What's the current state of laser sight visibility?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dowlphin, May 17, 2016.

  1. Dowlphin

    I've read older threads (2 years ago) where it was mentioned as bugged regarding a mismatch of viewmodel and exterior model state. And since some bugs seem to stay forever in the game, I have to ask whether that's still the case.

    When you turn it off, does it also turn off the functionality or only the effect? And when the effect is gone, is it gone for observers, too, or only for you?

    And why does the game not save the last state? So far I assumed it is being displayed and thus can give your position away, so it's is annoying to have it on by default after each login.
  2. nehylen

    Turning it off only stops visibility of the laser for yourself, effect still at 100%. Observers do see the laser as it wasn't turned off.

    However, there's an option which makes laser sights less visible, in a big way (friend, foe or yourself), so to anyone with a lower setting in that specific option (can't remember which right now) a laser sight is about as visible as Claymore lights.
  3. Dowlphin

    Hm, how does this make sense? Why not tie the off state to it being completely off (if it is intended to be visible when you get the functional benefit)? This is very bad style to pretend something in the viewmodel that doesn't match what others see.
    I hope the laser is at least invisible when cloaked!
    How much does it actually improve accuracy? Is it worth the visual clue?
  4. nehylen

    The turning on/off option is mostly not to get annoyed with it when you aim (especially in ads), as it's a potentially disturbing, sometimes even offsetting presence, depending on the gun.
    The visual is not at all a good indicator of your aim itself, just a cosmetic.

    It is invisible while cloaked however. As for the accuracy it reduces cone of fire diameter by 33% (usually) to 40% (advanced laser sight). Its effect is very noticeable when you hipfire, albeit less so with buckshot shotguns (due to pellet spread).
  5. _itg

    I've heard the opposite, actually. Turning off the laser sight DOES hide it for everyone. I think there was an old video, maybe by Wrel, which showed off the effect. I doubt they ever changed this.
  6. Dowlphin

    Hm, I checked videos and found one from 2013 where turning it on/off would do so visibly to others, too. But if that's still the case and it doesn't turn the functionality off, then why have it in the first place, and active by default nonetheless?
    It's frustrating when the dev's communication is so bad. There should be an official information about such behaviors instead of just throwing stuff out and letting players figure it out, which I have to do now and which proves not easy due to possibly outdated information.
    It's kinda appalling all-around. Personally I don't have someone to try it out with, but so many others should, yet there seems to be no up-to-date information. If I had the means for such tests, I'd probably make a proper video myself, but then again, why do the devs' work filling such basic information gaps?
  7. FateJH

    The long-standing explanation is that toggling the beam is purely cosmetic for the holder. You wouldn't be seeing the beam in real life anyway.
    It depends on the weapon.
    Did you read the wiki page for the Laser Sight? Most of what you're asking about right now is there. I do admit that it's outdated in the respect that we no longer have Advanced Laser Sights (normal and advanced were merged). Beyond that, and short of bugs, you're good to go. They don't really play around with things that much.

    And the wiki is not the developer's responsibility either. Players have to willingly choose to keep it up to date.
  8. Dowlphin

    Right, a visible beam isn't realistic anyway (unless in smoke), so that is even more reason to have it visibly off by default. What's the point to have that effect in the first place?
    I'm still not sure now whether others currently see its off state. I guess I'll have to ask someone in a warp gate to tell me.
  9. Dowlphin

    Just tested it. I don't know whether it distinguishes between friend and foe, but I'd assume not. Others see your laser on/off state and the laser, even on highest settings, becomes invisible after maybe 10-20 meters. Unless you zoom in, in which case it might become visible again.
  10. FateJH

    Probably to remind you that you have the laser sight attached to that loadout. There's probably some kind of coconut effect it's playing on where people expect to be able to see the laser.

    Alternately, since the laser serves to others as a very brief indicator that you're heading a certain direction, making it visible is a "pros/cons" aspect of the attachment.