[Suggestion] Add bullet drop to all weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tr34, May 29, 2016.

  1. KaletheQuick

    Alerts arent really a good metric for faction balance. Do these stats have populations from when they happened? That would help a little.

    The only data that I can think would be good to consider faction balance would be base captures when the population is even. If the owner of a territory flips while the pops are still within 1% that means everyone was fighting until the bitter end. Most likely giving it their all. The wider the population gap, the higher total population needs to be for accurate data consideration.

    This is, however a game with a lot of tactical consideration. And I have seen some large assaults with only one sunderer. Which soon ended because I killed that sunderer. I'm no farmboy.

    Of course, that is balance when pop is equal. That's not always the case in this game, so there needs to be things to heighten the predator effect.

    I am pretty sure VS shotgun slugs fall. I was dissapointed to find that out.
  2. Campagne

    They never used to. They were nerfed to drop after it was discovered how overpowered they were.
  3. Xasapis

    Overpowered is an inappropriate word for a weapon that has seen so little use to be of statistical importance. Which is why nobody really cared when they were nerfed to a worse state than the other two empires.
  4. Haquim

    No... no its very appropriate.
    You obviously didn't play when slugs were introduced and they didn't have drop.
    It was basically CQC capable semiautomatic two-hit-kill snipers on every roof and tree.

    Also I'm running into so many people using slugs that I really doubt it has no impact whatsoever.
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  5. Saturax

    Where is diferent from semiautomatic sniper rifle ?
    +they have biger magazine then shootguns.
  6. KaletheQuick

    Yeah. I kinda feel bad I didn't get in there when it was that cool.
  7. KaletheQuick

    Light assaults getting into tricky places and this, from what I understand it was quite annoying. Mind you not as annoying as long range one hit kill weapons in the hands of someone who turns invisible. But sniping is already in the game, and if they take it out everyone will get all ********. OHK **** is laaaame.
  8. Pat22

    It really wasn't. The velocity on slugs was still terrible, making shooting a moving target pretty hard when compared to actual SA sniper rifles, battle rifles and scout rifles.
    It was really only useful for shooting at people who stood still.

    Giving slugs the sniper trait of becoming incredibly inaccurate when you're moving had a bigger impact then giving them drop.
  9. Haquim

    The difference is two-hit-kill to three-hit-kill and the CQC part.
    Ever hipfired a sniper rifle? No such trouble with a shotgun that has slugs loaded.
    Also LAs can fly. Infiltrators may be able to cloak, but they can't get into the REALLY advantageous positions.
  10. Akashar

    My opinion, totally. Haters gonna hate but crying nerf<skill
  11. Haquim

    Aww screw your no bulletdrop. The slugs and two of your sniper rifles are/were all weapons were it really mattered.

    I'd much rather get rid of TRs riddiculous horizontal recoil.
    When I played a couple rounds as VS with the Orion it was like the difference between CS and UT gunplay.
  12. Pinkpuff

    No drop is a huge advantage but I don't feel it needs to be removed.

    And for those claiming it's a non-issue then let me explain. When shooting as infantry you have 3 things to compensate for. Vertical recoil, target lead, and drop. VS only has to worry about 2 of them and the one that's missing from their compensation just so happens to be one of the 2 vector compensations. While the drop on NC/TR might only be a handful of pixels at say 50m that's still probably a small 2-3% advantage in a game where 2-3% advantages mean everything.

    Though I still don't advocate for it to be removed as that's their faction trait. If you remove lack of drop from VS then you have to remove 200dmg weapons from NC and....well, TR doesn't really have a faction trait advantage so they can be left alone.
  13. Akashar

    I this was a different playstyle, amazing, right? Like a different weapon, incredible! If you like VS playstyle come play with it for more than "a couple rounds" and then we'll talk.
  14. Pat22

    Don't VS weapons overall have worse FSRM and horizontal recoil variance than TR?
    Not to mention the worst horizontal recoil weapon in the game.
  15. Nihil

    Where did the thumbs down button go?

    VS weapons don't need bullet drop, many already have it. Our weapons don't hit hard or frequently. Letting them have accuracy is a small concession.
  16. Gundem

    You shouldn't be firing in that large of a burst anyway.
  17. Tr34

    VS Scythe air2air guns are also the top tier compared to other two ESFs. Reaver can't hover fight a scythe.
  18. ElGordo95


    Oh hey ! I dropped my bag of sarcasm ! Sorry ;)
  19. FateJH

    But how do we add bullet drop to the knives?
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  20. WeRelic

    I'm sure this forum can come up with something.