ZoE really needs a nerf!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NXR1, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. NXR1

    or a heavy with a decimator
  2. travbrad

    but charge is the best ability on all 3 factions, so it doesn't really matter if ZOE is better than lockdown/shield. None of them are really worth using except charge.
  3. consolationprize

    ok you either are trolling or misinformed, second no one ever uses zoe anymore because it is literally a buttton you push that makes you die. It needs a buff if anything
  4. NXR1

    Typical vanu claiming everything they use needs a buff.
  5. sIcGER

    my nc is br 100, vs is br 99, tr is 84 ... so yeah - keep going trolling
  6. Caramboul

    Maybe NXR1 had meet an lagwizard masking his cheats with a ZOE MAX?

    Personally i have tried ZOE... and it is absolutly s.h.it. It makes you weak and the "light speed" is the same speed as charge - but 15 seconds. And the MAX is glowing in neon pink. Look at me, here i am and now shoot at me please. Thats all...
  7. DarkStarII

    It feels slower than the charge.
  8. NXR1

    I bet scr1nrusher senpai would support me.
  9. NXR1

    I dont see how trying to help the game is trolling, please do explain.
  10. gartho33

    wait wait wait.... you got killed by a ZOE? the only way for that to happen is if it got close to you... at which point... you where dead anyway...

    Sprint would have closed the gap faster, and ZOE bumps damage taken by ~30%... The possible "advantage" is well kept in check.... most weapons lose ~100 meters from max damage range, and only for a single tier of damage bump. I don't see where it needs to be nerfed.

    Perhaps you could elaborate more on how its already crippling downsides are insufficient.
  11. DragenoidHighLord

    VS MAXes have high heels,they are already on a dissadvantage on movement,plus get them disco lighting pink,you got your self one fabulos ****.At least NC got a tank look on theirs,TR got the "FEAR MEEE" look,but VS,they are just looking gay,I honestly don't care when ZOE gets buffed or nerfed,90% don't use it anway,because what is better?Fight or flight,well charge gives you either an option to fight and mostly flee the hell outta there.
    While my fancy Aegis shield :)eek:) can pretty much negate any damage that the ZOE gives at pretty much any range.Having troubles hitting that ZOE MAX,try tank mines,they will stop a MAX dead in his tracks.;)(Totally trademarked)
  12. Taemien

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  13. Bishbosh

    Played since Tech / Pre Beta. Hav'nt used ZoE for 2 years or more .. Its OP ?? I thought sprint was the default must have and ZoE was nerfed to **** ?
  14. Demigan

    Dear NXR1, the only way we can get the shield and anchor at the same level of ZOE is by nerfing them.

    ZOE gives some speed. Whoop dee doo! So does Charge but at least Charge gives you an instant-escape button that's actually useful. The ZOE damage model is a hefty nerf to the regular damage model, that's why practically no one uses it. And that's not the only nerf you willingly apply to yourself as you also get more damage!

    I agree that the Anchor and shield aren't exactly perfect and have too many disadvantages compared to the advantages to make them really worth it, but to say that the ZOE is better than either? No way! At least the Anchor can be used in a few niche scenario's like Burster MAX's and the shield can still be useful occasionally especially when you need to reload while in-the-face of another MAX or group of soldiers. But most of the time any sensible MAX will go for Charge.
  15. Naaahhhhh

    yeah maybe we should also nerf the beamer because....if you have problems with zoe the beamer will reck you.
    The nerf vanu has turned into a running gag, while the other factions sit on good to op stuff they want to nerf zoe.
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  16. LodeTria

  17. Problem Officer

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  18. Akashar

    I agree, zoe max in VR are a pain in the butt. So much op
  19. EPIC389

    Zoe maxes barely increase move speed, have a damage increase that does NOTHING to shorten your ttk, heavy dmg drop-off over 10m, can't be toggled, glow neon pink and allow you to die faster.

    Totally sound like it needs a nerf
  20. FieldMarshall


    It would have been higher but it got more obvious as the thread went on.