Players Are Still In Koltyr after ranked 15 or Higher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vectoze, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Vectoze

    I noticed on while playing Koltyr with a level 12 characer, that a few players who are ranked 15 or higher are still in Koltyr.. For example, yesterday I saw a guy, who was ranked 16, was still Koltyr [I killed him like twice] and today, i saw a guy who was ranked 15 [I killed him as well] and never left Koltyr. Is this a glitch/bug/hack or am I the only one who gone crazy?
  2. Liewec123

    as i've never played Koltyr i don't really have any facts, but i would ask, does it usually boot you once you reach BR15?

    i'd have imagined that it just won't let you join the map if you're a higher BR,
    but if join the map at 14 and advance higher than the level cap during your play session then you'll remain in until you leave/log off.
    thats what i'd imagine anyway, i could be wrong XD
  3. Pat22

    If I recall correctly, the game kicks you out of Koltyr on your first death / redeploy after you've reached BR15.
    If that is true, then it's entirely possible that these players simply have not died since reaching 15.
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  4. Vectoze


    That is true but however, these players who are ranked at or above 15 are still in Koltyr, though they had died (I know, since I'm the one who killed them) are NOT kick out of Koltyr. Even if your teammates revive you, you are suppose to be out of Koltyr. So I'm just confused.
  5. FateJH

    Is that behavior also confirmed?
  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    Nope. You're truly dead only when your corpse disappears and you can no longer be revived.
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  7. Eternaloptimist

    Yeah, I once levelled up to BR16 while in Koltyr and it let me stay there until I logged out.
  8. Jex =TE=

    I got to 16 as well before it kicked me out. I doubt you're going to find anyone higher than 16 so I don't see an issue.
  9. Imp C Bravo

    I made it to 19 on Koltyr way way way back in the day when it was still PS4 only and PS2 was still beta (for us.)

    The MAX farming was very very lol worthy.
  10. Kubor

    I understand the idea behind Koltyr, but it does need reviewing. I recently sat with a young family member and helped him get through the tutorial and then into Koltyr. There are players that are clearly highly experienced with PS2 using Koltyr to have a bit of a laugh and undertake some trolling by repeatedly farming newbies. In the time we spent there we encountered the same two ESF's repeatedly farming the same new poeple over and over.

    I don't know how the other new people felt, but my young companion quickly lost interest and I can't imagine that he'll ever be interested in trying it again. PS2 is much too harsh on new players.
  11. FriendlyPS4

    I remember it being that way since the start of PS2 on PS4. If they didn't fix it now. They won't ever.
  12. FateJH

    How is that not a typical ingame situation? At the very least, that's being brutally honest. It was all just a matter of when you first encounter the "issue."
  13. Kubor

    So what's the point in having Koltyr? There is so very much feedback about how many people are turned off the game by their early experiences and that feedback has been present for years. PS2 has lost thousands of players since it came out and continues to shrink. It needs new players. People try it and never come back. This game is never going to do anything other than get smaller and smaller unless that first impression can be changed.

    We need to do something to get people hooked. At the very least we need to shield them from the silly little a-hats at least until they've developed an appetite for the game.
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  14. QuebraRegra

    wait... there's a tutorial?
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  15. Lord_Mogul

    I have heard of some legends that tell about this "tutorial"...
    My introduction was a droppod between Ti Alloys and the Crown back in 2012...
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