Connery Infiltrators

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PanzerGoddess, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. PanzerGoddess

    I know a few of you, but where you boys at? Any infiltrators on let me rephrase...any players that play 90% infy on Connery??
  2. PanzerGoddess

    lol apparently there is just four of us :p

    I have to admit though, I do enjoy bringing in new recruits that have absolutely no idea how to play let alone can be taught
  3. Imperialguardsman

    Oh... I'm a Connery infiltrator. Just occasionally look for an idiot in yell chat saying the 99SV is OP.... That's probably me.
  4. PanzerGoddess

    lol.....any tr on the journey of directives have been gun I will never go back to :p
  5. glitchaj

    I'm a Connery infil. Well technicality, I have alot of time as an engi, but i main infil anymore.
  6. Frightning89

    100% Infil main on Connery iirc (need to double check server).
  7. Nalothisal

    I would love to get into ifiltrating, (sniping) and starting to catch on which to pick off first..
  8. Frightning89

    A good rule of thumb is to prioritize targets that aren't moving. Beyond that, enemies that may be aware of your presence are worth taking out expediently if you can. Within those basics, engineers and medics are your favorite targets because picking off those can stall vehicle/infantry pushes respectively (I've managed to pick off 2-3 medics and watch as an entire 20+ person infantry push get demolished because of it, VERY satisfying.), Other infiltrators are worth taking out for both personal safety and because you attacking them makes it harder for them to do their job (especially if you are on high ground not far from your allies (often they can't attack your allies without significantly exposing themselves to you, which either forces them to slow their pacing (and risk being countersniped when they do go for your allies, or else try to deal with you), LAs who are on roofs trying to flank/ambush your allies are also good targets (often spotting them even if you don't end up sniping them is enough to ruin their ambush and get them killed; always funny to watch a LA die only because you spotted them). It's also a good idea to kill enemy HAs that are trying to use their RL against allied vehicles (can totally save your allies bacon).
  9. BoatsFriends

    I'm here. What times do you play?