What Ever Happened To These?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cookie5000, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. Cookie5000

    Makes us all....
    Isnt this Indar or is this another Battle Island... :O?
  2. Cookie5000

    Unless they are actually adding whether I doubt this is any continent we have currently.
  3. Abraham with Cheese

    I think that is another battle island (made from bits of Indar, I see the J908 crater base), as there are only two warpgates I see.
  4. Pikachu

    I think it's fan made idea. Having one side with a tech plant would be so unfair.
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  5. PatateMystere

    We have a lot of community members creating cosmetics items. Please devs, if you dont have time, just organize a community contest to create new empire specific 3D models for vehicules and weapons.
  6. Pikachu

    Vehicles I think would be too complicated. So much stuff that needs to be tested by the devs. Sending the files back and forth telling what is wrong. It's not just building the aesthetics. You have to do the physics too.
  7. Cookie5000

  8. Campagne

    Not even the dead (threads) shall know peace from this evil!

    But since this thing has been pulled back up out of Hell the ground, what did ever come of these?
  9. Rebelgb

    Probably true. However since there is zero way for you to know the actual reasons Columbus Nova acquired Daybreak its all speculation on your part. It is possible that CN bought Dbreak for any host of other reasons than future profitability. Taxes, trademarks, hell Daybreak may have just had some talent that CN wanted for themselves, or some technology that is trademarked.

    The fact that Columbus didnt scrap the whole thing the moment they bought it (after all they arent in the hole for the creation and release of the original game) and that money is still being spent not only keeping the game running but updating it, says good things about the future of PS2. Even if Daybreak itself is eventually absorbed into the parent company and the brand bookshelved.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    Who knows......... we might get them in the future. :)
  11. William Petersen

    I've wanted that continental lattice since I first saw it. :sigh:
  12. TeknoBug

    Battle Islands may still happen, the rest I dunno. When I see those cars, I see the Delorean from Back To The Future.

    That looks like a close resemblance of Ishundar or a sideways Solsar.
  13. DeadlyOmen

    Battle Islands, AKA shoebox shooters would be a very foolish idea.

    It would suck people away from the interesting gameplay, thus making the PS2 draw (open-world shooter) moot.

    Considering how boring shoebox shooters are, that would be a very, very bad idea.
  14. EvilWarLord

    All i see here is a halved portion of the north Indar Desert
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  15. Sh4n4yn4y

    Not quite as bad as the 3.5 year res from earlier in the week, but still pretty bad.

    As for that:
    That is literally just the desert. Why would we want another North Indar? Everyone knows it like the back of their hands.
  16. OldMaster80

    I'd love ES buggies even if their role is probably covered right now by the Harasser. Not sure we need 5-6 men team ground vehicle.

    Intercontinental lattice I don't care but I'd love to see warpgates actually working like gates: I freaking want to intercontinental zoning. I want to enter the game on Esamir with my Valkyrie and get out on Hossin!

    Battle Islands imho should be implemented asap. Time has come for new continents. I would just see different biomes like volcanic, deciduous forest etc.

    Interlink Facility has been scrapped due to (they said) bad battle flow and bad performance impact.

    Searhus... yeah same as Battle Islands. Gimme new land to ravage!
  17. Endlave

    I want the ES vehicles so bad...maybe as a Harasser reskin if no other role can be found for them, but new ground vehicles are always welcome, especially if they have gunner seats for me to use :D
  18. Cookie5000

    This is my job as a necromancer *_*

    Its still going to be open world..... Battle Island are just smaller versions of continents...

    ES Buggies are suppose to b 4 seaters, the plan was introduced by Higby at SOE Live but since hes gone now I dont know. :/
    Also Inter-link Facility was scrapped? When did they announce this? Sucks it looked like a cool new base.
  19. Nasher

    Another thing I miss from PS1 is the meteor showers :(

    It's a shame. Theres a lot still missing from PS2 that was in 1. But I doubt it will see the light of day now that SOE is gone.

    They planned for sea battles in PS1 as well, but that never came. I think that would be fun.
  20. OldMaster80

    I asked on reddit months ago and I had this answer from mr RadarX in person.