Which last 2 LMGs should I use to complete the LMG directive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bmac417(TasteOfLead), May 27, 2016.

  1. bmac417(TasteOfLead)

    As the title said.

    I have bought the MSW-R, and the NS LMG, and I approximately have 450 kills with the T9 Carv, plan on auraxing that last so I have a fresh feeling about the Butcher.

    Another question, which shield is highly recommended for playing heavy?
  2. The Rogue Wolf

    The Bull and the Rhino are both worth looking at. As far as shields, I believe at the moment that a fully-certed Resist Shield is the most effective currently.
  3. bmac417(TasteOfLead)

    I'll take a look at the Rhino once I get a gold medal for the NS-15M. And I had a strong feeling that the NMG was useless, thank you for the feedback.
  4. Gutseen

    NS ftw best gun in the game
  5. Gundem

    I enjoyed the TMG-50 a lot, once it's fully upgraded it's a CQC beast if you can get headshots. It's the closest thing you can get to an NC LMG with a rather reasonable horizontal recoil.

    Beyond that, the T9 CARV-S is an effective, if somewhat lackluster gun. I personally found it was best used when holding a 3 floor capture point, stand at the top of the stairs ADS at all times with IR/NV optics and an extended mag for maximum support potential. Make sure you pair this with Nanoweave 5 and Adren Shield 5.

    For other LMG's, the Rhino is okay but the NS-15M is better. The Rhino is good for a mid-range area denial weapon, utilize it's 20 meter max damage range and don't get in too close range of a fight.

    As for any weapon, ALWAYS go for headshots. I performed well on all of my LMG's as long as I prioritized headshots. If your aim is sub-par, I can give you some tips for improving it.
  6. Iridar51

    NMG isn't useless, it's a powerful on demand HP boost that scales with nanoweave. It's perfect for situations when HA doesn't get the first shot, which can happen quite a lot.

    For PS4 Resist Shield may be preferable for obvious reasons, but just because one thing is better, doesn't mean the other thing is useless.
  7. KoRneY

    Adrenaline shield/NMG are far more useful if you get jumped. They're reactive shields that'll help you survive the random LA or infil.

    You can recharge adrenaline shield on countless things, not just kills. Motion detectors, ammo packs, medic shield bubbles, spitfires, engie turrets... all of those can recharge your shield.

    Resist is a proactive shield that you toggle before your engagement, or if you expect one to happen. You get diminishing returns if you don't have the first shot. Resist works pretty well with advanced shield capacitor.

    My personal preference is adrenaline, since I'm old and slow.
  8. bmac417(TasteOfLead)

    Bought the Rhino early morning, it lived up to my expectation. Just have to get the gold medal to move onto the Auraxium medal stage. And also starting to use NMG.
  9. LaughingDead

    The battlegoose, godawful saw, onion, painchor or the EM7 ;)
  10. Pfundi

    Let me be the idiot here. If you enjoy the NS-15M you could just auraxium it three times. Because why not.
  11. SW0V

    If he's a FTP player it's only twice (NS-15M + NS-15M2) the rest cost DBC... and a lot at that. I wouldn't recommend anyone buying the black/gold variant (NS-15MB/G) for 1500/2000 DBC, respectively. That's just robbery.
    ...and the AE and platinum variants don't count towards the LMG directive.

    This might not be the answer you want to hear. But it really depends on your playstyle which LMGs you use to complete the directive. If you really enjoyed the NS-15M, and the directive is all you're looking for, auraxing the NS-15M2 might be a good option but it's the worst option if you want to diversify your weapon options for later gameplay.

    These are the weapons that you've used and what their strengths are:
    MSW-R = High DPS CQC
    T9 Carv = High DPS mid-range
    NS-15M = High accuracy mid-range

    Your remaining options are:
    T9 Carv S = Utility
    Bull = Highest bullet velocity + high accuracy
    Rhino = Extended bullet damage range + high accuracy
    TMG-50 = Highest accuracy + increased bullet damage at the expense of RoF

    Personally, I would recommend the Rhino and Bull as your two final options to get the most diversity out of your purchases.