The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing VS as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zorro, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Blippy

    That's more of a tank than a light scouting vehicle.
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  2. TheMish

    Then we will call it a Light Scouting Vehicle! Problem solved.
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  3. TriumphantJelly

    Hmmm.... How about something similiar to this for VS:
    Something like this for the TR:
    And something like this for NC:

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  4. Heyitsrobbie1984

    i would love a thread like this. problem is that no-one had any ideas on how to make the NC look better. my proposal would probably to ditch the undershirt and the vest the NC soldier has and replace them with a sci-fi version of these
    As for the body armour, i would propose they change the colour to match the camo pattern but have a thin vertical yellow stripe and the thick blue stripe beside the yellow stripe and place them on the left side of the armour. if theres no camo the body armour would be just blue with the 2 yellow stripes on them. As for the shoulders they should have the yellow star on a background depending on what camo you're using. as for the helmet they should just use the model shown on the trailer and leave the pants as they are and thats my dream version of the NC soldier.
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  5. Ken Photon

    Bump... This thread cannot be ignored...

    Really love all the ideas, especially the new aesthetics. I was never really bothered by the VS style in the first place (I didn't even notice that that guys were pretty much wearing spandex until I heard it on Forumside...), except for the guns. Many of them look nearly identical to me.
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  6. Trooper4211

    Armor plated vanu butts. Sort of want.
  7. Heyitsrobbie1984

    they need religious music for their faction. would give the VS a new lease in life they have been crying for
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  8. Heyitsrobbie1984

    Bump. i'll never let subjects like these get buried so easily
  9. Galhans-993

    I'm going to bump this thread until my hips are considered a sacrifice to Vanu!
  10. Campagne

    You are a bad person for doing this. :eek:

    Why not just create a new thread?
  11. Gundem

    Necrobump of the gods!
  12. Blippy

    Never ever.
  13. PutinOnTheRits

  14. Zorro

    Neither do I! Thanks a trillion for the kind thought. :D
  15. Diggsano

  16. Pikachu

    Holy crap De la Vega, you're still here. :eek:
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  17. Nie_Tutaj

    Out of every thread ever posted on this website, this one was the only one worth mentioning. Bravo sir.

    Also, the link to Elite Eskimo's page doesn't work for me. Could you post a new one?