[Suggestion] Balancing Motion Spotter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saokeh, May 9, 2016.

  1. Saokeh

    We all know a bulk of players that abuse the heck out of motion spotter. I'm as guilty as anyone. It's been talked about for years to find a valuable solution. The main reason why I believe there's a reason to tone it down is platform difference.

    Stats will show you flanking is king on the ps4. Good light assaults and smg infils can do work due to slower twitch reaction times without a mouse of the people getting flanked. So looking from a balance prospective, smg infils are near the top of the food chain (more apparent in small battles).

    Giving them access to the already undisputed best grenade, amazing cqc capabilities, and of course the almighty spot everyone in a huge radius. Something needs a change. I recommend making the spotter have pulse mechanic. Much like the recon device but at slower intervals.

    Or give it just directional capabilities. It will scan at a 90 degree spread from where you are facing when you lay it down. Giving it point hold purpose from choke points. The 50 meters in all directions is too much utility for one class. And countering a spotter with a spotter is just ignoring the problem all together.

    The implant to counter is a poor workaround. Looking at implants, planetside 2 has 2 implants specifically to counter infil TOOLS, should tell you something is wrong in general with the balance of the class.
  2. RainbowDash9

    crouch, shoot it, or dont go over there. whenever i see one i clear out the area and head straight for it, or, if there are too many people, i just avoid that area until it disappears.

    Its really not as OP as people seem to think.

    Also saying infil is op is just.....wut
    • Up x 2
  3. Gundem

    Oh wow, I'll just casually avoid ever ******* capture point ever since every single one has 27 motion spotters now?

    Gee wiz, what a great idea!
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  4. RainbowDash9

    if its on a cap point then just go for it. its not like it makes it impossible. literally everything can kill it, you can crouch, or just tough it up and go regardless. just because they can see you doesnt mean they auto-win. hell half the time they dont even look at their maps lol.

    but seriously if you cant handle a motion spotter that does what everyone else presses Q for, you got some issues in your game strategy to work out.
  5. UberNoob1337101

    Yeah, let's nerf the only thing that makes infiltrators useful and unique in squad play and which isn't even a problem to deal with :rolleyes:

    It really isn't a problem, because there are a lot of easy work-arounds, like crouching, forcing them away from the motion spotter, DESTROYING the motion spotter, not coming close to the motion spotter and so many more. It provides an advantage if someone is around and unaware, else you just tell everyone within the area that there's an infil nearby.

    Or, or, just go straight for the guy. The motion spotter doesn't make it impossible to kill that infil, it just makes him aware of you and make him either bail or fight you. If you shoot first, you're guaranteed to win. Or if you're really desperate throw a grenade inside and see the spotter go boom.

    But obviously plebs just won't learn...
  6. Saokeh

    How often I hear people say destroy it. Fun fact. If its in a building, good luck hitting it without an emp. And crouch? Are you kidding? Point holds and building holds are what make spotters super strong for squad play. "To counter this no nanite tool, everyone crouch walk to point" Please understand the mechanic. We have vehicle prox sensors, darts, crossbow sensor. Why in gods name would we need a sensor that tells you where you face in all directions around it that can be resupplied by engie packs. Any seasoned infil will run spotter every single time over darts. So yes....thats a great sign of broke.
  7. Saokeh

    The 1 v 1 situations isnt the only reason its broken. A good player on an smg infil will win most engagements on ps4. Let alone the benefits in squad play. Less of an issue for platoon zergs as numbers can overcome flanking. But on ps4, you have less of a window to effectively counter a flank since aiming is a bit less twitch controlled. There's no reason it should be as strong as it is. I destroy people with my spotter and I see a need to tone it down for balance play.
  8. RainbowDash9

    Im a "seasoned infil" and the only time i choose spotter is if im stalker infiltrator. Any other time i use darts. Why? Either A, they break them as fast as i place them (like they should be, shocking i know), or B, the map is such a cluster **** that it isnt useful lol
  9. Saokeh

    Break them as fast as you place them? Thats hilarious. Being that you must be putting them far away from you to let that happen. If you were "seasoned" only an emp should be taking it down as placement and protecting it still gives you many flanking opportunities. And why would you use a spotter as a stalker? Squad yes...1v1 no. The minute I see a spotter, if i dont hear a cloak sound I go commish darklight.
  10. Eranorz

    Seriously infiltrators are already gimped when it comes to any confrontation that's not at long ranges, removing the one useful way they can contribute to a squad is a terrible idea.

    Also you realize this is a PC game as well right? In any case using the stats from the PS4 version of the game to determine balance objectively isn't going to reveal much critical data, as there are infinitely more noobies/casuals who play console games and the numbers will be skewed as a result
  11. orangejedi829

  12. Saokeh

    Didnt say remove but alter. And that's been my point for the longest time now. Balancing between both systems, not just pc. Flanking classes dominate on console no question. I would like to see the spotter redesigned. Because in a 1v1 situation, emp grenade band motion spotter infil "should" destroy all classes. Without implants, they would. But alas on ps4, no implants, less control to counter flanks.
  13. Taemien

    Do what I do. Kill the people around it, then destroy the spotter.

    Sometimes you don't need to be stealthy. Run in with a bunch of guys at once and watch them panic. Sometimes letting them know you're coming works to your advantage.

    Or a EMP grenade works too. EMPing spawn beacons and spotters in spawn shields is great. Canceling last second redeploys is even better so you can bend them over once you cap the base.
  14. Azawarau

    I dont find it OP

    Throw an EMP to counter it or use a flashlight

    If you see the motion spotter you can assume an infiltrator is nearby

    You should also have your own spotters around
  15. BurntMyWater

    Get your own infils to place motion spotters to even the playing field. I find that infiltrators are actually at their most useful when used to counter other infiltrators, what with their radar and cloak-disrupting EMP.
  16. RainbowDash9

    considering they are shown on the map to EVERYONE, is it really that strange that they are killed easily? and i use spotter as stalker to attract nubs like you to feast upon. i dont use it for its intended purpose when i lone wolf lol

    ハイタッチ (i dont know if you used google translate or anything but just a warning, its ******** lol)
  17. Stormsinger

    For every item, there should be a counter. For every rock, there should be paper, for every paper, there should be scissors. This is the circle of balance in many games, and while PS2 isn't completely balanced in this manner... there are a few gaping holes in available counters - motion spotters (and radar in general) are the biggest ones. (I do not count Implants as a viable counter - when the only passive counter to a system requires a specific implant / energy... there may as well not be any counter at all. )

    The solutions to this are simple. A radar resistant suit option for Infiltrators (and potentially Light Assaults) is all there really needs to be (cutting detection radius by a given % ) . A small minimap affect that alerts you to active scout-radar would be a welcome change as well. I've spent easily 1000+ hours driving around on my maxed radar / stealth flash, providing 100m minimap scouting for my entire faction, a function that is invisible to the enemy unless i'm Q-spotted (which is difficult, when i'm hiding well within friendly defenses.) To take things a step further, allow another cert option that jams enemy radar's functionality (again, providing a minimap alert affect that jamming is active in the area)

    The fix options for this are easy (although implementation may not be) - but there is definitely an imbalance in current functionality that should be correct.

    Edit: I think that Proximity radar is fine as it is - my above only applies to full-team minimap sharing radars. Personal, vehicle-occupant-only radars should remain as they are due to decreased range / less team awareness-sharing.
  18. orangejedi829

    It's... what exactly? I didnt use GT; my japanese is just bad. Bachigai is the closest word i could think of for "inappropriate", hahaha.
  19. RainbowDash9

    i was saying translate is stupid basically lol. but what i said was high five. just for ***** and giggles i went onto google translate to see what it gave and it said high touch o.o .......kinky
  20. LaughingDead

    Motion spotter is a bit broken in skirmishes, beyond that it's kinda meh. You simply run sensor shield, and walk, it's not like you're ALWAYS supposed to be sprinting, you can even trick people into thinking you're clueless by facing a different direction, crouching and turning around, that way people will think your back is turned but in reality you'll shoot them first.