quads running over Max's?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cascinovva, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. Cascinovva

    It's the dumbest thing in the game, Max insta dies, and quad keeps going like it didn't touch a thing. At the least it should kill the driver as well.
  2. Lemposs

    Did someone get run over by a Flash? :D

    Anyway, even if you drove something like a MAX in real life with a quadbike, unless it bend over and hit you on the head with full force, you'd survive that.
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  3. Pikachu

    It only happens 1 out of 10 tries. Also this has been the case since release.
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  4. FateJH

    Was it an invisible quad-bike?
  5. DrostenVS

    I agree that ramming a MAX should damage whatever hits them. If they're heavy enough to set off tank mines, they should be heavy enough to do some actual damage on impact. Might cause some harasser drivers to think twice as well. Quads should blow up on impact
  6. Aphlack

    This happened to me yesterday too. I was awestruck for a moment, like how is this even a thing?
  7. DrostenVS

    I agree that MAX should do damage to vehicles on impact. They are heavy enough to set off tank mines, so they should have enough mass to destroy a quad and make harasser drivers think twice about running them over.
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  8. Liewec123

    the roadkill mechanics in this game have always been completely insane.
    vehicles are pretty much lawn mowers, able to drive through entire squads without any friction, maxes included.

    perhaps a roadkill overhaul is in order, increase the logic so it no longer vastly favours roadkilling allies over enemies,
    make the vehicle take damage for every point of damage it causes,
    and yes, give maxes an invisible collision box around them that only effects vehicles.
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  9. Partl

    I do agree, roadkilling a max with a flash is like killing a moose with a tricycle. Not only, a max seems way more massive than that lil bike, they do cost 4.5 x the nanites.
  10. Max121212

    My understand was that a flash could not kill a healthy MAX with 1 hit by running them over.
    Were you wounded before being hit by the Flash? Maybe the flash was shooting at you for a while before closing in?

    I snipe big slow MAXs walking along the road, any MAX in the open is vulnerable, it's an unwise MAX player who does that. In transit the MAX should be in the back of a vehicle.
    ...but maybe your not in transit... maybe your camping out on top of a mountain, or something,
    well the best way to handle an invisible flash is with a vehicle mine so your dependent on the engineer's support again (if you didn't have an engineer you have bigger problems).

    Apparently a MAX can kill a flash by charging it! Anyone done this?!
    Jump to minute 19
  11. MrMinistry30

    MAXes who really run in the open and offer the opportunity for flash drivers to run them over DESERVE IT!

    Anyways, i don't see a real problem here. Those kills are so rare and roadkills in general are one of the few reasons to pull a flash at all. Just let flash drivers have their fun.
    MAXes are REALLY strong enough (in my opinion they are the ones that need a big nerf, especially NC) so people who use them really should not cry about anything that kills them.
  12. Partl

    If the flash would get destroyed when hitting & killing a max, it would feel rather ok. Flash drivers could still kill em off, getting lots of xp doing so, but would have to get off that bike before hitting it. What u think about that?
  13. customer548

    Maxes are supposed to be a soldier in a thin armor : "The latest models are equipped with composite armor consisting of advanced alloys and ceramics". (Source Wikia)
    I guess the armor has to be a thin and light one...In order for the MAx to be able to move without being stuck in the ground, in snow, sand, mud.
    A high velocity projectile will be able to break thin alloys and ceramic. It'll wound the MAX pilot.
    Quads have reinforced chassis with protections. I would say a quad is heavier than a MAX.
  14. breeje

    Protect the max, maybe we need to make them bullet proof as well
    Let the max only be killed by rockets and tanks

    Or we could be more careful when we are in a max suit
  15. Azawarau

    I only hve an issue with this for invisible flashes

    Theyre really the most annoying thing on the field
  16. Problem Officer

    Tested in VR just now.
    MAX can flip and launch a Flash, but usually will just budge it slightly.
    The video demonstration is latency related, very unreliable. Seems like a bug, not a mechanic.
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  17. Max121212

    Thanks for the testing P.Officer. Much appreciated :)

    nuts! ....thats a shame.
    It would be a great way for skilled MAX players to shine over the others. They should make it a real game mechanic.
    ...and maybe change the damage of MAX punches to do one hit kills on Flashs, It'll be like a bull fight!! :D

    One more thing.... in the OP Cascinovva said: "Max insta dies",
    Can anyone confirm this? It's not a 1 hit kill to MAXs is it?
  18. Cascinovva

    Yes it is instakill,all he has to do is point his quad at you and run your *** over, and you die from full health and shield and he continues on his merry way. It has happened to me several times, and as someone else pointed out, its from the stealth quads.

    All 3 times, I was not alone, not out in "an open field" we were pushing on bases, in large battles usually behind large boulders, there are explosions going off all over, its a bit difficult to hear someone coming in a flash, and a sneaky infiltrator, grabs a quad, cloaks it, skirts behind us, and runs over several people including maxes before dying.

    Now I am not faulting the said drivers of the quads for utilizing their abilities. But the mechanic is plain ******* stupid. A max costs 450 resources, a quad costs 50,I mean it's enough that they put large cannons on them, that can kill anything including MBTs (given enough time and cover) and they can also run over Maxes without suffering any damage. Obviously it's easy to kill a flash, but the cloaked ones are too difficult to see especially at night, and before it's too late.
  19. badname123

    Don't bother posting in these forums the dev's dont read them. these forums are just a cesspool for people to vent their frustrations and hope things get "fixed".
  20. customer548

    The only "plain ******* stupid" stuff here is being able to bring a giant pinata in the middle of nowhere in order to make yourself a perfect target with no cover.