[Suggestion] Unexpected Aircraft Ejections

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by widgetdog, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. widgetdog

    With the QWERTY style keyboard, the "W" is adjacent to the "E". Because of this, while holding down the "W" key to move forward in planes, I often accidentally touch the "E" key and find myself plummeting to the ground. I suggest adding an option that, for planes only, requires the "E" to be clicked twice rapidly. I am not aware of keys being able to be bound to multiple taps so I came here to ask this. If you CAN bind something to E+E tell me how.
  2. Jake the Dog

    Just bind it to "4", you will literally never use this in an aircraft.
  3. widgetdog

    Thanks; I shoulda thought of that oops. :oops:
  4. Jake the Dog

    Np glad I could help!
  5. LaughingDead

    But that's my horn! What esle do I pick?!
  6. Haquim

    When I read the title and saw [suggestion] next to it, I expected this to be a thread about giving Bursters and Skyguards a random chance to make an aircrafts electronics go haywire and kick the pilot out....
    • Up x 1
  7. Jake the Dog

  8. PatateMystere

    Just bind it to "<" or P or any key far away from your fingers !
  9. SourceDecay

    I had the same problem cuz I was real spazzy when I started flying. Rebound to "B" on the suggestion from a frustrated guy trying to teach me how to fly...after repeatedly ejecting myself from the aircraft and his patience.
  10. SourceDecay

    Oh, also, when I read the thread's title, I thought I was in for a suggestion that air to ground esf's pilots are randomly ejected while farming infantry.
  11. IcEzEbRa

    tilde ~ is my preferred. I had to re-map L Alt also, was a few times my noob fingers freed cursor as I just rammed into ground, etc. Most pilots keymap "Analog throttle", it stops your movement as if pressing S key, but holding it down. It's honestly like an ingame macro to press S key and hold....except that in ESF, trying to land, you kinda bounce up/down till you press S key. Really not sure what up w/scythe on landing, seems you have to wait 5 seconds to get out of craft or will flip over most of the time, very annoying.

    Most esf n lib pilots will also bind other keys/mouse.... I use 4 as "cockpit freelook" and middle mouse as "change camera". I also mapped "spot enemy and pitch down" to mouse buttons, I have a 3rd mouse thumb button bound to pitch up, but most only have 2 buttons. I remapped Q and E to "roll left and right", sometimes useful, always fun, in 3rd person.
  12. Taemien

    Like others said, you can just rebind it. I personally use Y. Others suggested to use 4.. but that's too close to R which is reload. Y is pretty damn far.

    The great thing about aircraft controls is the key to Exit Aircraft can be different than the one to enter them, as well as different than ground vehicles. So if you're used to entering with E or entering and exiting ground with E, you don't have to readjust across different platforms.


    Just a reminder.. anything you rebound exit aircraft to will apply to Phoenix missiles as well. Keep that in mind if you need to drop the camera.
  13. DirArtillerySupport

    I don't know about infected rounds but that's one virus I wouldn't mind installing on my T-REK. Camping a landed liberator would be worth its weight in salt.
  14. chuck105

    On PS4 it's bound to square, same as reload. So it's very easy to hold it too long and bail unexpectedly.