying to get the CPU to run at. This forces them to either one, change the desired clock speed down to what the manufacture (Intel) demands, or two, buy the $200 more K-part CPU to continue overclocking. This violates the consumers right of first sale, as microcode is normally there to keep various bugs or insidious software from getting a hold of your CPU and leaking sensitive data to the guy who put it there. They used it to force the consumer to either lower their speed of an exactly identical CPU or buy the more expensive version. This isn't the first time they did this either, as they pulled this stunt with the Pentium series of CPUs, they waited till the consumer started discovering that they could overclock the cheaper version of the same CPU and of course released a microcode to "fix" this issue.

    If you really want more detail you really need to watch that video, as this is the best I can do to condense the info from it.
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  12. DeadlyOmen

    Thanks for articulating yourself. It matters.

    You still don't know why they did it. I will bet that there was no malicious intent.
  13. Nalothisal

    As I stated, this is not the first time they did it. So it shows that they do not like people buying cheaper CPUs that can be overclocked so they force them to buy the one that can be overclocked at a higher price. Not only this they also produce a lot of very similar CPUs with varying versions that become arbitrarily more expensive the higher the number of i's you climb, despite many of those CPUs are nearly identical to each other. It's market segmentation and maximizing profits with little gain for the consumer. Its this practice that drives me away from using Intel and nVidia. I'm not saying that you should never use them, I only explained the ethics of why I don't buy them.
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  14. DeadlyOmen

    You still don't know why they did it.
  15. Nalothisal

    I and many pro consumers can infer that they did it to maximize profits by forcing consumers to buy a more expensive and identical CPU. Then again we may never know why until some poor SOB inside the company decides to blow the whistle.
  16. ObiVanuKenobi

    That's right, your GPU is more than good enough for Planetside and your CPU is the only part that might need an upgrade. Intel is considered to be better for Planetside and people with AMD used to have issues, some multithreading patches improved AMD performance though but Intel is still superior.
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  17. fumz

    There's no question what part you need to upgrade and there no question what that should be: Intel.

    This game only cares about cpu and in terms of the cpu the only thing that matters right now, especially for this game, is single-threaded performance. Intel crushes AMD's single-threaded performance; that's why Intel cpu's run the game so much better than AMD's.