HIVE efficiency

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by freshrebel234, May 6, 2016.

  1. freshrebel234

    what is the efficiency number on active HIVE's? how is it calculated?
  2. Gammit

    How quickly it is generating Victory Points (VPs). Closer to the enemy's warpgate, the more efficiency.
  3. XanIves

    And the distance to the enemy's warpgate is calculated by lattice links, NOT as the crow flies. A lot of people seem to be confused about that.
    • Up x 1
  4. FallenRoach

    Excellent Iridiar51's guide to construction system:


    Scroll down for HIVE explanation.
  5. freshrebel234

    tnx for the help guys :) I now understand it better and it will be a pleasure to play ps2 now :D