What constitutes a lot of headshots?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scatterblak, May 29, 2016.

  1. Scatterblak

  2. Diggsano

  3. Demigan


    Most of the headshots there... Are made by opponents on the guy himself. So no, he's not a cheat or a wunderkind.
  4. MrMinistry30

    KDR and KPM are lower average and the head shot rate is ~20%, so even this is not too bad or too good... Just a normal player i would say.

    And those 2 headshots on you with the Mag-Shot: personally, i think this is one of the best and easiest pistols to handle in this game so not too surprising as well.
  5. ChillyPhilly27


    HSR, KD, and KPH is very average. Accuracy's top 10%, but nothing out of the ordinary.

    Conclusion: Nothing to see here

    A high HSR is 40's or 50's. This guy's barely making 20
    • Up x 1
  6. The Rogue Wolf

    I don't think this guy could look more average if he tried. A couple multi-kill streaks, a bunch of trades, a few death streaks. Decent, but hardly cheat-quality.
  7. Exitus Acta Probat

    Once I was long range sniping, could barely see the guy with a 12x scope and the target turned and head shot me with a shotgun before I got my shot off.
  8. user101

    On the PC version - if you are moving 500ms before a head shot from distance (not some shot gun up in your face) it almost 100% chance it is a cheat. If it some hand gun up close then that's ok for a head shot. Both those guys are to high for head shots.

    I am a BR103 and I only run about 0.5 - 0.7 a 1.3, 1.5 pushing it... ! Uses the cheat some times.... wait until the update comes for cheating... lots of players will leaving.

    Don't get me wrong some times its just a lucky shot... for some dumb reason. Shot guns are only good for like 3 meters any thing over that is a cheat...!

    Most players don't know real players from cheaters. If I stand still for 500ms and get shot in the head that is my own fault....!