Anyone else unable to log into the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hyron, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Hyron

    I have played about 2 hours ago, without any problems.
    Now, i can start the client and get the characterlist. But every time i select one of them and want to log in, i get the loading screen and after a few seconds the game crashes.
    Anyone else with the Problem or some possible solution?
  2. Gromwort

    Not sure if it helps with anything but i can enter the game on Esamir with TR char, but i keep getting crash on VS - VR training.
  3. Crushko

    + 1

    Wanted to play the game again, did a fresh install and crash on VR training loading screen all the time.
  4. vimpare

    same trouble here
  5. Machinegun Psycho

    Same for me Vs character in training room = Crash
  6. Daniel Mills

    hotbreak, not a hotfix. Learn your terminology DBG, i wish there was a way to get my vs character out of VR training.
  7. Daniel Mills

    Creating a new accont as VS, takes me to the "VR Virtual Zone", however it crashes just like loading into VR Training.

    EDIT. Nevermind. Creating any new account crashes the game.
  8. Agent White

    Witnessed. I can no longer log in to either my TR or VS character after trying to go to VR training for VS.
  9. Harkorel

    Same here, i crash when the loading screen after selecting my character end.

    I played 2 hours without any problem this morning.
  10. MichaelPaul

    Having the same problem, crashes when going to VR training.
  11. Hellivium